Reminder that Squad is literally the most rewarding and engaging shooter out right now

Reminder that Squad is literally the most rewarding and engaging shooter out right now

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Wow, that webm of explosions sure convinced me


Sounds gay af


I just hate it when I join a server and have to join Sergeant Retard's squad wich is quite busy building Fort Moron and then the enemy team comes along and rapes everything by knowing what they're doing and the exact same thing happens the next round and the round after that.

does the game still run like dog dick?

It's mostly just boring tbqh.

Unreal Engine IV, also runs like utter shit and goes from visually mediocre to barely passable.


PR mod has those too.

Moreover if you follow development, devs are just taking vacations all the time... Some of the key members jumped ship, they are struggling to hire competent developers. KS and EA money went god knows where...

They've been teasing new animations and inventory system for half a year. Still waiting for those... Delays after delays...

It's a mess.

It does unfortunately...

Wanted to play the new urban map. It's all very flat and looks like trash. Still 24fps...

I got into a few firefights, but between the game being blurry even without DOF or BLUR, chromatic aberration when you get suppressed and the piss poor performances... I just played a game, alt+f4 and went playing some custom maps on RS2 instead.

Yeah-yeah, it's all your teammate's fault, it's totally not you just being a shitter!

>so engaging that my framerate drops to 20fps as soon as i zoom in vehicle

in trash it goes.

Squad is a game about teamplay and cohesion and me being a shitter or not doesn't even matter. Of course you would know that if you had actually played the fucking game and weren't just here to shitpost ;)

Yes PC into the trash

i7 7700k, gtx 1060. Eat shit cuck

>i7 paired with a 1060

more future proof than shitty i5 which is already not enough for some games, or even worse dogshit ryzen. I'm already ready to replace gtx 1060 when needed in 1.5-2.5 years.

>trying to future proof at all
>calling ryzen bad
>actually paired a decent cpu with a low tier video card

I have an intel processor but everything you've said sounds retarded and it doesn't look like I'm the first to point it out.

I still like RO2 more.

>blurry suppression effect

Jesus I can't wait for the day when this meme dies...

It works on DH or Ins, but the Unreal Engine 2 or Source Engine are sharp as it gets. The blurryness on Unreal Engine 3/4 makes me want to puke.

Anyway RS2 bretty good as well although extremly glitchy, hope they port the WW2 content like they said they might.

>start up Squad
>pull up server browser
>*No Servers*
>hit refresh
>3 Servers all out of China
>hit refresh
>9 Servers out of China/Europe/Aus
>hit refresh
>2 Servers out of China
>hit refresh
>16 Servers China/Europe/Aus/USA
>finally join USA server
>*26 in que*
>alt-tab to Sup Forums
>45min later
>actually join USA server
>team is getting spawn camped
>11 unassigned
>7 squads of no more than 2 people
>*create squad*
>coms chat dead silent
>no FOBs
>just me so can't get in any vehicles
>walk all the way from spawn past the BTR camping the front gate to first obj
>get sniped
>walk to obj again
>get sniped
>repeat till game is over
>*change maps*
>*create squad*
>"So what's the plan?"
>coms chat dead silent
>game starts
>SQ1 takes logi/BTR and rushes to the enemies first obj
>take transport
>finally get to our first obj
>SQ1 wiped, already lost the BTR, and parked the logi on the edge of the map
>no logi = no FOB
>enemy rushes our obj
>we all die
>no spawn point
>walk from spawn
>get sniped

No, its not.

Not sure why but regardless of the settings I play on everything past 100m is blurry and shit. Unlike ArmA where I can pick up a dude at 300-400m I can't discern anything in this game.

Do you have all of the globlials set up correctly?