What's so great about this guy?

what's so great about this guy?

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Where the hell do all these normies keep coming from?


Iconic character from a old fighting game series, obviously most underages and people who aren't into fighting games wouldn't know him.

>yfw you'll never see a true Tekken X Street Fighter X KOF game.

Also, now that Geese is in the game, does that make the KOF, SF and Tekken Universe connected and cannon?

ill stain ma hans wit your brud

>tfw this guy is what makes you want Tekken 7 so bad.

I don't even play as Geese in KOF. He just LOOKS SO DAMN COOOOL!


Akuma is the only canon appearance. Geese and any other guest appearance are non-canon.

He got thrown off a building and instead of dying like a pussy he survived by countering the ground.


Shut up terry

I mean the ground's just standing there like a PREDICTABO retard of course it's gonna get countered

Is he dare I say it, /ourguy/?



Based Geese putting Tokyo soil in it's place.

this. what the fuck? I have seen so many posts about Geese asking who he is.


He looks cool but I never really liked KoF

Who would win in a fight, Geese Howard or Ken-sama?

I refuse to believe Anakin didn't know who he was WTF!?!? My opinion of him is lowered a bit.

KoF and SNK in general just is not as popular as SNKfags want to make out. The majority of people only know Geese from memes that you can just ignore

It's big in third world countries.

Or was big at least


>Not knowing who Geese is
I haven't touched a KoF game in my life and i still know him.
That's like not knowing who Akuma or Heihachi is

what about fatal fury

Is Geese a good design?

I think he's cool. Blonde dude with those colors he wears, the scars, his signature moves. All badass in my book.

reddit, where else?

I don't even play fighting games but I knew who Geese is. Am I cool yet?

I loved Geese's old character promo art. He always looked so badass.

what's so great about this guy?

I like how Bamco keeps deleting the, "stay down faggot" comments. Fucking pussies.

who tf is that? Bon jovi lol?


his english is too good for Geese

Geese is one of the most iconic and badass characters in fighting games. Also he can counter anything.

I don't think it's feasable to be interested in fighting games and not know who Geese is. I have friends who have never touched KoF and know who he is.

fuck off, kid.

I don't even play fighting games and I knew who Geese was


Can we stop saying normie, only faggots pretending to be losers ironically still say normie


Rip, Chester.

>you still can do deadly rave

shut up you faggot loser normie


>ever playing kof
Sorry I wasn't a poor spic and i played the superior fighting games

>it's another "summerfag falls for easy bait and calls others "kid"" episode

I thought this was souther

>muh mexico

I literally only played him in Capcom Vs SNK 2 when i was a kid, but i knew what Fatal Fury was ffs. All i see is anons excusing their ignorance with "lol who cares grandpa"

better pic

I played every fighting game I could get my hands on when I was younger. Sorry you only have normie taste like Street Fighter. Missing on out some good fighting games.

Look, at these
>Mom, look! I know this random literallywho faggot character from a dead old shitty fighting game series that is completely irrelevant today!

I bet half of faggots bragging about this (((knowledge))) just googled him and jumped in
/lefitin/ badwagon or just ironically shitposting
The other half of truly (((offended))) autists should neck themselves because greentext above.

>thinks he has superior taste for playing king of spics

Very. His Gi and Hakama are crisp as fuck, and there is something cool about a guy who dressess in the sharpest suits wearing ultra traditional Dojo cloths when its time to fight but also keeping it ALPHA with his gaudy gold chain. Also i always liked the way his default stance had is guard completley down taking clear measured breaths. He looks OP.


wtf i'm holding block but he won't block

posted this a while back

>his intro is throwing his white coat from his shoulders

How will custom jobs do this intro? Also i hope they include a version with the Gi jacket on.

>You don't know Geese? ROFLMAO normie redditor GTFO for not knowing the ICONIC character of the ICONIC fighting game
This is how every Geesefaggot sounds

Fatal Fury
Capcom vs SNK 2

I dunno user, i think he is correct, it's like not recognising Shao Khan or Heihachi.

That's actually not a "guard completely down" stance. His center of balance is well defined, and you can tell that it's the stance most efficient when you consider that his counter movements require very little motion from his body.

Kino theme

Kek, this. The amount of praise for this character is so retarded it makes me chuckle everytime.

>irrelevant today!
Nigga Kof 14 came out recently. You're a faggot.

This chink is full of shit. He's only pretending and it comes across as annoying and not funny. How can you not know who Geese is when you play fighting games? I mean come the fuck on

It's still not your standard Aikido/aiki-jujitsu stance. I like it though, makes it look like he is beyond standard skill levels.

Is Geese a literal weeaboo? The original definition anyway.


Maybe it's a thing in Burgerland or some shit but I guess it's totally fine not knowing secondary character of 3rd world fighting game barely anyone even plays today.
At least Tekken and SF are the most mainstream and characters you mention are truly iconic
>KOF 14

>no... Its the fans who are wrong, not my ignorance

It might not be a big deal to you user, but not all us are THAT young. Even i managed to play Capcom Vs SNK 2. Do you deny all these people their hype as well?:


Meant for

Can Souther block in the Arcsys fighting game?

idk I haven't found a place with a download link that works

If you mean, did he go to a foreign country to learn their martial art and bought back the customs of ehich he was taught under then yes. It might be dime a dozen to you these days user, but there was a time not to many decades ago where if you wanted to learn Judo, Karate or Aikido you had to go to the source and you dressed as you were told and learnt their terminology. Its just that in recent history seeing strip mall karate and all the white gi uniforms is normalised to you now. Geese is just old school "do as they do"

Hype and like him as much as you want just don't expect that everyone knows this guy or played Fatal Fury back then.

I was watching Maximillian's top 5 EVO moments and he showed some footage of the side tournament for HnK, if you haven't go watch it, shit's hilarious.

Those third world games from SNK influenced fighting games more than you think.
Super moves first appeared in Art of Fighting
First "super bars" at the bottom of the screen were in the form of a rage gague in Samurai Shodown If you want bars for the purpose of super moves the AoF
First 3 on 3 team based game from the get go was KoF '94
First parries in Samurai Shodown 2
Dashing/running introduced in Samurai Shodown
2 on 1 mode (known as dramatic battle to Street fighter alpha players) introduced in Fatal Fury

Lastly Geese was falling off of great heights before the Mishimas did it in 1991. That's just the shit off the top of my head.

>fine for burgerland

Bong actually. Capcom Vs SNK2 sold well here.

Spics are like 99% of the SNK playerbase

Unless he and Jeff Bogard went to China to train under Tung then the first part of your post is incorrect.

>don't expect that everyone knows this guy or played Fatal Fury back then.

Thats fine, and someday people will look at a character like say, Virgil from DMC3 and say "literally who gramps!" But as long as there are people old enough to say "pipe down kid" then they also have to deal with that in response too. This is one of those situations, someones ignorance is being called out for a reason, or they wouldn't even talk about it otherwise.

you have to go back

>tfw you practice a variation of the martial art Geese does

Some of his stuff is very much more Judo than Aikido/Aiki-Jutsu, to be honest.


But he is clearly doing a Japanese martial art right? Thst is clearly Aiki-jujitsu of some sort.

>Not "The Geese will counter if you go out through this door"

user, I'd understand if they were franchise only characters like K' or Ash or Leona/Ralf/Clark but Geese showed up in Capcom games (and pretty popular ones at that). He should at least be as known as Arika's characters or the Third Strike crew.

I thought so too growing up. But to be fair, there was a time when classic Ju-Jitsu-ka still wore Hakama as well:

The fact that he picks up so many enemies in a Judo fashion DOES make it suspect. More legit Aikido/Aiki-jujitsu characters are Jun Kazama, Asuka Kazama or Aoi Umenokoji

It's based on Aiki-jumanji, yes, but in-canon he was trained in Hakkyokuseiken by Tung Fu Rue, a chinese master.
It's just in-universe bullshit, really, just like Ryu's Shotokan Karate is called Ansatsuken in Street Fighter lore.
It's also funny that despite his master being Chinese everything Geese related is japan related, save his american flags.

Dunno man. Chink tournaments get hella views. A while back (years ago) a KoF '97 tournament got 400k+ views which was more views than Evo at the time. A couple months ago a chinese tournament got over 160k+ views the first time ET beat Xiaohai with Daimon on hos team.

Guess I underestimed his iconic power, lol. Because from my perspective of ignorance - these fighting games are not mainstream and real niche, old. This guy - isn't the most iconic in these games (at least KOF). In total - why the fuck would he be that popular or recognizable?

The fuck is up with that screen?

Asian streams have random stream chat comments go across the video, for some reason. Weird culture.

Its odd when games do that. A lot of people think Virtua Fighter's Akira must be a Karate guy because of the classic Japanese gi, but he isn't. He practices a completley Chinese martial art called Baji-quan. I feel you on Ryu though, i have seen a lot of people on Sup Forums ask what his style is close too and the only real martial arts in Ryu/Ken/Akuma's repitoire is a mix of Shotokan Karate striking and classic Judo throws. Its just their striking stances are often less "textbook" than say Makoto's who is easily identifiable as Karate.

It's the way comments are done on Chink/Jap streams or videos are shown, they have it scroll across the screen for some reason. It annoys the hell out of me too. Luckily you can have it just scroll at the top or bottom of the screen.

While its true that many all over the world have heard of this "street fighter HADOKUN" business, the actual fan base for fighting games is (comparitvly) niche, and so the people in that community try all sorts of fighting games and know them well. You may not know who pic related is, but if you scoffed at her inclusion in a crossover as "literally who" there would be enough enthusiast anons to call you out on it despite no new games featuring her.


Hey again user.