Is vidya devaluing female companionship?

Is vidya devaluing female companionship?

Other urls found in this thread:

females are devaluing female companionship

How is it possible to come up with such a bad article title?

Degeneracy is a form of modern natural selection.

>can play video games alone with no one complaining
>can play video games with someone complaining i don't waste enough money on her

Easy choice.


post the ghostbusters one

Sup Forums is leaking again.


I've Googled both the headline and the secondary line and I can't find jack shit about that article

Is this real, or was this a shop made to piss of niGGers?

Why is first post always best post?

Came here to post this.

Not anymore than gambling, drinking, fighting, or other intensely preoccupying hobby that predate video games.

idk I've been playing video games for 19 years and all I really want is female companionship

I hope so.

>have a job
>game in my off time, among other things
>slay copious amounts of the vagina

Sure thing, OP.

>t-t-t-these virgins
I hate feminists.

Ok, and?

Second one? Because it goes with sex?

>Caring about womyn
It's all about vidya and cute boys now.


Sounds about right.

My wife could not stand me on the computer all day.

I'm learning now to use it less. However she just wants me to do "better " hobbies like reading.

>someone was paid to write this
Please tell me its satire.

Who #neverkissed here?

Yes, because sex is the most important thing in the world. Fuck off horny teen.


Throw your wife into the trash we she belongs.
You should probably find hobbies both of you enjoy so you can do them together.

You can read books on your computer. Your welcome.

>implying there are no girls that like to sit around and play video games

They just usually aren't attractive, but you probably aren't either


Christ, I can FEEL the analpain radiating from this.

>implying those aren't just the minority

And why would a person ever wish to settle for that even if they are also ugly? In fact, why does a person need companionship to begin with, "friends" are fucking horrible and always want to bother you and waste your time, and that's just male friends, females turn that dial to 11. If you aren't happiest when you are completely alone and don't have to deal with any social obligations whatsoever (which does include sex, also a worthless endeavor), then you don't belong here and are a pox.

>Deja vu
>I've just been in this place before

Well said.

Does it mean sexual stimulation?
People feel "why try to get a woman when you can settle for a 100% success from a video game?"

>people who are probably extroverted trying to understand why introverted people don't like socializing with people

I'm so sick of these idiotic arm-chair psychology articles

holy shit it's yesterday again

Your rant has almost nothing to do with what I said.

Get a divorce. If your wife thinks that some hobbies are inherently "better" than other ones, she's not worth your time.

90% of my post had nothing to do with you, so that's fine, only the first sentence was relevant to what you said. Not everything is about you, fag.

we already had this thread yesterday wth

Then you should post it to your blog next time

Yesterday is actually today. You are stuck in a Boolean loop. Welcome to the matrix.

The correct term is "failure".

i've been gaming and dude weed lmaoing for 2 months solid cause i got my ass dumped, just started dating again and that time being a neet schlub only made me appreciate the company of (decent) women more

>Above average dick
>Have good luck with women
>Still prefer vidya over pursuing women
>If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't be able to play games, then watch anime etc

>user steals yesterday's line for (You)s

>so needy that he needs validation of another person in order to simply exist
you realize that this is the exact same mindset as the gay/tranny community, right? Without constant external validation they feel worthless. Are you a tranny, user? Or maybe you just need to find a good dick to suck.


Was this written by Heavy?

Okay, what should women do to fix this problem? What can they do to make you stimulate the economy by marrying them, buying a house, having children, keeping up with Joneses etc?

Not that user, but red pill me on why I should watch Initial D.

Not being cheating vapid whores for starters

Just don't be a bitch.
That's pretty much all I personally ask.
But fuck marriage, that shit's a scam.

This unironically, third wave feminism and uncontrolled decadence with no responsability has led to so much unhappiness.


Females should become more like vidya

the music is good, the small town life/fucking around is charming, and the racing culture is hype/hilarious


No, it's called liberals.

So, is the west finally going Herbivore like Japan? Will we have leagues of men shunning sex and relationships in favour of gaming, saving money and perusing over solitary hobbies?

nothing, they can live as they please I don't care just leave me alone


Is this just a ploy to get men marrying again so they spend more money?

>Single men generally save money
>Married men spend more money
>If men stay single and play video games (a cheap hobby), the economy goes in the shitter

Being actual friends with a female is hard already but when your main thing is video games/anime the pickin gets pretty slim

Not to say I haven't met interesting girls, it's just really hard to find ones that aren't shallow or driven by superficial desires

There are already tons of those people, but it's not reported on because it's not "lol japon so weerd"

The problem is that real women can't live up to expectations molded by fantasy.

But the sensible solution isn't lowering our standards. It's consumng more fantasy.

Now THAT is edgy.

cause it's a shit thread till someone comes along and knocks it out of the park. Would've archived without that response.

Stop using social media

Ditch third wave feminism, take on a more conservative views with less focus on trying to destroy the family unit. Crack down on decadence and instill the importance of not sleeping with everything that has a pulse. Devorce needs to be more even handed with an emphasis on actually being fair at the moment its a lot to ask for men. You're literally have a metaphorical button that can destroy his life, leave him bereft of his saving and his property etc.

Yeah, but the joke's on ((((them)))). Men don't have any money to spend on weddings/houses/girlfriends anymore. ((((they))) played themselves.

i've thought about it. I won't deny an aspect of it is probably that, but we're social creatures regardless and it's nice to make new friends. i ain't mad

Introverts(and aspies at that) still long for social interaction and friends. It's just exhausting as fuck.
Thanks to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ we have online games which give you the interaction without having to be in the same room. At least parts of it.

Why should I get a girlfriend when I resent women and want to kill myself? Better to play video games

Would making "slut shaming" an encouraged practice make it work? Perhaps by putting hem on a website for the world to see?

They just need to not have the personality depth of a fucking puddle

If you truly believe that all 3.5 billion women on earth are "cheating vapid whores" then you have something deeply wrong with you.

No it isn't.

They can't do anything it's all mens fault. It's always a man's fault if they rather do something else than taking care of women

What is it with no life retards and posting the exact same thread over and over again?

Well thats a meme term. You can't encourage women (and men) to act like animals and then expect it not to affect their lifestyle. Its start with strong family values which have been destroyed by third wave feminism.

The declining birth rate problem is actually a huge problem in Japanese society, not some novelty thing like tentacle porn. At the current rate it is estimated that Japan's population will have dropped by half in 50 years time.

We simply don't have that kind of major conscern in the west.

I'm sure you're different, gamer grill.

Their own personal bias and world view end up getting in the way of their own profession. It's sad that they haven't considered that introverts still like talking to people it just gets exhausting. Online games/friends let them do it without too much overall work

Kissing spreads the bacteria that cause cavities and is best avoided.

That's not what he said, but okay.
Obviously when anons talk about women no one is talking about every woman on the planet, don't be stupid.
But, chances are that the anons who have an unfavorable view of women likely live in an urban environment, where most people (including women) are human trash, which can make it seem like all women, or even a significant portion of women are terrible people.
Unfortunately, a significant portion of the populace in most countries live in urban population centers.

>implying you'd let your gf play vidya, watch anime, masturbate and do solitary activities every day

You have double standards.

More like articles like this are devaluing my brain, AMIRITE? XXXD

Not "her" but some girls are alright, at least when they've taken time to actually figure out who they are. Most women are in a constant state of identity crisis because they never take the time to study why they feel the way they do about shit

Guys we gotta respect women

>you need to have a huge population in order to function
>the population will continue decreasing at the same rate, there will be no threshholds as there are with literally every other society ever in the history of civilization
I don't know who is jewing who anymore, who the fuck even makes those estimations and why do they still have a fucking job when they are hamhanding the fuck out of every model they make on the subject of Japan's population decline?

Yes I would, fuckface


I recently met a really pretty girl on Tinder that is a total weeb. I'm talkin legit gamer girl none of that LoL shit. Unfortunately she's a bitch. That's the problem with (all) gamer girls. They're all mental baskets. They can't enjoy video games and anime and be normal too. It's always the bat shit crazy ones you find at conventions.

I could do the same while respecting her space, while she respects mine. Sounds great! You don't need to do EVERYTHING together. You can just be in the same room.

Why would I give a fuck what my gf does with her free time?
A hobby doesn't just disappear because you're in a relationship, even my 56 year old dad still has time for his many hobbies.

I'm fine with however anyone wants to spend their time so long as they maintain good hygiene