Post your current desktop and be judged Sup Forums

post your current desktop and be judged Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


I honestly forgot I have dishonored installed

mostly been playing pubg and divinity these days

I post it but subhuman trash Sup Forums can't judge a shit nowadays


holy fucking weeb!

Yeah okay.


Oh boy, can't wait for this thread to inevitably be deleted or moved to Sup Forums.



>moved to Sup Forums
cmon now, we all know that threads don't get moved here, just deleted.

At last, a man with taste.

wow ur a real gaymer!




i've been posting this one for ages and was never judged for it. Hopefully, that means it's not terribly bad, at least.


>launching games from the desktop
why? saves a whole 1 click?

autists who put the graphs on desktop to watch the dials go up and down desperately need to land a job at any complex vehicle operating business

I like the clutter, idk

It's messy I know


that monkey suspiciously looks like a toy from the longest journey

edgy deep web lurker detected

no, it's just recently installed (also, frequently used, so yeah - quicker from desktop)

holy redd*t!


>he doesn't know who he is

I'm quite possibly retarded but I can't get a pic of my desktop be be less than 4mb

I don't really use TOR if at all. I just try it now and again

save in jpg.

and would be glad to keep any nasty details a mystery

print screen --> copy paste to paint --> change canvas size --> save

try to remove some icons from the desktop before you print screen it


I always clean it up when it starts to get cluttered by throwing everything into the "trash" folder, which I then sort through every other month or so.

Also 720p because I'm a pleb. Renting an apartment second-hand, and there was a TV here already, to which I hooked up my PC. The TV is an ancient wreck though, and my options were 720p or non-native 1080i, so yeah.


Why don't you learn japanese and play japanese only things stuff.

havent botherd to clean in a long time



>weeb games and wallpaper
pedophile detected, hope you remember to come up with a good answer to "what you in for homes" when meeting your cellmates.

>Christmas themed pape in the middle of summer


Someone start rating all of them already, I need my validation.

Kill yourself

are you what?


in all seriousness, you should actually consider killing yourself. get a good shotgun ready in case the police comes a-knocking, prison is hell for pedo scum like you

that is eye-blazingly awful, unless the color saturation is set to -100%

love the image


I hate summer.

That wasn't me, you should fucking end yourself for complaining about anime on Sup Forums.

Seriously, just fuck off and leave cancerous fuck


>I love going to coffee shops and complaining about the coffee.
Go fucking kill yourself, you'd be doing everybody here a favour.

Too messy outta ten

Don't know what most of those are but I'm assuming they're mostly VNs outta ten

Damn good wallpaper outta ten

Good wallpaper, but no shortcuts is kinda boring outta ten


no bully





Dear god in heaven why


I'm p boring

>4k screen
>cluttered up screen with random icons scattered
>201 tabs
>two minecraft.exes

Dad is that you?

this thread need more Sup Forums
got no pics of my old linux setup left, and even then it was pretty vanilla, so I won't be contributing



>this thread need more Sup Forums

Wouldn't be video games then

I want to live in alaskan wilderness by myself but I feel baby crazy

tux racer is vidya though



man fuck these captcha

Turn on legacy captcha in the settings

Get Sup Forums pass



Is that from the Mob Psycho OP?

pls no bully


Yes, at least something emulating it.
This is so much better, thanks nigga.

>mfw just cleaned it a few days ago
Feels good.

Why so salt?



Cute, I like Nichijou too

I'm boring
The games folder is for pirated stuff and emulators
and yes I know my screens aren't perfectly aligned

Where do I find wallpapers? /wg/ or google?

remember when everyone had those edgy super 1337 hax0r windows blinds custom themes or whatever? guess that isn't really a thing anymore is it?

Jill a qt

I just go search them on fucking boorus usually.

I need to find a decent wallpaper, getting tired of the default one.


pic related

What up doc?
