Has a single game ever destroyed your enthusiasm for an entire series?

Has a single game ever destroyed your enthusiasm for an entire series?

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I just hope the next game won't be an open world trash


>next game

Is it THAT bad?

Probably not if you played it now, the insane hype and konami v kojima stuff surrounding it made it feel much worse

not at all, it's a great game but MGSfags hate anything resembling a game and just want badly convoluted anime plots that make no sense so they can spent years of their lifetimes filling the gaps of Kojima's """"genius""""

Dark Souls 2

its a good game but I dont think it lived up to peoples expectations + open world really takes alot out of it

No. Portable Ops, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Peace Walker were pretty low points for the series but I was always able to compartmentalize them. The same goes for other series I like with blunders (I love LoK despite disliking everything after SR1, for example).

And here comes Caramel

Especially after episode 4 turned it into just another cliche isekai light novel story

Story is fucking retarded but the gameplay is fucking great.

>badly convoluted anime plots that make no sense so they can spent years of their lifetimes filling the gaps of Kojima's """"genius""""

the mechanics are orgasmic, I cant play other stealth games anymore. even the third person shooting is fucking great.

Its the terrible pacing of the story and incompleteness of the game that makes us butt hurt.

It doesnt feel like a mgs game. MGS had cool gameplay but the story was always the centerpiece, this game is all gameplay and no story, even has a mute main characters that just doesnt work at all in the context of the game.

>hating on the best


I also would of prefered more enclosed areas and the complete removal of child soldiers

I played Ground Zeroes for 40 hours. I still love it. It's amazing how bad level design and pacing can take what is essentially the same core game and make it so much worse.

Nah I'm fine with child soldiers (I just hope you could kill them) but bigger enclosed areas here and there would have been welcome.
The game is pretty but the open world is a drag. Is completely pointless in a MGS game. Just takes time runing around.

Also fuck motherbase

nah, it's just lore nigger crying

In fact fuck everything about this game that isnt the core gameplay mechanics.

It should have just been like 6-8 GZ sized maps

I'm relieved. Thinned out one more headcannon faggot from my fanbase. Go choke on your own imaginary dick, you stupid sack of shit. I don't want you associated with things I like.


Phantom Pain wasn't perfect but in hindsight I actually kind of like it. I feel like most of the backlash comes from it not being what players thought it would be. They wanted a direct sequel to PW's story that went into Big Boss and linked everything to MG1. instead they got a game starring a new character that explored it's own themes. It's almost exactly the same as the old MGS2 backlash when you think about it.

I agree. It would've been much better than an open world game. Or maybe an open world game but with 6-8 GZ sized military bases in it.

Caramel pls

Even though TW: Warhammer is tempting, I won't give in.

naw, but i'm not a melodramatic baby either. Things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. it's a fact of life

And Episode 5 looks to change it into ANOTHER isekai light novel story.

What happened to traveling the universe and fighting the darkness? Now it's all "let's save another world from their own problem"


It's rough being a Phantasy Star fan. I already didn't like the tone shift of the Universe series. I didn't like the tone shift of vanilla Online 2. But somehow they keep making it worse. Phantasy Star 1-4 and PSO are all GOAT, where did we go so wrong?

I still want to know what the fuck happened

is there any way to unJUST DS2?

>develop lighting engine for PC, Xbone, and ps4
>"yeah we need you to make it work on the 360 and ps3 too"
>"o-ok, producer-sama..."

this game was so terrible i actually enjoyed how bad it was

graphic whores keep crying

>its a great game
Its fucking garbage
>repetitive missions
>absolutely pointless open world
>unfinished story
>the story that was finished was shit
>playing as brain damaged silent snake
It has the best game mechanics of any mgs but that is all it does well.

It's basically the greatest stealth shooter ever

Yeah, because the graphics were the only bad thing about Dark Souls 2.

Fucking Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. I just explained why on a different thread so Ill just copy:

I fucking loved Kingdom Hearts until DDD trainwrecked the story. Does KH have the most stupidly convoluted time travel ever?

>You can go back in time
>But only if you discard your body
>But you can travel back to your past self after discarding your body and give them the ability to time travel WITH their body
>Then, they are able to pull as many of themselves out of time as they want, also keeping their body
>When theyre done, they snap back to the exact moment you stole them from with no memory of time travel

>Theres also a magic silver door that says fuck you to all the rules above, travel as much as you want and even change the past

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK

The story was finished

Oblivion killed TES for me. I knew nothing coming after that would be good, and I've been right so far.

Yeah, but not that one.

MGSV was fun as fuck. Get over it.


This a billion times over.

MGS5 was in dire need of more larger interiors and big bases with big fucking walls that are actually hard to enter/escape.

Instead I think there's maybe one building that has "walls" and there's 50 ways inside. Also I thought we'd get to go inside the Metal Gear hangar area but that never happens. It's just one BIG room you visit once.

>A few things are bad or mediocre, its compelete garbage

You couldn't see it coming?

>MG - MG2: Top-down, fast, puzzle stealth with action-movie drama

>MGS1: maintains perfection of top-down stealth but adds more magnificent Action aesthetics (intense and gritty graphics, cinematics, drama VA, electronic-orchestral OST, set-pieces such as legendary boss battles)

>MGS2: MGS formula but less gritty Western, instead a surreal East/West hybrid of stylish action with camp and comedic hysterics. The peak of MGS stealth complexity from the introduction of guard binoculars, persistent bodies, radio communication, backup squads, and search manoeuvrers, etc.

>MGS3: Return to the Western Action movie aesthetic magnificence of MGS but now deeply suave and satirical rather than gritty. MGS2 stealth formula applied to outdoor environments; the increased guard distance/map size debases the stealth by allowing tranquiliser gun abuse, crawling becomes overpowered and makes the stealth sluggish and unstylish, and AI is retarded trying to react to the endless paths that can be chosen by the player. Also the start of unnecessary (they were later dropped or minimised) bloat mechanics like the camouflage and survival system.

>MGS4: a homage to senility, the series' embarrassing tribute to itself, unnecessary tying-up of plot-holes. The stealth exaggerates all the stultifying features of MGS3 (bigger outdoor areas to crawl, camo, and dart-gun through; more bloat in the form of massive lethal-weapon selection), one exception being a balance to crouch-walking (a sore-back). Endless set-pieces that are barely stealth or action (or even interactive).

>MGS PW: MGS4 crippled by handheld hardware. Introduces the soldier collectathon (think Pokemon) and shallow base strategy (the Sims) features, this bloat even replaces the dire set-pieces and narrative-heaviness of 4

>MGSV: MGS PW concept and balance, yet with hardware perfection (best controls and graphics of the series). GZ's design hints at MGS2/3's stealth perfection.

>serve as a mercenary under this stoic master of espionage
>he's a pretty cool guy, kills slavs and doesn't afraid of anything
>our oil rig home is destroyed by a guy that would later drown in a swimming pool
>try to shield my boss from an explosion
>he falls into a coma so they put me in one too for no reason
>wake up 9 years later
>my eye and arm are gone
>my face is all fucked up
>mfw he turned me into his doppelganger so that he could build another merc army somewhere else without being bothered
>mfw he literally stole my life from me smugly assured I would enjoy the opportunity to just lose my entire sense of self and identity just to get to be him
>mfw I had to endure a ghoul hamburglar and a massive bipedal mech and a murderous fireman and thousands of slavs and reliving his painful awful memories constantly and executing the men I served with for years because they had a parasite released by the same guy that would later drown in a swimming pool
>mfw my boss would later have me killed anyways

mfw this is all pointless because he has like 4 lines in the game

Gameplay is cash. Story left a lot to be desired but if you're looking for a game with an exceptional amount of freedom when tackling missions, look no further. It wasn't nearly as focused as Ground Zeroes with regard to level design but it was still a lot of fun.

Story is an abhorrent mix of nonsensical twists and poorly written mcguffins. The gameplay is excellent (aside from a few annoyances) and carries the game completely.

>The gameplay is excellent
Not by the standard of the series .

Stop whining atleast that game was playable and had some fun in it unlike this travesty

It literally isn't even finished

I grew up in the early 2000s and Halo CE + Halo 2 were two of my favorite games. 3 and Reach were not that great but 4 fucking killed all the love I had for the franchise, didn't even pick up 5 though I heard it was somehow worse

MGS2 isn't finished either. So are lots of good games

MGS2 had to cut a lot of things but the game itself is complete. The ending is Raiden being his own person and Snake talking of doing something worthy. While not all the plotlines are completed, there's a conclusion to the main arc. In MGS V this doesn't happen, because you can see Konami released the game incomplete and Kojima tried to ate more than he could chow. You have the whole Sally build up with Liquid leads to a whole mission that wasn't finished, the game abruptly ends with Venom Snake in the future discovering he isn't BB. An open world that at times feels incomplete and repetitive, features that were removed and overall less diversity in gameplay than PW.

Rising is really short, but the whole game feels complete.

I actually just finished MGSV (poorfag and got it on sale finally) and im hurt man. I had a ton of fun up until that fucking ending. Its kept me up a few nights, thinking about how they could have fixed that shit. I liked enough about it to not go neo-Sup Forums and say its a shit game, but fuck man, that ending both made me want to play all the others and not because it leads back to that shitshow.
i felt feels at the paz being dead shit, quiet leaving, and killing all my dudes, just for it to end abruptly and shittily. I havent been this hurt by vidya since bioshock infinate


Dude, Reach killed the series. 4 just dealt the death blow. 5 was a sad shell of what Halo used to stand for.

the prometheans are the absolute most boring enemy to fight ever in a video game, period.

The demo was better

>in a f2p MMO
What the actual fuck were you idiots expecting?

Surprised this wasn't posted yet, I miss the comfy Mass Effect threads we had before 3 came out and how hyped we were for the trilogy to conclude.


>muh bloom
>muh sprint
Is that all Reach haters can come up with? No valid points of criticism, complete purposefully contrarian nonsense.

an entire series? no. an entire medium.

September 2015 was the last time I stopped truly caring about video games


MGSV is a solid 8.5/10

Could have been a 10 if they hadn't fucked up the 2nd part of the game.

Only if you like the previous mgs games.

i feel this was a shining moment in gaming history where people finally had enough of big developer bullshit
sure there have been times where there was an uproar over the hype of a game and it ending up shit
spore for instance
but not on the scale of butthurt this game caused
the death threats and lawsuits were ridiculous and now at least people know not to touch biowares shit
especially after the turd that was MEA

It's not that bad, the worst part about it is that the demo we got was basically the full game but the map was better, and more mission diversity i guess.


>DMR,which blew weapon balance out the window
>less weapons than it's predecessor
>shit maps
>over reliance on forge world
>armor lock
>no elites on multiplayer
>no dual wielding

All I could come up with in like two minutes, anyone wanna contribute?

I haven't played a Mass Effect game since 3. I'm still mad.

Oh yeah, they also removed trueskill, I think. Man, fuck reach.

we all are
it felt so nice to watch it all burn down
its a shame it was only a support studio that got canned


Fuck off retard. You got exactly what was marketed.

It's a pretty solid game by itself. A lot of the complaining comes from the second half of the game being rehashed missions and the story literally not being finished because of the mission being cut, along with the inevitable disappointment from people who were hyping up the game to astronomical proportions.


Not really

>Tranq darts are invisible
>Unlike in MGS3, YOU can't destroy storage houses and hear guards talk about how hungry they are and run out of ammo
>You can't feed hungry guards food and have them comment on it or die from poison
>Can't throw animals at guards
>Guards don't talk to themselves
>No voiced dialoge for guard interrogations
>Guards don't limp if you shoot legs or hold their wounds(arm, dick, stomach)
>Pointing gun at guards no longer makes them beg or quiver
>Guards don't follow footprints
>Hardly any flora&fauna and you can't eat, every area in MGS3 had unique species
>Normal guards stay held up forever if nobody intercedes
>Dead guards no longer leave blood trails when you move them
>Rocket punch is invisible when in MGS1/2 the guards would see, hear, avoid, and shoot the Nikita
>Laser sights do not instantly trigger an alert
>Worst designed bosses in the series, deploy a tank for any of them for S rank zero challenge
>Small variety in camo, none for your face
>No guard dogs, camera, co-ops communication, books, knife equip, MGS4 masks, character model viewer, swimsuits, secret theatre, VR missions, tuxedo, parody games(guy savage, ape escape, skateboarding), swimming, shooting range, and no difficulty level
>"TECHNOLOGY" Easter eggs nowhere
>Main missions are worse than GZ
>Side-ops variety is worse than PW and they're easier, they also aren't ranked
>None of the levels are designed well, Camp Omega was the best one having multiple objectives and one of two interiors in the game
>Open world adds nothing except accessability
>The cover system is the worst in MGS
>Contextual buttons often do the wrong thing
>You can no longer stand on your tip toes or lean to the side while aiming
>Ledge shooting, crotch grabbing, and prone CQC wasn't implemented
>No alert/evasion/caution tunes
>Some of the characters don't speak at all
>The story, radio, and tapes are worse than every other MGS
>Tons of cut content and no ending
>Buggiest game yet

This. People were mad that the game didn't fulfill their headcanon.

Fallout 4

>duel weeld
The enemy of halo weapon balance


And that whole entire series gets retconned into oblivion to the point nobody even cares about the older games since we know it all went to shit.

>MGS1: Liquid wants to capture Rex, nukes, and surpass Big Boss's legacy.
>MGS2: The Patriots want to take over everything
>MGS3: Volgin basically wants to take over Russia and the world.
>MGS4: Liquid wants to stop the patriots.
>MGS5: Skullface wants to destroy 1/3 of the population, give nukes to everyone, control all those nukes, and have a metal gear... to rule over a dystopian clusterfuck of a world?

Gameplay wise it's casual shit that's boring to play.

>millions of fans of the series don't like it
>but me, someone who doesn't like the series does
>this makes it a good game
never go full retard

You mean Sup Forums. It's the second most-loved game in the series based on polls.

Dang that must be why an extreme minority of the people who bought the game didn't even complete half of the game.

Yes, Halo 4. I had fun with CE, I had fun with 2, 3, ODST, and Reach.... I did not have fun with 4. The campaign dragged on, the forerunners were extremely tedious enemies that just felt like bullet sponges. It went from a vaguely nonsensical "you can't quantify luck and luck is what makes John unique" to "John is the master race whose existence was planned out thousands of years ago" that made everything that happened previously in the games seem pointless. Fuck 343i, fuck Halo 4, fuck Halo 5, and ya know what? Fuck Halo 6.

How? DW took away your grenade to and game you access to a second (short range!) weapon. It made fighting up close interesting, because now you had the option of
1. Tossing a frag and headshoting/meleeing someone
2. Sticking someone
3. Just punching the shit out of someone
4. MixinMatch weapons to hose people down and hopefully kill them before they get out of your range

>listening to the fans of a franchise to gauge whether a game is good

never go full retard


What is it with microsoft hiring companies based on their flagship IPs to completely fuck up their flaghsip IPs?

>Fucking ruins halo

>The Coalition
>Gears 4 is subpar at best

I used to be really excited for another Fallout game after New Vegas.

Now that 4 is out, all I want is remade NV with cut content restored/fixed and then they axe the franchise

That can be said for any videogame with several hours of gameplay. You don't seriously think turbo casuals ever fully playthrough games do you. Their attention spans are nonexistent

I forget Gears 4 even came out. I should watch a longplay of it some time so I can at least see how they raped the story.

>That can be said for any videogame with several hours of gameplay.
No it can't. MGS' fanbase has always been one of the most rabid, all fans would fully complete the MGS game they picked up until V came out.

Keep acting like some toddler though, it's really helping your argument,

>N-No youre wrong! Faggot!

Ad hominem doesn't really help your argument