This is Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca also known as Ashe - the 19 year old Princess in hiding of the Kingdom of Dalmasca...

This is Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca also known as Ashe - the 19 year old Princess in hiding of the Kingdom of Dalmasca and leader of the resistance against the Empire.

What does this pose suggest of her character?

Other urls found in this thread:

is she a virgin?

I masturbated to her ass.

she thinks (You) are a faggot

She is a harlot.

>How do you want your design family?
>just ojfe56soanbe7454egerbfsbei my shit up
>say no more

>Toes pointed inward

what about Vaan?

Guilty as well. I was 14 at the time. But 10 years later, not much has changed.

They look like they're posing for a boy band album cover and that's probably where they got the inspiration for 15.

has an itchy nose
>them hips when in combat with a bow or gun

>didnt give her any combination that lets her use a ranged attack


Is this game any good? I'm not a huge FF fan. Tried to play 13 couldn't get into it.

I sense nagging. Constant nagging.
Also naivity, curious nature, impatient and tends to be a stick up the ass overall

How did I do?

>What does this pose suggest of her character?
She's a Tsun bitch who tries to act cute to mask her horrible personality and inability to take criticism.

He secretly wants to be a loose girl.

>Tried to play 13 couldn't get into it.
13 is just plain bad.

I want to come in her belly button.

Why does she dress like a slut?

Because she's Princess Leia.

12 is a lot different than 13 and the rest of the series. It's my favorite FF and I've played nearly all of them. The remaster is also really well done.

its like japanese artists googled prostitutes and that was the inspiration for ashes design.

I really hope Rasler died before the honeymoon

Gave me my thigh fetish. I've been a better man ever since.

>What does this pose suggest of her character?
puffy pussy :3


They're all different, but if you didn't like 13 you probably won't like 12 either. 10 and before are worth checking out though.

This is OP also known as Faggot - the 17 year old Furry in hiding of the Kingdom of Sup Forums and leader of the trans movement against the internet.

Penelo > Fran > Elza > Al-Cid's Secretary > Drace > Ashe

Same. Multiple times. Ended up rushing the game's ending because my dick was raw

It suggests a girl that doesn't have nearly enough porn.

This right here

Why do most FFs past 7 or 8 have no or low-quality lewds?

Future Supervillain.

whoever designed her, Vaan's, and Basch's costumes should be taken out back and given constructive criticism for why their designs are very poor. Penelo's isn't much better but it's passable.

such an awful blight on an otherwise amazing game.

I have a feeling that Basch's outfit was partially inspired by Nomura.

It's pretty surprising how lackluster FF hentai is. FF7 and FF13 have a shit ton, mostly Tifa and Lightning, but the real best girls come from FFVIII and FFX. I wish FF had as much hentai as Overwatch and League of Legends gets.

Basch at least has the excuse for being chained up for several years.

>penniless street rat wears full iron greaves and gloves but can't afford a decent shirt

Basch also basically dresses by necessity by throwing on whatever he finds in the middle of the mines and then putting vest over it when he gets to Rabanastre, he dresses like trash because he literally dressed in trash.

Something i failed to pick up on when i first played the game.

FF games are entirely front-loaded. Their hype dies off in a month so by the time a comiket rolls around, the hype for FF games have already passed. They only get one round of doujins as a result. Over time, less and less doujin artists attempt to make FF related stuff since they got burned the previous times. These artists will make far more money and fans drawing a shitty touhou or Pokemn doujin than working on Final Fantasy.

Fran's is the worst.

its called hathor faggot jewish kike bloodly cock suckin nigger

Fran is fine. The long fingernails ruin it though.

For me it wasn't the ass

I was like 13 years old but I had the game and the strategy guide. In the guide there's this huge page large photo of Ashe where her thighs look juicy af

Rubbed one out multiple times to that picture

Dissidia and FFTA2 salvaged Vaan.

>play FF12 when it first came out
>didn't like it
>was really slow
>didn't care for the story beyond vaan wanting to be a sky pirate and hating imperials
>balthier was cool too I guess

>play FF12:TZA
>4x makes the game 1000x better, game is fast paced, not a slow sluggish grindfest anymore
>actually understand and give a shit about the political story
>vaan is an awful character, literally has no place in the game
>I'd still love a FF game about Vaan becoming a sky pirate, but he really has no place in FF12, which I guess is why Revenant Wings exists
>realize that the imperials literally did nothing wrong and that ashe is more of a villain than vayne
>balthier is still cool
>game went from being one of my least favorite to one of my most favorite FF games

Not true. XII is one of my favourites and I despised XIII. The battle style of XII and the world exploration is much more in depth than XIII, plus all the characters besides Vaan and Penelo are well-written and interesting. XIII is an all-around spam-x shitfest

>>realize that the imperials literally did nothing wrong and that ashe is more of a villain than vayne

The whole thing was basically "road to hell is paved with good intentions".

Is the gameplay still 90% automated in Zodiac?

I despised the gameplay in the original, same reason why I hate Persona 3 FES. Autocombat in RPGs is something I despise.

user, did you also complain about characters being copies after filling out the grids? I'm going to teach you a new word today: optional.

XII should've just taken Grandia 2's battle system and incorporated free movement and no screen transition.

I would actually say that, because of the 4x time multiplier and also because of the balance changes, the game is actually MORE automated than before. I hated how automated FF12 was when it first came out, but combat goes by in a flash due to the time modifier that the automated aspect of the game is barely noticeable. Basically, the autocombat isn't really a criticism for me anymore.

That's too bad. It feels really weird for this to be such a major international franchise and yet you have to seriously dig for decent stuff.

>user, did you also complain about characters being copies after filling out the grids?

They already did that somewhat with FF X though, it didnt bother me that much.

Fug, I don't think I'll get it then. I love CTB and ATB, but I just cannot enjoy automated combat, I'd rather play a hack and slash that that.

Penelo and Balthier are the only decent Designs.

Basch sort of because of what they were going for with him, he looks like a bum but that was the point.
Fran's is too obvious fapbait. Fine for what it is but still meh
Ashe is a bunch of shit and idea's clusterfucked into something that not only doesn't make much sense, it still looks stupid and slutty and not much at all. where the fuck do people think she's a good design?
Vaan is a fucking disaster, and literally because he's missing a shirt. It'd be more or less fine otherwise. as evidenced by

God, I must be the only one who likes Vaan's shirtless design. I mean, I'm okay with him having a shirt, but he's literally FF's Aladdin. He's a street rat who lives in the desert and gets by by stealing. If anything, I hate the fact he's wearing a bunch of expensive looking armor. That goes against his character more than the fact he's not wearing a shirt.

He'd look better if he didn't have the sash. Gives him a weird high pants look.

Isn't Ashe's clothing fine considering she's trying to hide her appearance as a princess? Looking like some slut kind of makes sense. I like Vaan's outfit too, fittingly illfitting with the rest of the designs. Fran is the only one I have issue with, just distracting.

I actually don't mind shirtless Vaan either, but god damn Shirt Vaan looks swag as fuck.

>ffxii ps2 release
>pick up my pre-order for the steelbook and CE guide
>ask to see all the CE guides that they got
>spend half an hour looking at the sealed guides from all angles
>finally pick one
>got the ashe cover like i wanted
>went home and fapped

I like it too and I agree with you. Vaan's outfit suits him perfectly. I never got the hate for his design or for him as a character.

Is there a short clip of this?

>I never got the hate for him as a character.

Well, I understand that at least. I like Vaan's character, but he stops being a character after like ten hours. He becomes a background character after Ashe appears.

Honestly, for me, it isn't I hate Vaan, but I hate Ashe. She steals the spotlight, she orders Balthier's crew around, telling him to keep taking her to places to get artifacts, never really pays him back, and she can't get over the fact she completely lost the fight to Archadia. Not only that, but she goes on a quest to essentially find fantasy nukes and use them on Archadia, even if that means killing millions of innocents, simply because her boyfriend of a year died.

She's worse than Lightning.

i'm playing this game right now. i'm already at the place where the spiders eat the power. i made vaan a shikari and baltheir a knight so far. i'm regretting making baltheir a knight right now, because i feel like thats more for basch. i haven't chosen anything for fran yet. what should i do? i feel like starting over

eh, unless you're autistic and want the jobs to fit the characters (i.e., giving Machinist to Balthier), it really doesn't matter.

If you're the other kind of autistic and like to min-max characters and go for the best possible class setup, Balthier is actually really good as a knight and is ironically horrible at guns.

If you do want to start over, I don't really feel like where you are at currently is all that far. You should consider keeping multiple saves btw.

what should i make basch then? and fran?

Elza is a retard or something. Wearing her g string over her shorts like that.

Basch = Monk
Fran = Redmage

Everyone kept telling her her thong was sticking out and she thought wearing it on the outside would fix that.

i was going to give red mage to vaan, what should his second class be? and how do i choose a second class?

Kinda weird how a psp spin off has the best charactet designs of all the games.

Tidus looked better here, prishe also looked waaaay better as did shantoto.

Cecil was fucijng perfect, I mean it was all so good.

here's the autist's guide to fitting jobs without repeats while still being relatively optimized. Q# refers to quickenings with higher numbers being the more expensive license slots.

Vaan- Shikari / Foebreaker - Zalera, Adrammelech - Q2, Q3, Q4
Penelo- Monk / Black Mage - Chaos - Q1, Q2, Q4
Balthier- Machinist / Uhlan - Famfrit - Q1, Q3, Q4
Fran- Archer / Red Battlemage - Shemhezai, Cuchulainn, Zodiark - Q1, Q2, Q4
Ashe- Time Battlemage / White Mage - Belias, Zeromus - Q1, Q2, Q3
Basch- Knight / Bushi - Mateus, Hashmal, Ultima, Exodus - Q2, Q3, Q4

>accept Antlion hunt
>run into Lhusu mines
>grab Koga blade
>run out

was there anything else in there worth grabbing now? I'm not really strong enough for that place yet.

I am not actually retarded, my thumbs are too big and typing on a touch screen is hard. Sorry for the typos.

Give vaan foebreaker

That's what happens when you put based Nomura in charge.

>there are fags not excited for FFVII remake which is being headed by Tetsuya "savior of the final fantasy series" Nomura

He cleans up well.

I think you can get Iga there too. I remember getting them both within a pretty short distance of each other.

damn. feeling like i should go with this and start over. and how do i choose a second class?

You completely failed to see the point of the plot. Vaan was an avatar of the people of Rabanastre for Ashe, it's Vaan that prevents her re-starting the war because through him she sees how the people would suffer.

when you loot corpses the chest plates and helmets tend to be very damaged because thats where most people aim

>we were supposed to get final fantasy XII: fortress
>a spinoff that would played similar to dark souls set in the FF12 / tactics / ivalice universe
>based on what little info there is, the game would have starred Basch (as Gabranth) travelling across Archadia
>Archadia was going to be more Norse / Northen European themed opposed to Dalmasca's middle eastern influences
>an older queen Ashe and an older Emperor Larsa would have been other main characters

god, this sounds 1000x better than FF12 or that fucking Revenant Wings

no she had a husband.

>how do i choose a second class?
Around the time you get all six characters / your first esper, you get the option of getting a second class for each character. Happens a little randomly but early on.

Isn't Ashe's arc realizing that peace with the empire is the necessary and adult thing to do? She outgrows her vengeful childish ways.

>Basch falls in love with Ashe
>Ashe mad he fights another war
>cucks him and fucks Larsa
>Basch gets imprisoned freed then dies
Yeah nah fuck off that sequel deserves the trash.

how bout Rinok

>street kid who fights rats defeats the most powerful monsters in Ivalice and one of the gods in less than a year

All we need is 'No Pansu' DLC.

>Good luck, I'm behind 7000 skeletons!
Fuck this rabbit

Assuming the order takes into account which job you pick first, then it's better to go White Mage before Time Mage since Time is a late bloomer.

who is the best samurai? and is it best to choose their classes right away or can you get far without it

An user wrote an essay on it years ago. In short yeah, Vaan shows Ashe that her revenge would ultimately lead to senseless death and violence on behalf of her people. She resolves to keep her revenge to herself and become a good queen to prevent them suffering in the way she was.


The fuck

she's a lady bangaa

more likely than you'd think

>who is the best samurai?
from what I remember, Balthier. He apparently has the fastest katana attack and he has high strength. The Zodiac Age changed the stats around, so perhaps this isn't the case anymore. If you don't want Balthier to be a knight, then Basch or Ashe is your second best bet.

>and is it best to choose their classes right away or can you get far without it
Best to choose right away. There's no benefit from not choosing one.

>tfw you like your party but you're beginning to see its flaws but you dont want to start over mid way though the game
It would be nice if the beginning to class selection for all characters was shorter. This is a problem with most Final Fantasies. Another aspect that SaGa beats FF on.