Are there any vidya characters that could kill SCP 682?
Are there any vidya characters that could kill SCP 682?
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It looks pretty dead to me, chief.
asura, kirby, maxwell
>A tree stump is a monster
Dumbass lie-berals will believe anything.
Trump 2020!
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Dante is pretty much invincible so him
Motifa for sure
The kid from scribblenauts can probably beat anyone
>tfw all modern horror properties are clearly intended to start multi-film/series franchises and never take risks
SCP is the last thing that actually manged to spook me, and that was like six years ago.
Anything with the strength to throw it out of earth's atmosphere would probably do it.
Shit ain't right
Is there anyone who can defeat motifa? seriously.
The pic is of a tree stump that looks vaguely like a monster, the SCP 682 the OP referred to.
I pretended to be a Trump supporter just to be silly - lie-beral = liberal.
The whole point is he can't be killed. So no.
SCP was big in 2010, man. It's like accusing people of being 15 when they post Homestar Runner.
>The pic is of a tree stump that looks vaguely like a monster, the SCP 682 the OP referred to.
It's a rotting beluga whale carcass that was found in Russia
Stop that
I think puhskintio might stand a chance?
SCP-294 would disagree with you
But again, it anihilated the entire site 294 was in.
So hey, series 3 added this interdimensional modular space battleship that gets handed down from one universe's foundation to the next, and they're only supposed to use this battleship during Earth's darkest hour.
Why don't they just put 682 on this battleship, load him into a cannon, and shoot him at whatever attacks the earth when the time arises? Even if they don't use it, it won't be their problem anymore because it'll be in the hands of some other foundation.
Or hey, how about we go even further? SCP 3001 is literally the void between universes, just fucking throw him in there and forget about it.
sigmario could beat him
Let's forget there's such thing as Serie 3
Couldn't the just shoot the fusion cannon scp at him?
>shooting anything at him
Now you got an unkillable lizard that has a fusion cannon coming out of his ass
The guy who made 682 is basically "that kid" who makes up some bullshit for it to survive literally anything so there's no point in pretending anything fun is going to happen with it.
E.Y.E. guys have quite high chance to do it
>I pretended to be a Trump supporter just to be silly
You don't need to explain the joke, I think everybody got it
The legend of Dante died when he become a crack whore in MVC infinite...he eve got bitchslaped by friggin Ultron in a CUTSCENE.
>that SCP who is a universe where everything, including 682 is dead
>that SCP that is a bunch of tomatoes that fly towards anyone who makes a bad joke
>that SCP that is literally Seinfeld
>that SCP that is a basketball tape where every time you rewind the people in the footage become aware of it
What are some good SCP entries?
lobotomy corp is in early access but its being made by a primarily japanese indie person and you can kinda tell that by their english in the patch notes. Its not very far along but I enjoy the little things in the game and slowly figuring out what to do with abnormalities.
Korean* not japanese
>That infinite Ikea with a rudimentary society trapped inside scp
>That giant japanese ghost skeletons that are born of mass suffering scp
>That insects that turn people into bags of candy scp
>That playground slide that has a portal to an infinite tunnel filled with people infinitely reliving the initial shock of entering the interdimensional tunnel scp
>That giant parasitic worm that laid eggs on the sun scp
>That needle that makes people turn themselves into taxidermied corpses scp
>That really pissed off cop in a beaten up cop car that will hunt you down if he so much as glances at you scp
>That carnivorous chocolate fountain that makes killer chocolate bugs scp
>That infintely respawning cake that will keep exponentially respawning until the entire universe is packed full of cake scp
>That guy who slowly disintegrated in the void between universes while also going insane scp
SCP-184 that increase room sizes but it eventually start to get really weird
SCP-294 the coffee machine
SCP-031-J the foundation freaking out about halloween
SCP-666-J Dr Gerald
that angry star
>that astral entity that browses tumblr and pretends to be one of the worse homestuck characters
oh i thought you said "worst" entries
Also should mention that the difficulty is really hard, you will lose all your progress at some points but you will retain all your knowledge of any abnormalities in the endgame menus. There's a few of them which I think have higher RNG to spawn on the first few levels but for the most part aside from the very first one all the others are RNG. So slowly even if you keep losing you should be learning more about each of them and should know how to handle each and every one when you get them. When you get a few levels unlocked though it becomes a lot like spinning plates.
Shiki obviously.
cute but what does it have to do with the topic
>that SCP who is a universe where everything, including 682 is dead
Or an alternate universe where 682 is alive but consists of antimatter instead. Teleport antimatter 682 to matter 682. The annihilation energy release would likely destroy half the solar system, but every atom of 682 would be 100% gone.
Exdeath, easily.
>that SCP who is a universe where everything, including 682 is dead
that's not the scp, it's agent keller who was
based on SCP
>that SCP that is a chair that teleports to anyone who needs a seat
I think it has a lot of work left to do and some polishing that needs done but so far I like it.
>The chair don't have a boner popping out through the seat
Why is this allowed?
>That guy who slowly disintegrated in the void between universes while also going insane scp
Dr. Scranton had a hard life.
I like the SCP where it's a 2D who didn't know she was 2D until someone pointed it out to her.
That's Cassie
That is actually the worst thing I have ever read.
Fuck you and fuck whoever made that.
But thank you for sharing.
They can't throw 682 in 3001 because they don't know how.
They can't open a hole into 3001 at will, and aren't even actively containing it. It's just a thing they know exists because of a lab accident and sheer luck.
Well Cassie is adorable. It was really heartwarming and sad, all of them trying to help her.
>that SCP that's a god AI who became retarded and started making shitty vidya
>that SCP who can ALMOST do anything that's asked of her, but fucks up somehow
>that SCP that's just a casually racist alien
>that SCP that absolutely cannot come in contact with dead bodies
>that SCP of collectible dog cards that come to life when you play them
>that SCP that lets you order a llama for parties
The SCP foundation is best when it's being funny.
What do you guys think of me?
I think I'm pretty damn cool.
>that SCP that absolutely cannot come in contact with dead bodies
That remind me of the list of things Dr Bright is not allowed to do at the Foundation
>"Accidentally" spilling green gelatin on a dead body in the presence of the O5 was funny exactly once, and the smell of excrement exuding from O5-2's khakis spoiled the moment.
Why the fuck isn't there a SCP game that isn't le spooky survival horror? Like half of the SCPs are either completely harmless, beneficial, or so destructive that nothing in the universe can actually escape them, so no point in having them in a meme survival horror game. Every single SCP game just has the generic horror SCPs that kill you, and nothing else. No exploration, no adventure, no discovery, no reason to read files and records other than to survive.
I wish you would stop being so angry
Because people misunderstood what SCP is about. It's just science fiction, and science fiction can be a range of things from cool to silly to scary. It just so happens that scary shit is in vogue so people just use it as a creepypasta generator instead of just being creative with the idea.
>that SCP who can ALMOST do anything that's asked of her, but fucks up somehow
When was Amelia Badelia an SCP?
>Statement: "Please, no kill dog."
It's impressive the amount of 10 to 14 years old trying to put shitty creepypasta and red and black OC "destroyer of the universe" type entries daily in SCP, and it's unreadable half of the time.
>that SCP that's a god AI who became retarded and started making shitty vidya
Give me the number, sounds hilarious
>SCP-184 that increase room sizes but it eventually start to get really weird
>he didn't find the stinger of that article
the method of containing it doesn't work, it's actively enlarging the universe with fucked up galaxies
Nothing can kill SCP-682. He was created to be so powerful just so that people wouldn't write any stupid Mary Sues. He's just there to encourage good writing. I thought we already went over this.
It's a public collaboration writing site, it's guaranteed to have a LOT of shit submitted to it constantly
as long as it's deleted quickly it doesn't matter though
Why would I post a picture of myself?
His "games" are classified as SCPs of their own
what would happen if he was thrown in a black hole
Which is funny because if they use the Mirror Disc and throw 682 into the universe where the Holy Spirits reside, that would be literally it since it can't transverse realities.
I think it's generally good.
They have pretty stringent rules and guidelines that authors have to follow, and the community upvote system usually gets rid of all the trash
He'd become Black Hole Proof.
They simulated that using a machine that can alter the constants of reality. Somehow, it survived. The researched was relieved from duty due to randomly altering variables and turning dials at random to "kill the fucking thing" but not demoted because the O5 understood and shared the frustration.
It greatly depends on the SCP, but I think that the castlevania characters are pretty experienced in that aspect.
Yeah he'd survive but he's not getting out
Less wordplay. She's a little korean girl who tries to do whatever people ask her to do but can't quite do it. If she's told to fly, she'll hover in the air for a few seconds before she drops. If she's told to put three blocks on a table she'll become unable to pick up the third one.
They told her to "make SCP-682 200%
dead" and she beat him within an inch of his life before 682 told her to "Kill me you bitch" and she shut down.
Ronald Reagan cut up while talking is pretty spooky.
The tomato one where it couldn't detect if the subject was serious or not and kept on teleporting back and forth because it has issues with satire was godly.
But it's not really fucking "creepypasta" when you fully know everything is out to get you. It's just straight up horror and jumpscares. It would be infinitely more scary when you have to constantly be informed about and every SCP to know which ones will fuck you up, and which ones are benign. A game where you're a low level agent would be perfect. It can have survival horror and death, but if that's the only thing there is, it will be shit. Real horror needs build up and suspense, not going from one jumpscare/chase to another.
impossible to know, the foundation doesn't have the means to throw him into black holes
He'd open a path out, even though you can't move past the event horizon. He'd see a way out man, even if even light can't escape.
Literally just adapt to warp space time if he needs to.
>I lost my my promotion to a filthy human
>No wait I didn't know Dr had humans, I have lots of human friends
>Dude there was a human in your house but I put it in ya place
they should work on that shit then.
I would imagine that throwing stuff in a black hole would pretty much be a universal solution to almost every problem.
I don't remember 682's best feats, but this guy can destroy the "time" he possesses and erase him from existence.
Along with that, he is immortal on an existence-level and unkillable unless you get rid of the Eye of the Azure.
That's just fucking stupid and you know it
1: generally speaking they do not destroy their artifacts
2: they have a massive taboo against utilizing artifacts rather than storing and studying them, especially to contain or destroy others
3: it's not possible to throw something into a singularity without the use of their scp's
it's part of what makes the setting interesting: the foundation is NOT all powerful and often has to use fairly mundane methods for containing crazy shit
>alien death machine has bad taste
There is a universe where this was attempted but instead of destroying it, somehow it multiplied it until the universe was nothing but 682. If discovered, the universe sized 682 is actually docile and doesn't care about anything, answering any question asked.
I mean, of course not because that's too fucking clever/stupid.
I'm reading it right now, holy shit.
They don't WANT to kill SCP 682 though. People make a pissing contest out of trying to kill him, but the SCP foundation is about Secure, Contain, Protect. They're not even supposed to experiment on the SCPs unless there's something to be learned from it. If they can just be contained, then that's what they prefer.
>Test O-M-343: SCP-343 breached containment only to reappear next to Blade, and attempted to initiate a high five. Blade left him hanging, and commented "I don't believe in you.". SCP-343 immediately vanished, and is now listed as decommissioned.
>That giant parasitic worm that laid eggs on the sun scp
Link to this one?
>makes the plane go into a spin and then crash into the city centre
>"Guys, I don't like this imagery."
Fucking lost it
That's the point man.
Even this fella can't win and from what user says he can just erase the SCP with no resistance on the SCP's part.
Even if it can't win, it'll just somehow adapt to the situation so that it'll live.
Literally "plot armor" the SCP. It goes far beyond "Nuh uh I had a barrier on" levels of bullshit.