Holy shit guys, Hideo Kojima wrote an article for the rolling stone about the Wonder Woman movie

holy shit guys, Hideo Kojima wrote an article for the rolling stone about the Wonder Woman movie.

He has gone full SJW on us.
He straight up says that solving gender problems is more important than any other problems with inequality.

explain to me how is this vidya?
because it seems you want to discuss "not vidya"

Kojima has always been a faggy leftist, it was obvious when i reached the end of mgs2

not v

>everyone said Wonder Woman would fail
>it didn't
>it actually became a huge hit
>even Kojima is praising it
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums all btfo

Is Wonder Woman the new queen of Sup Forums?

Kojima is a huge westaboo and liked a well performing well reviewed western movie.

wew, why is this such a shock.


Kojima, Igarashi, Inafune, one by one they all fall....

As will more game devs
>Persona 5 is a leftist globalist propaganda machine with Donald Trump as a villain
>Pokemon shoehorns niggers and spics in all their newer games
>Fire Emblem has the (((other))) gender option.

>The creator of Quiet and first person easter eggs to see shaky boobies

>"sexualization of women is wrong!"

No one else sees a problem with this?

>solving gender problems

What problems, exactly? This isn't the 1920s anymore. Women can vote, serve in the military, and command space shuttle missions. I'd say they're pretty caught up on the whole equality thing by now.

>a success
>being queen of Sup Forums
Pick one.

The real queen is the queen of failures. She doesn't even get to be in a good Versus game.

But she'll probably stop being queen once her movie comes out.

Don't start this actually discussion, faggot. Are you retarded?

Right? This fuck is known for his fanservice. I feel like he's just pandering

And he's going to do it by adding in more tits to his next game.

Are posts like this actually sincere? Has Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums this much?

Why the fuck is hideo kojima, a video game director, writing film reviews for the rolling stone

Shouldn't he be oh I dunno...working on video games?

It was a good movie

yeah, he just found a better demographic to pander to

Maybe and yes.

>Why is film obsessed weirdo Kojima talking about films?
Come on.

Nah, people are just waking up after a decade of everyone else pushing for their deaths and erasure from all fields just because of the color of their skin. Not everyone became a suicidal self hating cuck

You sound like a whiny pussy. Never post again, newfag.

>le gender inequality meme

There is no right that men have that women don't

go back to the_donald

This. Whether he cares about "gender issues" is irrelevant if he doesn't act like an SJW when he makes his games.

>Sup Forums
>having a queen (female)

>the man that gave us quiet is talking about feminazi shit

The laughs are nonstop

I also think one thing that gets lost these days since it's more "cult vs cult" instead of "people vs cult" like the GG days, is that SJW didn't really care about gender issues. It was all an excuse for personal gain. Anita never cared if games were or weren't sexist, she was after a fat paycheck.

>literally misinterpreting the theme
>New York and Hawaii
>not full of niggers
>still pushing the (((other))) meme when it's literally a mistranslation and just gives you monster titles if you pick other instead of male or female titles

Bitch dreaming about Spiderdick. All she wants is Parker sperm, but she will never get it.

>Politically analyzing Pokémon
You tinfoil hat wearing Sup Forumsshits are more delusional than I could've ever imagined. It's no wonder we needed an entire containment board for your autism.

Quiet is fucking nothing.

>"people vs cult" like the GG days
which one was the "people"?

>depict woman in a vaguely positive role ever

>>everyone said Wonder Woman would fail
Who the fuck said this? WW has been praised since her cameo in BVS.

>He has gone full SJW on us.
Fuck off. Being happy for more female leads isn't SJW, unless you're a frothing T_D shitposter. Kojima has always been anti-war, pro-human. Its literally the subject of all his games.

Dumb cunts.

I'm perplexed by how your posts message contradicts your flip flapper image

She's an excuse to have a girl in skimpy clothing which is fine by me but his half hearted defense was fucking pathetic

Stop looking at some batshit Tumblrina's twitter. Believe it or not, most people do not actually care what skin color you are as long as you're a decent person.

>Fire Emblem has the other gender option

Am I missing something? I played Fates and could pick Corn male or female with some weird hairstyles.

Flip Flappers also has out of place, contradictory fanservice.

He must have picked the wrong image form his shitpost folder

Fake news. Congrats on the replies.

Wow another dumbass jap commenting on politics they know nothing about. Game devs are children with low IQ. They have ideas and force wage slaves to make it for them. They shouldnt be respected in the slightest.


If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Echoes lets you pick an other option for it's online stuff. It just gives you monster titles like Dracozombie instead of gendered titles like king or queen though. So I can't really call that SJW pandering.

Japan's like the west but 10-20 years behind in this regard

Nice adhom shitskin. Youre at the top of low iq brainlets.

Breaking news: Kojima is a shit writer.

If "solving gender problems" means making cute girls in media lesbians, I'm totally fine with that.

I hope Kojima's next game solves many gender problems.