Which DLC is better?
Which DLC is better?
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Oh man please don't tell me those things both cost the same
Stop comparing expansions to dlc
The top is full DLC the bottom is half a DLC
>actually ending a series with this much further potential for locations
come on, even if you don't like the gameplay that was a pretty solid dlc.
Actually B&W was 15 usd
Why do sonnyggers always use multiplats/worst versions of games against nintenbros?
To be fair we still don't know the full extent of the Zelda DLC.
Why are nintenbros so defensive?
I thought it was $20 and HoS was $15? I mean you're an idiot if you didnt just take the season pass to get both for $25 anyway.
Good question.
Another good question, Why do Sonyroaches like to brag about their next gen graphics when they fall flat to those on PC?
That BOTW DLC is a part of Expansion Pass, which costs $20.
Blood and Wine on Steam is $20.
So yeah, they cost the same, haha.
The BOTW DLC will last indefinitely as everything in it will respawn, giving long lasting playthroughs.
However everything in B&W will never appear again after being finished the first time, so I'd have to say BOTW did it better.
I own a Switch, I'll allow them to compare the Witcher and Zelda. It's fine.
They fall flat compared to xbox too.
The only thing they have left is to try to pathetically bully nintendo on graphics and third party games.
Yup im the idiot that pirated it and all the DLC then bought it on GOG for 30USD NIGGA
>mfw I consider HoS better than B&W
Here's another good question, can you name a single good looking PC exclusive that's come out in 2017?
No mans sky has quintillions of unique planets, for only 60 dollars, you get near infinite entertainment
>Nintenredditors defending this
>Picking Yennefer over Triss
>killing the same things over and over + dungeons = better than handmade side quest + dungeons
The value money depreciates over time. It's never smarter to buy a expansion pass.
But like Witcher 3, No Man's Sky has awful gameplay while Breath of the Wild has great gameplay.
Technically she's supposed to Geralt's main love interest.
I thought this was the consensus. B&W added more stuff but HoS had a really good story and some pretty grindy endgame.
TW3 and BOTW play pretty much the same.
This guy knows.
There was actually things to do in BoTW other than follow red footprints. The gameplay isn't a total joke either.
Witcher 3 DLC isn't even in the same galaxy of BoTW dlc. You can't compare an interactive movie/walking simulator with actual gameplay.
I can't wait to activate my Assassin's Creed vision and follow red stuff AGAIN, what amazing side quests and dungeons!
>being a gay faggot
I like BOTW man but I like W3 more the quest man the quest what RPGs are supposed to be about
BOTW feels like DDDA with more polish and content, fun game that needs more story honestly.
>The Witcher 3
talk about obsession
Witcher 3 is not an RPG. You only play as one pre-determined character, your choices do not affect anything, and there are no builds as the entire loot/skill system is godawful.
Weak bait.
I'd rather do SOME follow red footprints quest (because they were improved a lot in HoS and BaW, there are quests that were you don't look harder with witcher senses, can't have good ending) than collect 900 pieces of golden tree poo.
Selling literal Hard Mode that just makes enemies spongy/higher rank for 20$ is unacceptable.
Even both parts of DLC for BotW will not have the same amount of content as BaW.
Hearts of Stone was really good but I absolutely loved the world of Toussaint
I wish there was a place like that in the real world, I'd move in there in a hearthbeat
>your choices do not affect anything
shit bait
>You only play as one pre-determined character
Oh shit, I guess Deus Ex, Planescape Torment etc. are not RPGs either.
>Your choices do not affect anything
Outright false. And even then, for some reason people have these insane expectations of C&C in this game, like it has affect every aspect of the game.
>and there are no builds
Could be better, but you'll end up with very different playstyles depending on whether you have a sign/alchmey/hybrid build.
>the entire loot/skill system is godawful.
Nintendo always wins baby
Its literally 1800s france
Its bait faggot don't feed the trolls, dumb bitch.
>half a DLC
Bottom one is just fucking part of cut content (which is nothing fucking new, reused shit) and stuff that should be in game already.
You literally can't defend this. Even with second part it will be less than Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3 that costs fucking 15$
Maybe I'm just tired, but Poe's law is making these kinds of threads even worse.
Hearts of Stone:
>best story in Witcher franchise so far
>at least 10-20 hours of new content
>expanded map
>new side quests
>new mechanic that allows you to enchant your equipment for additional effects
>both endings can give you special items with totally unique and new effects
Blood and Wine:
>completely new map with size of Velen/Skellige
>30-40 hours of content even if someone plays at slower pace
>best side quests and exploration in W3
>new mechanic and upgrades that improve endgame
>you have your own house
>story is not amazing but still alright
>three different endings
>even trash stuff to explore got improved, killing monsters/helping small vineyards helps for Wine Wars quest, helping groups of attacked people builds a statue of Lebioda, conquered forts that are later taken by knights actually now have characters you can talk to about the place etc.
BotW DLC looks like a fucking joke and cashgrab compared to this. Take in mind that BaW costs 20$ and HoS 15$
Trial of the Sword >>> the entire Witcher 3 game.
witcher 3 expansions allow you to start the expansions at proper level and gear
>botw allows a new game to be played in a different mode
Both are fun, but completely different gameplay
BotW allows you to play the game at the spongy enemies mode.
There is nothing new to it. At least Witcher 3 gave New Game+ for free.
BaW (and TW3) is comfier. It's a game that you play curled up in bed, because it's so boring it will put you to sleep.
Are Nintenddrones actually defending the fact that Nintendo forces you to pay for hard mode, especially when Hero Mode/Second Quest was a free mode in the rest of the Zelda series?