Is Neverwinter Nights 2 a good game?
Is Neverwinter Nights 2 a good game?
No. Addons are alright tho
Honestly, I did not like it nearly as much as I did the original + expansions. I can't really place it, but it just didn't feel right when I was playing it.
I'd replay Hordes of the Underdark or Shadows of Undrentide any day of the week before I picked this up again.
It's alright. It tends to be inconsistent. One minute you're plowing through your fourth dungeon filled with nothing but fucking orcs, who are doing vague evil orc shit so go kill the orcs, the next you're in the middle of a chapter spanning quest filled to the brim with choices, optional content, multiple solutions, multiple outcomes, and amazing writing. Also holy shit the ending sucks.
MoTB is fucking stellar though.
No. Just play the infinity games.
The original campaign is such a chore to go through with awful dialogue and awful story.
Whoever wrote the companions should never be allowed to write anything other than their last will.
Forgotten Realms is a shitty setting
Some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard in a game before, but it wasn't terrible gameplay wise. For DnD, it just felt uninspired.
Actually, I think this may have been what killed it for me. I played several hours of the main campaign, but I really hated my companions, and just wished they would all go away and I could get Deekin or literally fucking anyone else.
There's only one Infinity Engine game worth playing, IEfag.
Its the camera system. Ruins the entire game for me.
which one?
Most of the companions aren't great, but Sand, Khelgar and Jerro are all top notch.
I liked it, too bad they cut off the romance with the stinky thief.
Eh. It's alright. Plays like absolute shit though.
Hard to say. Most of it is a boring slog with dull companions, but occasionally there will be really good parts, like Jerro's sanctum or all the stuff involving the trial.
But it does set up everything for MotB, which is an experience on par with PS:T in my opinion.
I agree, IWD is definitely worth playing.
is the original good? Been meaning to try it out with the group i play shit with.
I think it's deliberately cliched and awful. It never really winks at you until the terrible ending though. So while it's interesting that someone made a game emulating the experience of having a bad DM, that isn't an experience anyone wants.
MotB is good.
Yeah, that was something I noticed. The original was incredibly fluid and felt really good when you wanted to zoom out to take in a large battle happening, and then zoom in to marvel at your character as you wandered a dungeon or had dialogue with someone.
The Witcher is the only good Aurora engine game
Also there's a really brilliant courtroom sequence in the OC, but on the whole its a slog with a few standout moments.
It's worth it for MotB
Khelgar and Sand are consistently the only 2 characters that didn't shit me off. Can't stand a lot of the other characters.
How long is the OC and how long is MotB?
You didn't like Jerro?
>All this hate for NW2.
>I loved it and wish for NW3.
>Tried to play NW1 and thought it was ugly and lame.
It's okay, I'd play it if you liked the first one.
I don't get all the hype for MotB. I didn't dislike it or anything, but nothing really wowed me.
And not being able to Gorbachev the wall of the faithless cause wizards of the coast said so really pissed me off
60 and 20 hours I'd say.
Was making women look like men the purpose of this pack?
after fighting with the camera for the entire epilogue I just uninstalled and won't touch it.
eh, prologue...
>liking the edgelord
You do realize the second camera mode is literally the same as NWN1 except bettter
That's not really an accurate description.
Bishop is edgy, not Ammon Jerro.
Sure he's not evil per se but he's a "pss nothing personnel" fucktard.
If instead of chimping the fuck out and murdering everyone he tried to explain what the fuck was going on then perhaps his niece would be alive.
dunno, I tried all the different modes and couldn't find anything that felt right. don't really care anymore.
>he's a "pss nothing personnel" fucktard.
He really isn't. He's a jaded old bastard who spent his life being bitter over a good cause. Imagine spending decades fighting the end of the world, with everyone too up their own ass to recognise the danger, you would start to simply assume yourself in the right and that everyone else was too stupid to see it. He's not a good person, but he's a good character, and he recognises his faults in the end.
Eh, it's ok. I still lie the first one more
Bishop is extremely edgy. Worse, he's fanfic-bait.
I'm glad he ended up in the wall.
Jerro's fine. He's far too "muh pragmatism" to have around too often, though.
>tfw there's this girl obssessed with Bishop to the point of having drawn multiple fanarts and even made oblvion/skyrim mods
Would truly make waifufags proud
I kind of like how much of irredeemable shit he is about absolutely everything, and him taking the piss out of Generic McPaladinman was always fun, especially for female playthroughs.
that said I do like he doesn't get a full redemption
he regrets some things he did but not everything and accepts what judgements the afterlife will have on him
It's impossible to convince me that the base campaign and MotB were written by the same company.
He doesn't get any redemption at all
The hate for bishop is nonsense
He knew he was a fucked up fucker and just wanted to die
Courtroom scene, everything Jerro
>find glitched dialogue to take relationship points with angel girl up to 100
>still can't have wingy waifu to tear down that wall with
that post was referring to our favorite warlock
but yeh, most of the alignments are done pretty well, only thing that should have been changed was Qara either to true neutral (to represent her being less person more force of nature) or else some form of evil
Qara, now there's a shit edgy character.