Idiort Thread

>What are you playing on PC
>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
>What are you playing on PS4
>What are you playing on Xbone
>What are you playing on 3DS
What are you playing on PSVita

>Favorite title of each platform

>B-But muh multiplatforms, muh ports
I don't fucking care.

Sploon 2 on switch tonight, as well as maybe a little FFXII on PS4 if I feel like it.

How's 2? What does it improve to 1?

Playing mario 3d land on 3ds because I never owned a 3ds until now.

>>What are you playing on PC
Danganronpa Another Episode
>>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
>>What are you playing on 3DS
Animal Crossing

>What are you playing on PC
STALKER clear sky
>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
Splatoon 2
>What are you playing on PS4
N Sane Trilogy
>What are you playing on Xbone
Red Dead Redemption
>What are you playing on 3DS
Nothing right now
>What are you playing on PSVita
Nothing right now

Not an idort

Hotline Miami
Badge arcade

why would someone buy a fucking Xbone if they own a PS4?

Neither PS4 or Xbox was listed in that post.

Calm down. He may not own ALL consoles, but he enjoys what he likes and rather share it than shitpost over what he doesn't have.

>What are you playing on PC
>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
>What are you playing on PS4
Persona 5
>What are you playing on Xbone
Sunset override and Forza horizon 3
>What are you playing on 3DS
New Fe. It sucks.

Witcher 3
>PC Fav
>Switch Fav
>Wii U
>Wii U Fav
Injustice 2/Crash/T7
>PS4 Fav
Injustice 2
>3DS Fav
OoT 3D
>PSVita Fav

Man, whatever happened to Sunset Overdrive? Where I live, kids kept talking about it and the commercial and such when it was announced and came out.
But then it stopped.

Xcom 2
Splatoon 2
>Wii U
Twilight princess SD
Forza horizon 3

forgettable flavor of the month, like many AAA games.

For what purpose, user? Seriously, you can even pirate HD if money's an issue

I want to stuff midna's belly and fucke her

Is that so? So, it wasn't even good? Not even Sup Forums talks about it.

How do you like it? It felt uncharacteristically souless for a 3d mario imo but i still had fun with it

well i wasnt that impressed with what they added in HD

Fair enough?
I personally liked just having a cleaner picture though. Hero Mode is nice, made me actually know when to quit using Ooccaa or use potions smartly.

When will the switch go back to normal price?

You could try order a german one. The Dollar and the Euro are like 1:1 right now, aren't they?

Total war: war hammer. I just hit 700 hours

I have no idea my man, I just want to add the switch to my collection and play some splatoon 2 without overpaying for the switch.

>What are you playing on PC
Whenever I'm in the mood for it, I start up some comfy rounds of Civ III.
>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
I haven't bought either yet. I want to get back to playing some Wii titles I've missed, and once I feel like I've had my fill, get a Switch.
>What are you playing on PS4
Nothing currently, but I'm playing Shadow of the Colossus on my PS3.
>What are you playing on Xbone
Don't have one.
>What are you playing on 3DS
Nothing right now, my PSP/Vita backlog is a bit too back and I need to clear some of those games before buying more handheld games.
>What are you playing on PSVita
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection.

Resi 7
Splatoon 2
Ratchet & Clank
Bayo 2
Castle Crashers
Kirby Planet Robobot
The Bit Trip Runner 2

Fuck Xbox, useless console

>What are you playing on PC
Cities Skylines.
>What are you playing on Switch/Wii U
Super Mario 3D World.
>What are you playing on PS4
Tekken 7, losing a lot playing Yoshimitsu, but I'm having fun.
>What are you playing on 3DS
Nothing, I really need to give this thing attention.

Is the switch region locked?

>Wii U
newest Zelda
Persona 5
Dragon Quest Builders

t. richfag

Gonna get Splatoon 2 and The Zodiac Age today or tomorrow.

rogue legacy
splatoon 2
only other platform I have is the 3ds but that's collecting dust on my desk

Salt and Sanctuary, Eyes of Heaven
Enter the Gungeon
FE Echoes
Probably gonna pick up Persona 2 again soon

First Nintendo console not to be.
No more censored games.

Oh, and currently finishing Hollow Knight.

Just come off of Stormy Ascent Gem
Got the 1st ending to The End is Nigh this week, I'm toying with the idea of Splatoon 2 when/if I get a refund on my dental charges
I haven't touched my 3DS since finishing S/M, I might download M&L and US/UM/Metroid II at some point when they come out but beyond that I use my Switch for handheld stuff

I'm also currently playing Radioactive Thing but I know we don't discuss CoD on this board