What are some games where I can take the evil path?

What are some games where I can take the evil path?


Do you own a computer?

>I only wished to aid you!
>You took 25 years of my life, tree... I won't ever get them back, but I'll take your life as compensation!

>not having an ad blocker
>disabling your ad blocker on Sup Forums of all sites

fucking morons

Of course. It's how I made this thead

but most importantly, is he over 25?

please explain this meme

>you can only get the true end if you're over 30
Don't bother with this game, I grinded for 90 hours only to realize the real ending is locked behind an even higher age gate.

Is it just supposed to look like the Deku Tree or what?

Dragon Age Origins, murder everything, ruin the kingdom.

Better question: What are some games where I can take the evil path and am not railroaded into being good anyway i.e. my choices actually have an effect on the world and I'm not made out to be some renegade hero?

You have to be 25 to understand the meme

get a computer, kid

Baldur's gate

You'd figure it out if you owned the game, now are you over the age of 25? And do you own a computer? These are core parts of understanding the tree

>when you read the trees memories in the neutral pat

SMT IV/IV Apocalypse


Under 25 detected.

If you played the game, you'd know the trees are the true villains.

>there are people on Sup Forums that don't use adblock
And some people neo/v/ was a myth.

Someone please explain this tree meme, I keep seeing it everywhere

spring ending, best ending

Do you own a computer?

Soul Nomad
NWN Hordes of the Underdark
Der Langrisser
Fallout series mostly


Are you over the age of 25?

Because everyone else are unoriginal memesters the whole thing started because of it popping up as a generic spammy ad with a few variations - you would see it on a few website and someone decided to reference it here and it became a meme.

The image often has text like "over 25? own a computer? then you MUST play this game!"

Please explain this image to me. I am losing my mind trying to figure out the meme. Is it actually an ad for a game? Image search brings up nothing.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I and II have different "Light Side" and "Dark Side" endings, but they're just endings, not stories.

>only way to get the best ending is to lie about your age and grow up with the tree until you reach an age of 25
What kind of bullshit is this?

What the fuck did the tree do to deserve that? It's just a tree. Can someone who played it explain it to me, did it poison his wife or something?

what a fucking dick completely uncalled for

You wouldn't understand, you'd have to be over 25 and own a computer too. Which you clearly aren't otherwise you'd be playing it.

Do you own a computer?

Shadow the Hedgehog

blue eyes sea tree doesn't betray you like that asshole

who here played the orgin story?

But who the fuck sees ads this day and age?

with the amount of people asking this i'm starting to believe pretending not to know about it is part of the meme
is it?

This, he was the only good tree

Can someone post the PS4 version cover art of this game?

My 19 year old friend says it's not real.

>game lets you kill people with disabilities

Its one of those taboolah ads or whatever the fuck you call them which adblock whitelists by default

They disguise themselves as just being clickbait articles at the bottom of website articles for shit

It's real, there's also a switch version

DAO is a one of a kind game, indeed

>he isn't 25
Pity really. You're missing out

Hey someone saved my tree



I'm 25!

>Pegi 28
What? I can't play that


It probably is an ad for a really shit mobile game or something but I have never clicked through on it

You can play the switch version

it's real my friend

what are some games that let me force a shitty meme?

Skyrim Special Edition™

Why is he trying to murder that tree anyway? It's a tree. What could it have done?

I would take tree edit requests but mods are gonna delete this thread despite it being literally vidya

>disable adblock
>ads are still blocked by uMatrix
I will never understand this epic meme.

the plot twist is the protag is 24 and the tree tries to kill him

What's the game in the screenshot

Amazing, that's one I can play!


So where I can play that game? Can't find it.

is there a loss tree edit?

>he hasn't read the lore
Are you sure your 25?


I did, 25 years ago.
Thankfully I own a computer now.

The whole scenery of that image is so fucking uncanny

I can't afford both a computer AND a Nintendo Switch, this is bullshit! I'm only 25, man.

yes but are you over 25?

that's good user, you can only truely apreciate the lore, when you know all of it

and do you own a computer?


so, I can play if i AM 25 right? do i have to be OVER 25?

sure, I also own a computer

If you had a computer you could find out.

You can still play. But it's not a must-have or anything.

You must be over 25

... Well, now I am unsure.

I dont recommend playing dark side for Kotor I or II. Yes it is more fun in many situations, but you miss out on a metric shit-ton of conversations and side-quest stuff and basically strong arm your way through everything

Kotor are the types of games though that you'll play through several times anyway so it's all good.


Im under 25 but accidentally walked in on my dad playing this game on his computer. What do?

Well you'll be shocked to know that you need a computer


look but don't touch


I played for a bit when he left to prep the bull

i have a computer but i've seen fucking aqua teen bro i know what happens and i'm not giving the fucking trees my email

no, YOU MUST. why do you think i'm stressed? my vikings status audit is next week


I bet he's a big guy



What is this maymay

that's nice


congrats Sup Forums, you're surpassing /s4s/ in terms of shitty forced new memes. that is quite the achievment.

Guys can someone post gameplay I'm legit curious

Still better than endless console war shitposting

>tfw got the bad ending