PS4 owners have spent over $150 for nothing

>PS4 owners have spent over $150 for nothing
is this the biggest scam in the video game market?

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reminder that sonnyggers cheered when sony announced paid online

they fucking cheered

>high quality free titles every month
>the best multiplayer experience for all the best AAA games
>access to sales and features

who will be the first to bring back free online and use it as a main feature for marketing?

Atari...after you give them $10,000,000 in Kickstarter funds.


2021 is gonna be our fucking year, boys.

Man I fucking wish.
All three console developers in the market right now are complete fucking cancer that are ruining the industry.

At least Sega actually tried to push technology forward back then.

>At least Sega actually tried to push technology forward back then.
No they didn't. Their consoles were vastly inferior to xbox hardware wise.

Most of the free games and just shitty indie platformers

Eh It doesn't bother me becuase I'm not poor and can afford $20 every 3 months

Last month I got Life Is Strange and this month Until Dawn. Pretty good for 50$. And still I got the sub until January 2018. Feels good.

how much of a cuck are you? same little cuck who shitposted sony while paying XBL fees for literally p2p networking and NOT Getting free games until sony started doing it

daily reminder there isn't a single online game on PS4 worth buying Playstation Plus for.

what did she mean by this?

What did I spend over $150 for, exactly? Because I don't think I did that.

um...this isn't the image I posted Sup Forums.

does that mean /hc/ has a bloodborne pic?

Any fighting game that isn't cross platform and Nioh would be my arguments.

>PSN download speeds still trash
>Xbox free games way better than PS Plus free games
>Never paid more than $30 for a year of XBL myself

I'm paying less for a much better service

>I'm paying less to get cucked than the other cucks


Honestly the free games have mostly been garbage.

Im not gay but Id suck that

>paying for having access to sales
You're right it's actually worse than nothing.Thank god the only worthwhile PS4 games are single player so I don't have to buy into this shit.

>tfw you will never again hear that beautiful singsong voice announce that you're about to play a sega game

>paying money to access to sales
something doesn't quite add up here lads

The games have been complete shit on the PS4 compared with what you got on PS3. As soon as it was mandatory for online play they knew they could take the piss with the monthly games.

ding, ding, dingdingdingding
Dooo do do do
Do do do do do do

>150 bucks a year
maybe if you are retarded like OP

two questions, how long has PSN Plus been around and how much is it each year?

What's this thread even about?

no, that's mobage

>watching some other dude get jacked off

Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not a faggot like you.

Xbox owners have spent over 800 on Live since it's inception, and over half of that was for literally nothing more than the privilege of connecting to their shitty peer2peer service.

nobody. This shit is profitable and the console cucks don't give a shit. In fact, they are happy to be ripped off by the company they worship.

>paying money for sales
>best multiplayer that goes down literally every fucking day

Its been around since PS3 in like 2010 I wanna say, but it isn't required to play on PS3

When the PS4 came out, it was mandatory


lol thats what im saying... dude probably thought he was being "so edgy" posting a handjob

Not everyone who plays on ps4 is happy for that bullshit

To be fair they didn't actually spend it on nothing, if multiplayer was free they'd just add an extra $200 to the ps4s price.

>Implying I play online games.
The ps4 is the perfect single player game console this gen and that's all you should be using it for.
Sony needs to fuck off with the paid online crap.

>ps-faggots have to PAY to gain access to online features that are otherwise free
>PAYING for free VOIP
>PAYING for free multiplayer
>PAYING for free games
PAYING for free shit lol.

>ps3 at $599

>ps4 at $399 + $300 (or more realistically $420) over 7 years
Thanks sony , this one's for the players

REALLY makes you think

>people pay for this

this is somehow related to video games

It would if it even had worthwhile games.
Seems Switch is this gen winner...

When ps+ was optional and you actually got good games every month I loved it. So much that I subbed for like 4 years straight

My sub finally ran out last month and I will not resub, not fucking ever. Fuck Sony for this bullshit

>moves netflix into a folder type thing with fucking ads

Fuck you sony, just let me open it from the dash you piece of shit.

>mfw no ads on netflix on PC

>It would if it even had worthwhile games.
It does, but every time someone mentions them you claim they're multiplats or bad games, as if that helps your argument instead of making you look like a faggot so nobody bothers anymore.
You didn't win, people just got tired of talking to someone with their head neck deep in their own ass.


well if they're multiplats that means I can get them on another system where online play is free.

Just out of curiosity unless you have a PC what are you going to do? Never play multiplayer again?

Just shell out for a Roku or a second computer monitor and stick it to the man.

no 4k either

but I can get 4k netflix

Nah I use it for the couch TV, I'll get a switch soon which doesn't have netflix yet.

I have a raspberry pi, so I'll just get that to do it. (Plus I can just play files off it too for non-netflix shows)

I don't know why they advertise 4k netflix when theres no 4k content. I can do 4k on netflix but whats the point?

I think the windows 10 app only maxes out at 1080p and the browser is 720p

>tfw have a friend who's had PS plus since the start.
>have each other's accounts on our respective ps3s, switched primaries on ps4

free (actually free) games feel good mang.

Sony deserve and needs all the money we can give them to keep making great consoles and exclusives.

4k with the app and gen 7 processor

I make 80 dollars a week and even i can afford a year of ps+

you only make 4000 dollars a year?

I have a PC, I only buy multiplayer games on PC and pirate the rest, and ps4 for exclusives. Easy.

They spent $400 for nothing before that.

I get 3000 back in taxes minimum every year because of my 3 kids too so it's not as bad as it sounds

Ahh no problems then. gg

Remember when Sony announced the price hike and people defended it?

well you make under 10k so you don't pay any income taxes to begin with.

yes it fucking is, perhaps the main reason i switched to PC.

if u actually read the thread you would know Sup Forums fucked up and posted this instead of my original image.