Was he in the wrong?

Was he in the wrong?

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Who's this greasy cunt.

The only streamer I like. Guy is literally a genius.

Is this Maddox's new shtick?

is he the most viewed PUBG streamer?

So he must have a IQ of 50 if he's a genius in comparison to you.

>a character
>makes tons of money playing shitty games
>married with a little daughter
>good looking

Now tell me about you, user.

You sound insecure

No. Player unknow is a candy ass who trys to act tough.

>good looking
If that was the case he could easily play his character without putting glasses that cover a ridiculous amount of his face or using a wig.

It shows his insecure and your post shows you're insecure. A pair of sad acts. No wonder you like him.



You know he's playing a character right?

>He's using a costume because he's ugly!

Great argument, for a retard.

>married with a little daughter


>reading comprehension
I said he should have no problem playing out his character without them, if he can't it shows he's insecure and needs them as a crutch to get into character. I never said anything about him being ugly. Stop projecting.

Never replied about that but people don't need to take off their costumes while they playing, it's their gimmick. What the viewers came to see along with his personality.

>Not good looking

I've only ever seen him in SALT videos from MaiNeenja, so I don't know anything about him, but he's seemed like a shitter each time, even after factoring in the character.

Quit shilling your fotm streamer garbage here faggot

Holy Fuck

Looks pretty handsome to me.

>defense force shills come running

Easily got the worst fanbase
>Yo Doc pls fuck my wife XD

i hope he gets perma banned

>telling people that other guy is good looking
Yeah, I'm so insecure, guys. But I guess that 2 fucking slobs are way better than him, imaright guyz? Highfive!

He should wear a different outfit with that moustache

>playing the high horse card when you unironically watch a grown man play video games whilst he wears a wig and probably donate to him all for the sake of "entertainment"

Wow jimmy you sure showed me

The real question is, what does he look like without the wig?

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

He did. You've got nothing left.

Yeah he showed me he's autistic. As are everyone who find solace in twitch.

what the HECK is even GOIN ON

>Retard questions other people's reading comprehension.

Not even going to bother reading the stupid shit you write. You're a fucking idiot, you think the guy is using a fucking costume because he's ugly. Learn to fucking write properly you stupid cuck.

I don't know who he is, so yes.

>get btfo

Ok, pal. Take the L and move on.

>using cuck in late 2017 unironically
>telling me my shit is stupid

damn dude you just backed the fuck out a multi-billion dollar service that entertains hundreds of thousands of people every day
god damn dude what are they going to do now


>defending (((twitch streamers))) unironically
Is it summer?
Is it neo/v/?
Is it Reddit?
What is happening to this place?

He got banned and literally everyone accepted that including him. The only reason there's drama is because everyone thought the tweets were jokes but the dev was actually having a PTSD attack lmao

No way, PU was a pussy


>representing and defending some random faggot who doesn't even know you exist on a taiwanese pot collector's forum

>Twitch is bad because I said so!

>multi billion dollar
Literally only because of 4 games. League, CSGO, Dota and Heartstone. Take them away and it's nothing but a e-friend help line for the lonely.

>Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps & e-Celebrities

Imagine being THIS mad over a temp ban

The funny thing is that the fact that he cant play the game didnt affect the popularity of the game. The game is still on top. He might have 20K fags watching him but at the end of the day who cares.
I wish he keep talking shit on twitter and being an asshole in the game so they perma banning him, a little bit less of cancer.

Like a Chad doing that thing where you grow an ironic moustache for a month.

>if I could do the splits I'd roundhouse kick you in the neck

He seems like a tool honestly.
But who knows, because the "character" excuse. Seems like low tier entertainment for kiddos.

boy I sure do love making contrarian posts on my favourite mongolian basket weaving forum to act like i'm better than people infinitely more successful than i am
i'm totally not bitter or jealous at all

don't slob on anyone's dick unless they love you, or pay you.

He plays PUBG, he's automatically in the wrong.

People who unironically spend time watching others play video games are either underage or mentally stunted.

Whether it be twitch streaming, or annoying youtubers with spontaneous comedy who think their funny, if you sit down and watch others play video games you are either 12 or have an iq under 100

E-sports are acceptable though because like sports, you're watching teams of people do things that you could never do.

>getting mad about people you don't know as well because it's cool to hate and be edgy

He's a streamer who played a lot of player unknown.

Basically he was playing squads with 2 other streamers and a random. They found a bike that could seat three people, so he killed the random for no real reason
(could have let the person find another car or bike or even try to run to the zone.) and got banned for it, and now his fans are pissed.

>eople who unironically spend time watching others play video games are either underage or mentally stunted.
>E-sports are acceptable though
yikes my man

Do you think streamers ever feel guilty tricking children into giving them money?

why can't these 15 year olds fuck off and stop flooding us with e-celeb threads. its driving me fucking crazy, every day, nothin but muh e-celebs.

>complaining about people tastes
>complaining about what people should watch

I watch twitch while at work and only then.
>inb4 manchildren that don't have an office job call me lazy

Streamers have no proud, they are just like clowns. They will literally jump like monkeys if someone send them money to do it.

>and now his fans are pissed.
If its not a permaban why doesn't he just play another game while waiting out his ban? Why get mad about knowingly violating the rules?

Hard to decide who is the biggest faggot here
>twitch shitter with a "badass" character (big throwback to 90s teenagers desu)
>this player unknown homo throwing a bitch fit over "threats" on twitter
>OP for starting a thread about this

You seem to lack the comprehension to understand why I said that. Why would you watch people play video games unless it's at a competitive level? Why would anyone watch sports unless it was at a competitive level (Pro-tip, nobody watches pick up games of basketball on television, but people watch literally whos play cs:go or fotm survival game at a sub par level)
It's okay dude, go back to playing a game for 1 hour, and then jerking off a streamer because you're a brainlet
There are better things to watch when you work, you just choose the retard variety.

You know it's been like this for 3-4 years, right? You're still bitching about it after all this time? Or are you new? Which is it?

I don't want to watch anything good enough to actual grab my attention, nothing I hate more than not giving a show your full attention .

>Stop liking the things I don't like!

The guy has gone on stream without the costume. There are pictures. He is incredibly good looking.

him on the left

so now what's your point

Are you telling me he got banned over one (1) teamkill?

This is the most reddit image I've seen on this site.

The ban was OK...but PU was a little bit gay.

OP is the biggest gay here, liking a guy that uses a stupid wig and act like an ass and paying to watch another person playing a game. I really dont get this twitch culture.

Is there a video about that? I don't remember what's his name?

You have always been subject to getting banned if there is video proof or one of the devs/mods is watching your stream, the latter was the case here.

sup DrCuck, you look like an older and thinner version of Perturbed Pedro

>ignore the whole point
>ad hominem

muh videogames

What the hell? How is this an actual rule? How coddled are twitchcucks?

>he's incredibly good looking
He looks like angry joe.

>incredibly good looking

do you watch him to fap? you seems to have a big weird admiration, saving pictures and shit.

is that dr dickserect

I like Doc and I don't care what you sad fucks say about him. He is incredibly entertaining. If you just watch him for a minute or two before shitposting here of course he will come off as a jerk, but if you watch him longer you see how well he plays the character. Also he has the production value that makes the stream stand out.

This. He is head and shoulders above any other twitch streamer in dedication to providing entertainment.

no thats professor mean

>It's a rule, a good rule so you don't freely ruin the experience of other players all day like a child
>Streamer breaks said rule in front of 10-20,000 people

Not punishing him would set a bad example, surely you have common sense and can understand this.

Yeah, if he has a mustache he is automatically a fat fag that is fucking ugly as hell. Got it.
In fact it was a quick search, it's not rocket science. I'm not even the user you replied but the guy has a cool appearance, that's all. Stop projecting.

>full lowercase
>"why can't these 15 year olds fuck off"

>you put your squad at a disadvantage if you teamkill
>this even needs a rule

>How is this an actual rule
To avoid facilitating griefing much less glamorizing it.

It's explicitly stated in the ToS you sign to play the game.

What is this gif from? I LOVE Keanu in comedy roles

his shtick gets old after 5 minutes, doesn't help that hes only playing the flavour of the month early access survival game

Nobody is projecting dude.
You feel attracted to another man, that is just a fact.


sup Doc

>He is incredibly entertaining. If you just watch him for a minute or two before shitposting
Exactly. As I said, it's cool to be edgy and hate everything here. If you allow yourself to enjoy something like this and not rage on sight you will, actually, enjoy his stream.

In general the maturity levels of gamers in this day and age is at an all time and ever increasing low so you need to at the very least set rules like that in stone for everyone to see.

Especially now that you have twitch and the children that spews onto gaming you can't expect people to think clearly in a game with friendly fire turned on.

That doesnt make him above the rules you cuck

Why does the game have friendly fire at all? This is just bad design.

i cant even tell if people like you are baiting anymore