The Thalmor did nothing wrong

The Thalmor did nothing wrong

Isn't Talos literally a god now though?


Fucking anti-Lorkhan faggots I swear

>haven't genocided all humans yet

Big wrong right here.

*blocks your divine*

Talos probably didn't become a God himself, he probably joined the Lorkahn amalgamation that doesn't do jack shit, ever.

Dunmer are the master race tho.

He's a god, and also the equivalent of a "tower". It's unclear if he actually is a tower, but he has the same effect by reinforcing the wheel if you know what I'm referring to.

It's why the Thalmor want to eradicate Talos worship, he will exist as long as men believe in him, and as long as he exists the world can't be undone and elves (and men) can't ascend.

And he's also the most ascended motherfucker there is right now because I'm pretty sure he used all the Walking Ways to become a god.

They just want him gone because he represents the exact opposite of their ideals, don't fly too off the reservation with your unconfirmed fan theories.

Dunmer despite being awesome are probably the dumbest of the elves. Throwing in with the Daedra has provided them little to no benefit. In fact all their racial bonuses(fire resistance) are from a curse(azura) or their ancestors power.

The Dunmer are like that kid in high school who's a jaded assholes, hates everything but can't figure out why no one likes him.

Are they british?

His face pisses me off.

He's a dick.

It is true that elder scroll have the deepest lore?

yes but unironically

Skyrim may be a shallow game but it's a good elder scroll's game. Rate my opinion.

The Civil War and the backstory of the Thalmor and the previous war was far, far more interesting than the main "plot" of Skyrim.

You may think you're being clever, but that was the point.

the thalmor are going to destroy the world on a theory

What is the Dunmer opinion on these Thalmor shenanigans?

Absolutely fuck those crytpokikes

Elves are subhuman trash


Post your Skyrim sluts.