I'm still mad.
I'm still mad
>being mad for getting a free refund
the jap dub is cool
Get over yourself.
I liked it a lot better when all the characters were just police and military guys in gas masks and riot gear.
It's actually a p. good game nowadays.
It doesn't sounds like an interesting character.
i did a credit card chargback
I'm still happy.
imagine being so buttmad that you refunded a game and shitpost on 4 chan about a character pretty much nobody plays as or even care about.
skully/foster master race as always
Literally the worst character in the game.
The fuck is even that backstory?
I don't play this game. Explain.
So don't use her. And if anyone of your friends uses her, kick them in the dick like I did.
Who is the best character
Albert, followed by Yakuza
>not using scottish priest man
Why don't you kick ass for the lord? You some kinda heathen?
big belgan :DD
That is pure cringe, telling the world that you're better than your "boring co-workers" doesn't make you an interesting character.
>What is our next character going to be ?
>What about a bored average woman with a shitty job nobody give a fuck about ?
>Might be a tad too bland
>She likes to party real hard ?
>Yeah okay sounds good enought.
90% of people stick with the 2 classic skins
Its hard to believe people still like tripwire. Remember red orchestra 2 and how shitty it turned out? And then they had the nerve to make rising Storm 2......nobody even plays it
>Women who have tattoos are shit tier characters
At least TW made an accurate representation.
how, I tried getting one when they added in microtransactions because that shit is cancer and they just denied it.
Classic Briar.
I remember they posted a picture of a bunch of different perks that were supposed to be in the game.
Like only half got in, and then they added microtranscations.
Muh dick
you were supposed to get it at "launch"
I like this game. Was it bad before full release?
When it left early access you could refund it. I got my 40 back and then bought it recently again off a keysite for 5 bucks
>a nice array of females to choose from
>they go for the ultra-sjw tumblr girl type
literally JUST
>played the shit out of it in beta
Thanks. Also, SWAT is dogshit.
RO2 and Rising Storm were fucking great.
RS2 had some major flaws and way too little content but still fun.
Fuck you, I like being a heavily armed and armored perma crouched battering ram.
For Gunslinger, doesn't the passive Zedtime Reload become completely redundant at level 25 because of the zedtime perks?
WHY did they have to make this abomination the Australian representative? Just to upset me?
Yakuza wannabe
whos fucking self insert is this?
I refunded the day they went out of early access
>game predominantly full of male characters everywhere
>the girls from the first game like Ash and Mrs Foster nowhere to be seen
>only 2 girls are awful and trashy
just make a decent girl for fucks sake
>we cant add a hot woman with nice clothes that would be sexist..
>b-b-but we need a woman for muh diversity!!!
>lets just add tattoos and make her semi-fat! that's progressive!
Viking Cowboy
Now if only she had a big, fat cock.
I still want to fuck Ana until we both die
>that accent
>that body
>those tight pants
ooga booga muhfugga
>Sup Forumsfags believe this is sjw
Next you'll bring up that TW post about not needing bikini characters
Just stick to KF1, where you can taunt players and skins are better.
>fragile white males triggered and shitting themselves every time they're reminded women and minorities don't exist to be their submissive fantasy
fucking lol. sounds about white.
Why is it that American devs always make Australian girls these kooky, so zany, grill power weirdos
There's one in Payday 2 as well
>make stereotypical feminist/tumblr female
they're american devs, of course they are sjw
>Character born in Melbourne
Sounds right. We need to annex VIC and just burn down the whole fucking state.
Is Sharpshooter fucking useless now? I just recently bought this and every Zed bobs and throws their heads around like fucking crazy compared to KF1.
>just some thicc chick with tattoos is now sjw
christ, you ought to hop off r/thedonald for a day and look around
cuz everyone who lives in aussieland has criminal ancestors
me too
For the same reason they make russian girls "strong" or bulky. They're out of touch with reality and no one can talk them out of the stereotypes that they themselves created.
>That bio
I don't know what makes me want to throw up more.
The whole 'every zed is clambering over eachother, doing backflips and cartwheels everywhere' shit is annoying but Sharpie is still a powerhouse
Xbow is shit but EBR/centrefire can both take out trash as good as a dedicated anti-trash, and freeze+EBR or freeze+railgun is the singularly best anti-large combo in the game. Even better than faggot Demos
>american dev
>crying about muh sexism
>makes stereotypical tumblr/feminist character
you dont know what that word means
>not liking strong russian women
Zarya is love, Zarya is life. Zarya is the way, the truth and the light.
You're a fucking retard, you know that?
>The president of the DnD club at my college looks exactly like this
Wonder if she sucked off someone at Tripwire
Don't reply to me ever again, tumblrshit. No russian woman has ever looked like that.
wtf i missed this
how about if she were some fat dirty shut-in dude?
yet more proof that the people forcing the "thicc" meme are just body positive retards trying to fit in
Sad that they gimped the Xbow, but thanks for the advice.
>all aussie chicks in vidya are hipsters from melbourne
I want this to stop
It would still be stupid, plus we already have the knight for that
Where's all the good old blokes from KF1? Or even Ash?
>born in melb
confirmed SJW character, what the fuck happened to this city in the past few years
Well yeah, Zarya's from the future, she hasn't been born yet.
Is this seriously enough to trigger you people? Jesus christ, you guys are some petty fucking losers.
Tumblrite detected
Then she'd be sort of okay.
>Complaining about a shitty character that doesn't mesh with anything else in the game makes you a "triggered loser"
Why are you even breathing?
Leftism is a disease.
>tfw irl women interested in building muscle are super rare and they pretty much can't get big unless they juice which ends up giving them a manface
Reality can be cruel
>removed all the banter also
such a soulless sequel honestly
You're disgusting. Neuter your useless selves.
>waaaaah this doesn't mesh with by patriarchal racist white male world view
t. white male
>caring about yelling quip machines in a multiplayer horde mode game
people seriously care about the characters in this game?
Hold on. I thought white males were the biggest SJWs.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
You know, I was going to laugh at you for not getting anyone to take the bait, but these days I wouldn't be surprised if you 100% legitimately believed things like this and thought this way.
These are sad times.
No need, you seem to have neutered yourself enough for the three of us.
I'm more mad that there are so many tatted up women out here in the west and they all look like shit. Seriously if you're a hot chick and you get a tattoo you're an idiot. Nobody thinks putting a bumper sticker on a lamborghini makes that car look any more visual appealing.
Anton no question. His constant lines about how he genuinely can't comprehend any of the shit or technology he sees are hilarious
The "not all of us were nazis" starterpack.
you've posted this twice now in this thread
what the fuck is wrong with you. Why is having tattoos and dyed hair always "tumblr" and feminist?
Did you mean to reply to someone else or are you a bot?
Don't be stupid, there are no robots on this site. We are all humans here. I mean how would they get past the captcha anyway? haha
>character you never have to play ever or acknowledge existence of
You're acting like a sjw, maybe even more pathetic.
Are you a singularity of infinite mass or something?
It's hilarious how simple minded you retards are.
>why are people shitting on this character/person??
>gotta be because it's a girl! That's it!
Every time, without fail.
>post picture of character with cringeworthy bio to make fun of it
>wow what the fuck stop over reacting you're basically just as bad as Tumblr, you're triggered just like a Tumblrite would be I'm neutral btw but you're clearly way too in to this stuff
>Didn't care for the game when it was in EA
>Don't like any of the characters either
>Friends already stopped playing
>Goes out of EA, try to refund it multiple times
>Still in my library not being played
I fucking hate Valve they never let me refund anything even if it's LITERALLY unplayable due to a glitch with no patch.
but that's literally it
why do tattoos and a hairstyle bother you so much?
>angry about character skins
I don't think you know what 'annex' means.
>events are back
Now it's starting to feel like old times. Summer Sideshow event was fun.