Going to police academy soon, what are some good games where I can roleplay as a cop/SWAT...

Going to police academy soon, what are some good games where I can roleplay as a cop/SWAT. I've been playing a whole lot of pic related.

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Arma RP servers

There aren't a lot of child killing simulators out there right now

Altis Life mod in ArmA 3

It's literal police-work


Police Quest.
True Crime LA.
Urban Chaos.
House if the Dead Overkill (Just in case)



RE5 is pretty good.

Don't worry OP, there's gonna be plenty of larping as a cop for you in real life.

pretty good recommendations.

>being a cop in 2017

Enjoy having your life ruined when some kid pulls a gun on you and the media blames you for not "shooting to injure"

OP, why do you hate black people?

maybe he isn't from the third world shithole of america?

Why don't you?

LA Noire

96% white here user, not enough darkies here for us to hate them

try SWAT3 too

rainbow six games aren't technically about cops, but the first 3 games play a lot like swat3/4 (minus non lethal) and you can just pretend to be militarized police shooting first asking questions later

SWAT 3 has better and more realistic AI. You can learn proper room clearing procedures just by watching them work. The AI in the game is so effective that you can set up a game with only AI players and they will be able to clear entire missions without any user input, often with little to no casualties. The AI in SWAT 4 in comparison just casually jog to haphazard waypoints with their guns on their hips and it's a crapshoot if they can handle even just one gunman. The greater lethality of combat in 3, the tendency of the enemy AI to wander around more, and the lack of casual safety nets such as door wedges and the ability to mirror under doors also leads to more tension and urgency in combat than in 4.

So when you took the mandatory lie detector test, what did you tell them when they asked you if you've ever seen cp? (I assume you've at least seen a thumbnail if you've been on Sup Forums long enough)

Did you give them the login info for your exhentai account like they require you to? Remember, they ask you with the lie detector if you withheld any logins from them.

Play SWAT 3 since it's more realistic

If OP's in America, "shoot first, ask questions later" sounds exactly like standard police procedure.

lol is this really a thing in glorious USA?

you can execute enemies who have surrendered without any kind of penalty too so I suppose it's even more accurate haha

In the hiring process for becoming a cop it is.

They also ask you if you have any racist opinions or hang out with any racist people, so I wonder if OP told them about Sup Forums and how nigger is like the most common work used on Sup Forums.

future cop LAPD

I'm pretty clean and confident that my political beliefs are not racist. Also I haven't lied about anything since I was 14. Lie detector was a breeze

Well if you visit Sup Forums you are bound to found CP.
The thing if you actively search for it.

Going to ROTC today. Been playing a lot of Call of Duty lately.

It doesn't matter. The media or whoever doesn't give a shit about the circumstances if they found out a cop was anywhere near CP, and the natural question that would be asked is
>Have you ever seen CP?
>Yes, I go on Sup Forums so sometimes I see it but I'm not actively searching for it!
>Then why are you going to a website where you know CP will be posted regularly at all?
>Uhhhh..... dank memes?
Doesn't hold up


cops stopped being cool a long time ago

Yeah it would be for the best to say just no and be done with it.

Urban Chaos Riot Response

>not JROTC
Would have made the meme better


I actually haven't seen much CP here since wtsnacks got the boot

You're in my spot, sir.

This isn't a normal thing and they don't do this.

there are, you just need to look in the right place

kill yourself pig

>It's literal police-work
No, user its rping not real police work. I fuck with the cops so much, literally worst cops I pay half of them off on drug runs.

Ready or Not, when that comes out. I haven't even seen gameplay of that shit and I'm already seduced.

you're from Dubai aren't you, you little faggot?

Polygraphs tests are a completely normal part of the application process for police, a simple google search will confirm this. And yes, they do ask you questions about your personal and criminal history.

Have you tried the Streets of Rage games or NARC?