Did MGS3 have a lore reason for why Snake couldn't use enemy guns, like NANOMACHINES in the other games?
Did MGS3 have a lore reason for why Snake couldn't use enemy guns, like NANOMACHINES in the other games?
Not really. Most I can think of is that Snake already picks up a copy of some of their guns and doesn't want to swap whole guns when he can keep the one in his inventory and just loot ammo off of gaurds.
He was specifically supposed to make his presence known in the second mission to prove to the Russians that the Americans were taking care of Volgin and The Boss.
He was autistic about guns and only liked brand new ones.
he didn't HIT THE LEVER
Sigint told him not to.
The guards had slings so he couldnt figure out how to remove them.
He couldn't afford to sacrifice the room he needed for carrying noodles, pets, and girly mags.
You get plenty of weapons that use the same ammo. No need to swap weapons I guess
Their guns weren't part of the basics of CQC.
Correct me if i'm wrong
But I believe its because the "leave no traces behind" thing, and Snake snuck around real good.
Kind of like how in Resident Evil, in canon none of them got bitten, even though in game u got bitten all the time.
They were commie guns.
He was too lazy to take them off their persons.
kind of like the respawn stations in borderlands are not canon, because none of them actually died during the game
ok, bro, all jokes aside, the reason he didn't pick their guns was because technology wasn't good enough at the time
That might work for the Virtuous Mission in theory since Sokolov's extraction only seemed to go wrong when Ocelot and the Boss showed up.
But it's really just a game play convention.
>all this effort for a pachinko advertisement
For what reason would BB have even picked up one of those slav guns? He seemed perfectly fine with a tranq and whatever he found laying around. If I'm not wrong, isn't it canon that BB and Solid try to avoid killing as much as possible?
It's not an advertisement, it's part of the machine
>because technology wasn't good enough
Shooters have let you pick up enemies' weapons since fucking Wolfenstein 3D. The enemy soldiers in Metal Gear Solid going back to 1 are loot bags that drop equipment when you kill them or shake them down.
The reason they don't drop their guns is because the designers wanted to make the games STEALTH and choke 3 people to get their 15 grenades, 2 Assault Rifles, and a Combat Shotgun and Rambo it. The reason is that to maintain some kind of progression gate; they don't drop their guns with their other goodies in 3.
Even in MGS4 where supposedly you are gathering firearms from fallen enemies; it's really just a set of currency to allow you to eventually unlock them.
the answer is no
he actually can use weapons that the enemy are equipped with, but it's always as a pickup at mostly a fixed location
MGS4 just gave it more of a narrative reason
>isn't it canon that BB and Solid try to avoid killing as much as possible?
Definitely not for Solid
It's not even running on fox but some CGI render.
>Did MGS3 have a lore reason for why Snake couldn't use enemy guns, like NANOMACHINES in the other games?
Guns are like dicks. So picking up an enemy's gun is the same thing as grabbing a dude's dick and Snake ain't homo like that.
True. Until BL2 tried to make them an actual thing.
Though it was kind of funny to get a mission to literally kill yourself.
Wrong. Snake let some dude grab his dick on purpose.
>isn't it canon that BB and Solid try to avoid killing as much as possible?
it's probably implied as canon even though the design up until MGS2 didn't include non-lethal playstyles
personally I'd like to think that BB and Solid used sneaky non-lethal style as much as possible, but when shit hits the fan, neither of them would fuck around with their pea-shooter tranq weapons and just go all-out kill the shit out of everything in a blaze of bullets and explosions - demonstrating to the world why they were the world's best soliders
No; it was Solid Snake who actually expressed dissatisfaction in killing people. At least non specific people.
Also; BB should have OSP'd off the soldiers because he should have prepared for a firefight. Nevermind that weird scene suggesting Big Boss forgot to bring any gun ala European Extreme loadout into Snake Eater mission. On the Virtuous Mission Big Boss should have taken the first assault rifle he came across in anticipation of a contingency he'd need to defend his VIP with more than the firepower of 8 bullets in a handgun accurate to around 80 feet.
To put it another way; BB didn't have a problem with gunning down the Ocelots. he had a problem accomplishing gunning the Ocelots down.
Gameplay rankings/medals aside; I don't see this as a character trait of Big Boss. He has extensive conversation about how his enemies are trained, and what they fight for sure. But never does he sit down and say 'all killing is wrong'. While he's confronted with something akin to that with The Sorrow: it doesn't seem to change or inform him at all .
When Big Boss runs armies and when he does he arms them with real guns. I think at best; Big Boss uses nonlethal means when there's a tangible gain to it. Whether it involves Shanghaiing the enemy into his service, gathering information, or even using them to lure out other patrolling guards.
>He seemed perfectly fine with a tranq and whatever he found laying around.
>whatever he found laying around.
>not picking up enemy guns lying around
>but this pistol hidden in an inaccessible shack is okay
It was rendered with the fox engine.
It still doesn't change the fact that they made all these HD assets for PACHINKO
No, it wasn't.