What went wrong bros?

What went wrong bros?

Yeah the xbox voice Chat looks horrible

>Cut microphone capability to reduce price/size

there ya go

Nintendo realized voice chat is stupid and are trying to get you retards to stop using it?

>voice chat
>the audio is so terrible its better just to mute everyone.

Real talk how cheap would a mic part be? Theyre selling the part and a headset for $30 arent they?

Can I get a real explanation

mike rowe fowne

Real explanation here:

What you see is a stereo mixer and headset.
Neo/v/, naturally hates and and all technology.

Has Nintendo commented on this or what? What's the situation on this? Can Nintendo change this with a software update

the switch does not have voice chat by design
it never will
the picture is a set up to use an app for a phone to use voice chat on a phone

Gay retards want all mic jacks abolished. isn't that right, Applefag?

The audio port has microphone/headset capatibility though. It's literally on the official tech specifications.

>implying earbuds are better than something you put over your ear

just gotta download sega genesis and 32x to solve the fix
sent ;^)

people started to want to talk with others intead of playing the game quiet

>Nintendo are the cool guys!
When will you fags stop trying to humanize corporations?

Nintendo being run by a bunch of old men who are afraid to research their competition is what went wrong.
Most of Nintendo have no idea how Xbox Live or PlayStation Network even run.

>can nintendo change this with a software update
the answer youre looking for is yes, but why would they? they can just make money off of the few idiots who even bother using voice chat on a nintendo console anyways, then understock the adapter on purpose.

Nintendo is telling it's consumers that the Switch will have no voice chat via a needlessly complicated solution.

Where did I say they were cool, or human? I facetiously said they realize voice chat is dumb and are trying to get people to stop using it by making it obnoxious. Please take and pass an English comprehension test before posting again.

then why not allow bluetooth headsets?