Best Fire Emblem girl coming through

Best Fire Emblem girl coming through

Not even best girl in her own game. That's either Sonya or Matilda.

literally one of the worst

Best voice actor in Echoes.

>Sure, I'm still hyper. LET'S GO.

The best girl is the one no one cares about but still gets a place in the mobile game

But that isnt Miriel

I only like Fire Emblem girls I can have children with

Is mae actually stacked or is just her armor?

eye lmao

She's stacked

Never played her game but
>pink hair
I agree, best girl.



Boei is a lucky fuck, but he will never admit it

user....your wife is retarded....

is she and gregor the only russians in FE?

hes a phoneposter so its a good match

That's not Clair


Actual best girl coming through

None of these are Tiki



Why everyone shitpost about her fatal flaw? Is supposed to be part of the plot and she overcomes it at the end.

She's still cute

Whoever the artist is has a very warm, storybook look to the art.


>want to get Sonya in FEH
>game only gives one green every session and keeps throwing Fredericks and Titanias at me

Is Delthea for hug or fug?

Is Hidari, famous for atelier.

Delete this.


Hug while fug

Aren't girls just the cutest when they're almost retarded.

Has anyone beaten this yet?

I really hope he does more games.

Koizaki needs to fucking leave already or do the art for a remake of an older game but keep the designs the same.

I'm saving chain challenges for the end of the month when there isn't anything else to do


And is a guy. For a long time there was massive confusion over his gender, to the point someone form serene forests LITERALLY TWITTED HIM ASKING FOR IT.

I couldn't get this qt.

Need more of Echoes' breast plates in my life
I want to cum in her armor's cleavage

Yeah, it's really pretty
Dunno the artists names though so I don't know who koizaki is
Alright. I remember serenes forest is a type of wiki right?

>This is what Boey actually thinks
>He will never say it cuz he is a tsundere fuck

Real best girl

Yes. I'm having trouble with the 11+12 combo, though. My team is pretty close to yours, as well, except I'm using Nino instead of Hector.


I feel for you, I tried to get her and ended up with a +Spd -Res Celica and 2 4* Hinata. She's really good.

The artist for Echoes:SoV is named Hidari and does the art for the Atelier games ("cute girls doing cute things" RPGs). Koizaki did the art for Awakening, Fates and the OCs for Heroes, he also did the art for No More Heroes and a few other games.

top taste

>gets to do it anyway
>spends the rest of his life fighting with Mae and impregnating her over and over again

Boey may have had the best end out of any FE character

I see
I liked NMH art but I hated Awakenings. He really fits a certain style of game better.

He's living the dream

I love the Jew and I think she loves my money.

>Heroes actually somehow made over 100$ for Nintendo

>Argues with her all the time
>But they do love each other
That is fucking depressing because that situation in real life is impossible. Couples that always argue always end up divorce.

$100 Million*

He's not a bad artist, he occasionally posts drawings of previous FE characters that he made and they're pretty good, pic related. His problem is the designs, his art/drawing style is good, the portraits he made for the amiibo Marth and Ike in Fates were also good.

I'd be down if he did the art for a remake of a previous game.


I was looking at all my transactions on my google play account this past year and found out that I spent over $400 on this gacha or about $80-$120 a month.

Please send help. $40 here or there for a event banner didn't seem much but all together that's alot.

At least Anna is probably happy.

Is that supposed to be Sigurd above Roy and the brotherfucker? Because it looks more like Camus.

>phoneposting is retarded lmao
This shit meme never makes any sense.

I'm pretty sure its Sigurd. Him and Camus do have similar designs once you remove the colors.

I mean I only disliked Awakening's art, Fates had some really cute ones like Elise and overall it had better art than FEA. I just think that NMH is the absolute best by far out of the ones you listed in terms of his art (although Ike looked like he just chugged drain cleaner).

I'd be ok with him doing remake stuff too (especially the weird art of the oldest ones) but I like the warm, story book art of hidari more.

Doot is cyoot.

Is the artist from Awakening the same artist from Fates?
Or did they get a new one like they do with every new game?
Also they need to keep Hidari or whoever did Shadow of Valentia's art for all the future Remakes

I love Genny!


They usually get a new one for each game unless it's connected to another game, FE6/7 had the same artist and FE9/10 had the same artist.

Oh I agree completely, Hidari has the best artstyle of all the FE artists.

Most artists do two games or do parts of multiple ones. FE6 and 7 had the same character illustrator/designer but the person who did the portraits and sprite designs did all the art for 8.

FE threads arguing which game is better

FE waifu threads

Heroes threads


I am thankful to sheep
She enabled my Elise to be an absolute monster for me in Heroes and got amazing levels in Echoes

Are there any canon heights for characters? Ike is huge and Marth seems smaller than I imagined.

>High tier
Threads discussing a recently released game's mechanics as people bumble their way through. Only possible when a game is just released/leaked.
Threads discussing an individual installment of the series
>Mid tier
Threads discussing other elements not directly in the games themselves, like the artists or music of the series as a whole.
"What's your favorite FE" threads.
>low tier
Spinoff threads (which can be good but aren't really too much to do with main FE)
Shipping threads/imagedump cancer
>irredeemable feces tier
Shitflinging over your favorites like a brainless monkey

Fuck you, Heroes threads were great before FGO came and made the new janitor decide to ban all of it in favor of more shitty e-celeb twitter threads.

She is to good to get put in bad games.

Discussing game mechanics and maps throughout the series and coming up with ways on how FE Switch can obtain the best gameplay of the series.


I dunno, that last one with that exact topic was fucking terrible.

just "which FE game is better" threads, because discussion of future games inevitably leads to discussion of prior games

She sucks in the localisation though.

How would you guys feel if the next FE was put in a more modern setting? Not modern as in 21st century modern, more like the Civil War era.

Who did the art for RD?

I leveled her up to level 20 before act 2 was done and only slightly feel bad about it


Senri Kita did the art for both PoR and RD as well as some art for Heroes, pic related.

thanks, never heard of him

She apparently also did the art for Samurai Showdown for SNK and art for old Capcom games.

well i like her art

Senri Kita > Kozaki > whoever did the GBA art > Hidari > dogshit > Shirow

I know that feel. Are there any guides for this annoying mode?

The GBA sprite art and portraits were done by Sachiko Wada who also did all of the art for Sacred Stones.
The artist who did the character designs and illustrations for 6 and 7 made the Awakening DLC version of Ike.

Would anyone object to Mitsuki Oosawa's artwork returning if it's for an FE4 remake?

I liked his art, so yes.

I'd even take a FE4 remake with Masamune Shirow's art in it if I had to

I mean no, I wouldn't object

>hidari below kozaki
Smh desu senpai
Neither are bad, though

Second time this happened in this thread. Like Senri Kita, Mitsuki Oosawa is a woman.

The generic adventurer looks more interesting than most actual characters in Fates.

>people mistake Hidari for a woman
>people mistake Kita and Oosawa for men
these names are confusing

>generic adventurer
That's a thief.

Charlotte is objectively the best and prettiest FE girl, sorry.