Is Silent Hill 2 the scariest horror video game?

Is Silent Hill 2 the scariest horror video game?

>video game
Pick one

Definitely in my opinion.

One of the few games that really got under my skin.

From the start when running through the woods and you could hear a chainsaw off in the distance.... the feels of uneaseyness set it and skyrocketed from there

the first Silent Hill was scarier IMO. I remember trying to play it the year it came out and I got to the alley where the camera angle goes all fucked and my heart rate went up and I got freaked out and turned it off. I went back to it later that year and powered through it, but FUCK was it horrifying.

SH3 is my fave though. It almost gave me tje same feeling as SH1.

It's Shadow of Chernobyl in my opinion

Nah. But older games with a lot of voids, deep sea abysses, and empty assets you're not supposed to be exploring are a bit eerie.

Oh yeah. And I've heard some spooky ass shit while playing on private test servers in Space Station 13.
Beepsky randomly opening doors never not makes me jump, and I could've sworn I heard clown shoes once or twice.

Silent Hill 2 is the least scariest of the first four games.

It is, however, the greatest game of all time.

Fatal Frame is scarier, in my opinion.

Isn't even the scariest game of the series, dude.

Definitely the most claustrophobically depressive, tho

it's the most atmospheric which leads to a scarier experience over time.

silent hill 3 is probably objectively the scariest but the pacing leaves you kind of numb to the scares after awhile

full one-sitting playthrough of silent hill 2 is scarier than silent hill 3

playing silent hill 3 with breaks(over the course of a week for example) is scarier than silent hill 2

>tfw streamer gets stuck on early puzzle for 6 hours

The atmosphere's amazing and really got to me when I played it back in the day, but SH2 is one of those games I really wish I could forget.

Once you've been through a playthrough or two and know the distinction between ambient noises and noises that are actually something coming to kill you the fear factor definitely loses its initial sting.

I've not actually played Silent Hill 2. But I'm watching a video playthrough on YouTube. I chose from four different options available. None of them are very good, poor encoding, shit commentary, slow paced solving puzzles.

I don't know why but I had more fear with Origins and Shattered Memories than 2
Don't get me wrong, 2 is still the best in the series for me

The Remnant still give me chills and the Caliban is the biggest monster in the series I think

I think frustration over getting lost and fighting respawning ghosts hurt my experience with Fatal Frame in the long run, but when a jump scare hit, it really really hit.

Silent Hill 2 is not that scary compared to other Silent Hills, now I havent played the ones you mention but I consider Silent Hill 1 to be way more scary than the second one.

2 was more gloomy and sad than scary to me.

Ever since I was a little kid I always fucking hated Mr Mime

Really?I loved Shattered Memories, but I don't recall too much of it being outright scary.

More surreal and lonely than anything.

the best but not the scariest

>Silent Hills

silent hill 2 isn't scary.
it's comfy.

SHIT no, damn it, I'm sorry.

What are some games with truly disgusting/repulsive enemies?

They might not be quite as intricate or atmospheric as SH, but Fatal Frame 1 and 2 are legit fucking terrifying.

Call of Duty

>walking simulator with a gun
Only if you're a girl or a sissy white boy. Real men don't get scared by video-games.


>>walking simulator with a gun
Its not a walking simulator if it has actual gameplay outside of just walking around you goof.

What scares you, hot shot?

>walking through the town's streets at night after hospital
>spot the paper trail going in a straight line through the street
>they're notes
>as they go by, the writer goes increasingly panicked
>final note
>heart beating like fucking drums
>turn around and wait for shit to fuck me up
>stand there for a solid two minutes before my radio emits static

The game of life
*honk honk*


Lets be honest, it wouldn't have lived up to the hype.
Better to just let the franchise rest in peace then have it be desecrated any more than it already has been.

I need to find an actual good version of this game

Comfy until the hospital goes all nightmare on your ass. After that it's unsettling at best and anxiety inducing at worst


Even if it wouldn't, we were still robbed of a product that would have been the result of Kojima, Del Toro, AND Ito. Maybe you don't care about that but a lot of us do.

Only one of those people isn't a washed up hack.


if by "hype" you mean anything like PT, then it definitely would not. Having a teaser like that digging your own grave, because people won't settle for a 60 dollar game with mostly the same environments and lots of backtracking. On the other hand, people would complain if it had more progressing levels because it'd be nothing like the demo.

Just look at RE7, same shit there.

no ito is a hack too

To me, any game where you can fully defend yourself and kill most enemies (even wonkily) stops being scary really fast. Silent Hill 2 is great for other reasons. I mean it does a great job of being scary for what it is, but that rule still applies to me. Something by Frictional Games is on a different planet from a game where your nightmares can be stomped out like a small dog, no matter how scary they might seem on the surface.

Oh shit vee, you get to design the next silent hill game! Through dark cult magic, you also get to choose what team will work on it! So what will be your:
>development team
>overall theme of the game
>weapons list


>inb4 Fromsoft or Platinum

Maybe if we talk about psychological horror, but in terms of just being "scaAaAAaary", outlast 1 does a better job.

I'm not saying outlast is the best "scaAaAary" game btw, it's just an example.

I don't know. coprophagia.
no weapons. it's survival horror isn't it?

Amnesia TDD is legitimately the scariest game ever made.

Yep. It's simple. You can't really defend yourself. Your enemies are actually intimidating. You can play games like that for a long time without seeing behind the curtain. Something like Penumbra Black Plague or Amnesia is truly the scariest.

He's right, though.
I've never played a game that succeeded at being unsettling or scary. The best they can achieve is a jump scare when the volume is high

>Horror movies dont even make blink
>Loved to read horror books
>Haunted houses are fun
>cant get past the first 10 minutes of a horror game, have to alt tab

What if you had the capabilities to kill minor enemies but couldn't do shit against major ones?

Best atmosphere? Yes.

>Devolver digital
>Sexual abuse
>Butterfly knife, Barbed wire baseball bat, Winchester rifle, revolver, spas shotgun, sledge hammer, and medieval sword

Not really.
Being forced to confront the enemies rather than just constantly avoiding them is much more tense.

>Is Silent Hill 2 the scariest horror video game?



That's a lot better. Especially if the minor enemies don't have too much pretense of being scary by themselves, otherwise it's liable to just get funny. And/or make the minor enemies extremely difficult and have that as your baseline. Alien Isolation is the best I've seen with this kind of approach.

I don't disagree but I still would have liked to see that product. PT was fantastic and the concept trailer only makes it hurt more.

Fucking daytime Sup Forums is such garbage I had 3 threads deleted today looking for this stupid image. And now here it is when I've fixed my problem.

glad I could help.

>Some passionate indie autists
>Shitty Childhood due to domestic violence
>Full-on Melee with a single revolver

It's the one with the best story of them all for sure.
Probably of every horror game ever.

Still I found silent hill 3 scarier.

I have been a horror fan for almost 30 years now and silent hill 1 2 3 and 4 to some extent remain my favorite horror games.

Fatal frame is up there as well.

I love the resident evil surivival horror of the first generation games, dino crisis too. But those are not scary.

On the other hand you have western horror games but they are all shit.
To be fair they are fun to play but there is no tension or scare factor at all.

I am thalassophobic.
I think its because of the limited vision, inability to move quickly and the strange as fuck things that are in the sea.
There's a reason we evolved to get the fuck out of the water.

Have you played Amnesia TDD? It's not a youtube meme.

there's a newer version apparently

Walking simulators can't be scary.
Threats aren't real if you have no way to combat them, removing all tension.

Did mods go nuclear like an hour ago? I was following a couple of threads and they got deleted, one of them was just talking about bosses in vidya

lmao retard

fucking this.
I like runing and hiding but not being able to fight at all ruins the tension of what could be a scary encounter or fight.

Still the number 1 horror killer are autosaves and checkpoints.

>watching letsplays
You're the idiot here

Had some issues with SH3 on PCSX2, but I got a new version and now it looks great and runs great, don't need the guide anymore. I swore to myself I will finish this game this time, it is really interesting. Fuck those dogs though.

Nice rebuttal :^)

>finish game
>want to see other people's reaction/methods to certain parts I liked
What's the problem?

Nah I found Condemned far scarier back when it was released, probably the only game i've had to stop playing in the early hours due to spoopyness

I dont know what Sup Forums loved about this game so much.
Ive tried playing it three times already and i gave up in all of them because i was bored and not scared at all.

Why would you care about how others reacted to it?

Even condemned 2 in the beginning freaked me out real good that bear level is fucking good.

Of course i played it. it is not scary in the slightest but it was a fun haunted house theme park ride.

much better than the shit sequel machine for pigs.

I actually prefer the penumbra games to amnesia but it still does nothing to me in terms of horror.

To this day only early silent hills and fatal frames do anything to me. It was something about the survival horror formula that made things very tense. Fixed camera angles and limited saves. It was magic.
But you cant do that nowadays because modern gamers are babies.

Also I dont like the complete removal of combat. I like the idea of running and hiding but having a gun with 3 bullets that you keep holding on to for that enemy that absolutely corners you and you have no other option but to fight makes for very tense climaxes.

But you dont get that in moder horror games because if you die you respawn at a checkpoint 2 minutes ago, there is never the tension of losing 1 hour + of progress.

My niggerino.

>Threats aren't real if you have no way to combat them
who needs a rebuttal when you revealed your mental capacity yourself

>He wanted two meme fucks to play with a rotten corpse

Nah Im glad that thing never got anywhere

None of the Silent Hill games are scary.

>condemned 2

Never got around to playing that, only played Criminal Origins, but god damn I still remember playing that downstairs in the living-room on the big tv at like 2am

tl;dr NOPE

Scariest is a relative term you summerfag

They are not. You are in a fictional situation, if you have no way to combat something there is no sense of tension. You have no ammo or strategy to worry about. There is no sense of urgency other than "Run". This is automatically less scary as I see it because the sense of threat simply isn't there.

>It was something about the survival horror formula that made things very tense
Games are scarier when you actually have something to lose. I think Resident Evil is actually one of the best examples of this, with limited saves dying can be so punishing you actually really learn to fear losing instead of seeing it as a minor annoyance like it modern games that have quick saves.
We need to go back to when save points were spaces far apart so there is an incentive to being careful, or even make it so you can lose items on death.

I dont think the whole point of Silent Hill was to be scary.

The games themself (at least 1-4) are more unsettling

>Kitchen knife, hugs, onigiri

At least give the option to try to combat it. Even if it doesn't work it pulls you out when you don't have the ability to throw a chair at something when you're unarmed.

No the first game is.

Not gonna lie, the sequel shits the bed in the second part of the story but the beggining levels are really good and tense. Also the forensic investigation parts are pretty cool and it rewards you for being perceptive.

If you have an X360 i'd recommend gettign it

You just want an excuse to see cute girls eat food!

it's not even the scariest silent hill game

I love the early resident evil formula my man.

I think the system could be modernized a bit, it should have the feature to save anywhere if you have to stop playing for whatever reason as a means to respect the players time. BUT the save needs to auto delete as soon as it loads. If you die to an enemy you go back to the last manual save point which could be an hour ago.

It's the only way to "fear" something in my opinion, nothing in the game is real and can hurt you except by taking away your time.

Notes always lose their impact when you remind yourself someone actually had to write it

>standing in the middle of the street with a pen and some scrap paper
>, that's good"
>drops note

that is why i prefer penumbra to amnesia. at least you could throw rocks at the dogs.

I can't take any note that does this seriously.
>Being chased by BBCM
>Frantically writing notes to myself to run
>Get gooshed and die

not even the scariest in the series. play 1.