Worst castlemania

worst castlemania

this shit took me 4 hours to make

fun fact, the whole document takes 5gb of ram to stay open

was it worth it?

But why

>Resident Evil 4 HD Texture Project.jpg

>this shit took me 4 hours to make

You're still on step 2 user

Thanks for the new wallpaper kek

I'd ironically play a video game remake that replaces all the graphics with photobash shit

>modern games optimization.jpeg

the soma cruz was pretty cool to make
here's the png


That honestly looks pretty cool

rule of thumb, gold water bottle images are very useful for making gold accents and trim

this seems very detailed

Not the exact same process but I did something similar for pic related on FUCKING PAINT
>extract tile files from AM2R
>single out each. individual. tile.
>take screenshots of the starting area and find the tile patterns
>excruciatingly create a 1:1 replica of the area by MANUALLY MOVING EVERY SINGLE TILE for a 1080p display
>create an edit of a helmetless samus from her death sprite plus a slightly curved version of her idle position
>jumble it all together, make wallpaper
Felt pretty good deapite the retarded ammounts of effort that could have been averted if I didn't using fucking mspaint. Great job on your project user, I'm sure it took 3x as much effort and insanity as mine

why didn't you give samus' head an outline?


I have no idea why you'd bother doing this, but I applaud your effort. nicely done.

Looks like a manlet.

yes, the pants required significant puppet warping to match the original sprite

Holy shit, that UI looks familiar. I'm sure some 90s PC game had life bars textured exactly like that, I jut can't place it.

Have memes gone too far?

I've finished SotN a couple of days ago. Next ones will be Aria and Dawn.

>hd texture pack
>no noise+sharpen filter

Here you go :)

I see I wasn't the only one who thought its second arm was a foot at first.

And all of a sudden she's just that much more visible. Cheers user. Guess it just never ocurred to me that a 1-frame head sprite on a white background during a death animation would clash against a dark environment

didn't realize it was an arm pointed towards the moon.

aw well, would've been a pain to find an angled skeleton arm.

Best Castlemainia EVER.

When will they learn?

You know?
I really want to make a game that looks like that