What is the Linkin Park of vidya?

What is the Linkin Park of vidya?

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cod series


games that I haven't played because I've never listened to Linkin Park.


Persona 3
Because you shoot yourself in the head
Like that Linkin Park singer Kurt Cobain

get it

Persona 3

why? is it cuz ure a virgin?


Wasn't Kurt Cobain that dude from Burzum who was shoot by his friend Billy Corgan?

Linkin Park is and always has been edgy shit.

I still think this would've made a kickass videogame.

Isn't that Halo Wars?

Kurt Cobain played in Pantera and was shot on-stage by some nutjob

i thought he got crushed under a bus back in '86


You ruined it

Actually good answer though





Mw1 or 2

You know there are official Linkin Park video games right? More than one even, one of them was even bundled with an exclusive song I don't think they released anywhere else.

it was self inflicted


Can someone explain to me how the fuck can someone so successful in life be so miserable as to kill himself?

Every time I hear about a celebrity committing suicide it makes me wonder how I'm going to make it as someone who's accomplished nothing.

never turned the radio to a rock station between 2000 and 2007? i find that hard to believe. u probably saw that transformers movie that had linkin park as the credits song too. stop lying faggot

Even though they used Godsmack Linkin Park is more suitable for the game

He's clearly underage or a grandpa

Maybe he hated his family and was secretly in debt. Money fuckin rocks, can't imagine killimg myself knowing I had shitloads of it.

>crawling threads are literally dead now

Happens literally all the time child, a very small percentage of them felt they accomplished everything they wanted to do, like Hemingway or Van Gogh, this guy was clearly just a big whiny pussy, I mean check out his lyrics

Depression is a hell of a drug

How could the singer of Nobody's Listening, Breaking The Habit, One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong, Leave Out All The Rest, Numb, Shadow of the Day, Final Masquerade, Nobody Can Save Me be suicidal?

I got nothing lad.

Because money can only get you so far in terms of happiness. Same with fame and popularity. Look at what happened to Robin Williams. He was a super beloved actor with a family and everything, he still killed himself. Don't pretend like you can see everything going on behind the scenes, everyone's got problems.

Something something Robin Williams. Something something Pagliacci.

go back to plebbit faggot

There's a difference between a singer and a writer

he had six kids. i guarantee you he was thinking about it as soon as #4 popped out

How is anything he said reddit?

Why? The lead singer of linkin park was famous and "accomplished" but in the end it didn't even matter.

He had dementia, he took the smartest way out. In the Ground had 6 kids, a wife, a "successful" career and just released another album. He probably just saw the garbage he created compared to the amusing but memeish music that people originally liked.

I was gonna change it but I thought nobody would be that much of a faggot about it, seeing as he wrote basically all of his lyrics in them anyways.


Assassin's Creed. Everybody loved it, it had a downturn(3), it had a comeback of sorts(4) and then everybody hated it(Unity)

he also collaborated with chris cornell :^)


>I thought nobody would be that much of a faggot about it
Welcome to Sup Forums

Depression doesn't give a single fuck who you are or how well off you are.

Nah, CoD is the Justin Beiber of vidya.

jb was never good

Because he made nu-metal and his claim to artistic immortality was naruto amvs.


>meme disease
boo hoo im sad about stuff i have depression. plz go get me some pills mom



Neither was CoD.

Nah bro he was assasinated by the illuminati... other replys are not woke


They song with handsome boy modeling school was top tier


where there any threads yesterday? i was surprised that there were threads for chris for a few weeks, but i didnt see any for chester.

The Sup Forums sticky was typical. Mostly edgelords and Sup Forums, with a genuine thought every 200 posts


We had some threads, yes. Mostly people fucking around, some genuinely talking about the guy, etc.

28 but thanks

Phil Fish

it doesnt really matter

Man I miss the early 2000s when everything was edgy and sci-fi. What the fuck aesthetic we even got nowadays?

were you looking for some deep heartfelt thread praising him or something? because the band hadn't been relevant since 2007

Because money doesn't bring happiness. It's that corny saying that you have heard multiple times in your life but it's true all the same. Yes, money can vastly improve your life, they can give you a chance to attain what you consider happiness, but if you have depression or what you seek isn't an attainable material, then money won't magically fix anything.


Different user, but both of those scenarios are completely realistic. Also, keep in mind that there's more to the world than the US.

I liked Minutes to Midnight


user, you shouldn't have explained the joke.

>Man I miss the early 2000s
Don't they were an objectively shitty time

for a lot of people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general, Linkin Park was probably the first band they ever "got into"

their logo looks like it belongs to a neo-nazi movement

no.just looked through the catalog a couple times yesterday. no to far either. people making joke/threads is actually what i expected

>The band, specifically frontman Chester Bennington, lashed out in response to the negative reception of One More Light's material. As documented through Spin magazine, in an interview with Music Week, Bennington, at the accusations that the band had "sold out", suggested that those people should "stab [themselves] in the face" and "move the fuck on" from the band's past sound

>be linkin park singer
>make shitty new music no one likes
>get mad at fans for wanting more music like their old stuff
>gets pushed one step closer to the edge
>literally necks himself

>Also, keep in mind that there's more to the world than the US.
so why don't you fuck off to krautchan, you faggot refugee

A Thousand Suns was good

Why not just make more songs like the old ones?

Not him, but for me it was a very fun time. I was a fucking teenager at the time. I had a pretty good time. Plus the internet and games were only just starting to get popular enough to find people to talk but not popular enough to attract normalfags. It was great.

How fucking embarrassing. Even if you were going to listen to rock why not pick something like the strokes, interpol or the yeah yeah yeahs? Why nu-metal? Even muse would be better.


>When my time comes
>Forget the wrong that I've done
>Help me leave behind some
>Reasons to be missed
>And don't resent me
>And when you're feeling empty
>Keep me in your memory
>Leave out all the rest
>Leave out all the rest

Too relevant.

Why don't you get into a time machine and ask middle-school Sup Forums?

Maybe he grew up. Maybe he was past that point in his life where he wanted to write and sing that. I dunno, LP have been utter shit for the last decade.

Considering the state of arrested development most people on this board are under I think asking them now would give the same result.

kek. pretty good shit post :^)

Thanks friend

I thought THP was a step in the right direction desu. Don't know why they didn't continue down that route.

>spend whole career making songs with edgy lyrics that sound like suicide and depression
>last album is called one more light
>people are surprised that he necks himself

they were on the radio, along with every other nu-metal and alternative music. i just listned to whatever my brother had on the computer