Why is this board so full of Gohanfags?
Is it because he appeals to the "pshh I may be quiet, but don't make me angry" beta fags Sup Forums is full of?
Gohan is shit, deal with it.
Also DBZ vidya thread
Why is this board so full of Gohanfags?
Is it because he appeals to the "pshh I may be quiet, but don't make me angry" beta fags Sup Forums is full of?
Gohan is shit, deal with it.
Also DBZ vidya thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why is this board so full of Gohanfags?
Because Gohan has been consistently getting great fights in Super, win or lose. The only outlier is his fight against Krillin.
superior arcsys game coming through
>DBZ bait
What fucking year is it
Because I wanted him to grow up to be like Future Gohan
People watched the show as children, and related to Gohan because he was also a kid.
would have been interesting if, when he saved vegeta, he lost his arm which would then have acted like the power limiter instead of him effectively wimping out
reminder that bulma is best girl
That would have required a more mature writing approach than dragonball can provide.
Especially since the dragonballs themselves could fix that shit at any time.
Good father/husband Vegeta is best Vegeta.
For some reason Sup Forums likes jobbers, just look at how popular future trunks is.
oh yeh dragonballs
...having a magical get out of jail free card does limit options a bit
maybe have cell absorb the arm and technically if they wished it back, enough of cell to regenerate would also come back with it?
Don't lump me in with them
I know who my main man is
Sup Forums is leaking.
Or Gohan could just choose to not want it back. Maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve it or something.
>x is leaking
Go back
>Prince of all Jobbers
So a bitch that loses an arm and gets killed?
I like Gohan because from the beginning of DBZ, he seemed to be set up to be the next big thing after Goku. Toriyama had something at least relatively interesting going with the whole idea that Gohan is so much more powerful than his father because he has half Saiyan, and half Human DNA, but after the Cell Saga, it seems like he completely lost interest in the character, and now he's just a side character for everyone else to poke fun at.
We all like to see powerful characters do cool shit, and DBZ and DBS constantly hint that Gohan is capable of so much more than even Goku or Vegeta, and yet we never get to see any of it.
Because this board is full of shit taste.
What does /x/ have to do with reddit?
i miss the light yellow hair of super saiyan
He's a self-insert character and this board is full of self-inserting retards. Just look at any Spec Ops thread.
>"pshh I may be quiet, but don't make me angry"
But Gohan was a whiny brat.
Gohan never really had the same drive to do what his father does. He shouldn't have been written to be such a bitch after Cell but he'd never realistically choose to be the kind of man Goku is either.
When he was 4, yeah.
>Kid Goku meeting Grandpa Gohan again
>all future DB games will be jewish DLC ridden shit like xenoverse
problem, since the android saga, has been that Trunks existed and didn't have that inner power
No we're just a bunch of nerds that were ignored by dad and can't DODGE for shit.
It's just the way the game industry is now. As long as regular jackoffs will continue to buy this shit, they'll keep doing it.
Saiyaman saga is objectively the best Z era dragon ball saga
Let me guess. caulifaggot? Also we already have 2 other DBZ threads up right now.
One of the few characters with development in Dragon Ball other than Vegeta. Too bad it was pissed away with Super.
>maining the prince of cucks
>no episode where his enemies find out where he lives and decide to try and hold his little brother hostage
Vegeta is us
You see, Vegeta is constantly shit on. He constantly strives to be better than his rival yet is surpassed at every turn. No matter how far he progresses, he's always one step behind Kakarot.
He pours in endless hours of bloody, toil, tears and sweat all and is never rewarded with the sweet taste of victory as recompense for his efforts.
He's berated at home, mocked by his 'friends' and despite personal growth never manages to affect any real change.
Yes despite all of this he never gives up. He keeps battling, moving forward and fighting for what he believes he deserves.
And what's the result?
Life shits on him even harder.
It's a perpetual cycle of how despite his tireless efforts, he will always be defeated by life itself.
Vegeta is us.
I'd say the Namek saga leading up to the fight with Frieza is better. Everyone sneaking around and stealing the Dragon Balls from each other was really interesting and tense. Everyone had their own motivations and for the most part it was the Krillin and Gohan show which was more interesting than Goku just kicking everyone's ass.
Which was what ended up happening anyway.
Maybe vegeta is you but i can't even delude myself into believing I'm trying anymore.
I'm Yamcha.
We've had 4 shows about Goku beating people up, why can't we have another character do instead now?
Why don't they just call it Goku Ball?
>Vegeta is us
>married to hot trillionaire
Fuck off.
Goddamn, this scene is still good to this day. A classic moment.
No Janemba, no buy.
>mfw no SSG transformation
>mfw so many left out trainers
>mfw so few offline quests
im so dissapointed
Don't worry, Gohan will be the star of the tournament.
Who gives a shit anymore? Is there anyone out there anymore that really cares to this level to be considered a ____fag? Super ensured that nothing of value will come of this IP anymore, the rest is just circle jerking over childhood memories.
I do hope the next game is good though, its one of the only times fighting games get to be interesting.
Also he's like 5 foot nothing lol none of us are really that short, right?
>DBZ features a brilliant female scientist who uses her wealth to get herself a boytoy who's only job is to work out and look great
didn't know the show was that progressive
yeah r-right ahahah
Krillin > Master Roshi > Tien > Android 17 > Android 18 > Picollo > Gohan > Frieza > Prince of all Jobbers
As much I love Vegeta, he is the biggest Gohanfag
Bulma has been best girl since chapter one.
Huh, did the uncuck Gohan in Super? I stopped watching after a while. He was supposed to be the prodigal son. Shame they wasted all that.
Don't post that mangashit here
He became ultimate again and landed a few punches against SSB Goku, and he's in the outro back to back with Goku
because most fans probably watched the anime first, and got pissed after Gohan got all of that build-up then become a jobber nerd in the very next season
he was just cool, and contrasted well with Goku, who I still like better
A better question would be why is Vegeta so popular when he's worthless
It's even in the anime.
>krillin does one solar flare that doesn't work then fucking dies
come on, man
That doujin was pretty funny
desu, I would turn down such an offer. Being fit for the sole purpose of fucking / looking pretty and having a woman give me an allowance would be degrading to no end.
Can someone please tell me why gogeta cant go ssj3? Especially in the janemba movie like gotenks can.... yet the two kids can only go ssj1 solo.... vegeta can go ssj2 and goku ssj3 surely they could go ssj3 as gogeta!!! Fuck we saw vegito blue in super i dont think well see ssj3 gogeta cuz the blue shit is so prevalent in super
>one of the most valued and cherished anime series of all time
>nothing of value
You know how I can tell you're a lonely fag living in his stepdad's basement?
The best end to the series would be a fight between Goku and Vegeta to see who will become the next God of Destruction. Vegeta wins and is granted three of the most important goals of his life. He defeats Kakarot, becomes immortal, and gets the status he's always wanted. However he stops and realizes that his goals have changed and his immortality will mean outliving Bulma and his children so he declines the position and gives it to Goku who has no problem abandoning his family for the job because it means he'll live forever and get to fight strong guys for eternity.
You can all start calling me a faggot now.
I miss the everything about the old artstyle.
>He doesn't know Frieza's going to outlast everyone then squander U7's wish to steal Zeno-sama's power for himself
Vegeta's supposed to be the cool antihero rival for Goku, but kinda failed at that and just ended up being the guy who gets his shit pushed in to show how strong the newest villain is, with a side of incredibly fucking stupid despite being called one of the most intelligent fighters in the series.
>"I'm a genius!"
>"Oh no!"
We all know Frieza's going to job to Jiren
>People really liked how the whole crew got up and helped Gohan in the fight against Cell. They loved Gohan being the hero.
>Fuck it I can't think of anything. Goku is the hero again. In fact, Goku is so cool that he holds back in his climactic final fight with Vegeta. Anyone who isn't Goku fucks up embarrassingly. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks will all get buildup but I'll show that they're all actually fucking losers. I'll even have Tien show up and tease him doing something cool but lol nope.
I fucking hate the Buu saga. Except Vegeta blowing himself up, and the very last fight with Kid Buu.
Because he didn't need it and it shortens the fusion timer. Gotenks used it because he's a flashy assdick and he couldn't beat Buu with SSJ alone.
I miss Buu being a universal level threat and has turned into a gag character
>Vegeta becoming the God of Destruction
Shit, that actually sounds pretty kino
Beerus needs more doujins
actually, it was the fans who demanded goku come back
Uhh, you don't get to bring saibamen.
I'm pretty sure you mean Whis
but they love eachother
EVERYBODY'S going to job to Jiren
The final fight's going to be Kakarot vs Jiren
We all know this
With the power of Lakers.
100% agree. Would be a great ending. Goku has never defeated Vegeta anyways, so it would be par for the course for him to lose to Veg once again. Vegeta would be a great GoD tho, but it would make sense for his current character to turn it down.
Beerus is much more entertaining
Everybody except the Survivor of course
Vegeta blowing himself up was a great moment, but also fucking dumb in that he killed himself off fighting the weakest version of Buu and failing. Literally Chiaotzu tier.
how the fuck does animation from a decade ago look 5 times better than Super? fucking hell, did they have a tight budget or something? it's fucking DB how does it look so terrible
I'd love to see some fully animated episodes done by the one punch team
Fuck off, Gohan going all out against Cell is the highlight of Z
>Cell returns as Super perfect Cell
>Gohan is happy that he gets another chance to kill him
Gohan of all people wanted to kill someone. It was great.
I'd be okay with this desu. Vegeta has had more character development than most.
He'll get thrashed, but there's the chance that he just plays dead and lets Goku handle it while waiting for his opportunity.
Buu Saga Gohan was a mistake. He should have been more like Future Gohan, even though that would have made zero sense.
From which chapter is this? it would have been interesting if future Bulma had met that Vegeta, perhaps she wanted to go to the past to wish her vegeta back?
Damn kid buu has a nice body, no homo.