What are your hopes and expectations for system shock 3?

What are your hopes and expectations for system shock 3?

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A SS game as good as if not better than Prey.
Crippling disappointment.

No SHODAN and no space

SHODAN in space

What's wrong with shodan?
I thought she was pretty great desu

Can't keep dragging the same old villian along, plus you killed her at the end of the 2nd game

did you even play the game nigger.

There's a cutscene at the end where SHODAN takes over someone's body.

Did you not see the extra little bit after?

>you killed her at the end of the 2nd game

Fuck me, totally forgot about that part. Still wish they think of another antagonist

Bought SS2 last sales. Loving it so far but damn do hybrids creep me.
Also fuck monkeys, thought they were harmless when I first saw them.

you mean the remake? or is there an actual sequel planned?

I'm so hyped about the remake, I can't wait.

you can fuck SHODAN

It's good
It's bad.

Both are planned. Nightdive studios are working on the remake, while system shock 3 is in super early development

Bring back The Many they were way better than SHODAN.


Should I play the first one before the second one?

My greatest wish is that I can fuck that cute psychopathic robot.

Yes, because it's impossible to go back.

First one is probably too off putting to begin with. Honestly just start with the 2nd and if you want more play the 1st.

gelbooru tags pls

Play the second one first and then play the first one because It's the better of the two games.

Alright just started the second one, what class is the best for a first timer and someone said that the game actually becomes impossible to beat without a high enough hacking stat, is that true?

The second game already makes her look like an incompetent retard and undermined the theme of the first game. Bringing her back again, only to be defeated by another random hacker will make her look like the Team Rocket of homicidal AI.

You shouldn't be, the demo was shit.

Marines if you want a character focused on combat and weapons. Navy if you want a character who can hack and lockpick shit. Psyops is quite difficult for a first timer.

It's been a minute, I think it's actually research you need to put points into to progress.

>System Shock
>Doug Church isn't on the development team
yep it will definitely disappoint.

Nope, it's hacking. You're literally given the cyber modules to upgrade research when the time comes.

There's also an alternative to hacking the Value Rep that you need to use to continue, an ICE pick in the room where you complete the prior objective, but people pretend this doesn't exist and say you need hacking to beat the game.

Follow the "Newbie Modding Guide" for SS2, it's just improved textures and bugfixing. Skip the shitty Rebirth models though


But Warren Spector is.

Yes, the first one is the better, they ruined the second one with that horrible tacked on rpg system.

It's looking better since the demo, but still not great.

I will credit them with the fact that it doesn't look like they slapped some shit textures over the old game anymore, but that's about it. Everything else about it still screams "that game I loved as a kid but am so totally sure I could do better."

>On August 30th, 2016, OtherSide Entertainment announced that Church had been hired as an creative consultant for the development of System Shock 3.

Warren Spector theoretically knows what a good game should be like, but i don't have much faith in his execution.

not good enough, he needs to be lead designer/director for the game.

>He's never played Deus Ex


This. It's unfortunate, but all the good stuff Spector worked on, was also backed up by other really good hands.

He also hasn't made any games like this for over a decade, so his experience doesn't count for as much as it might otherwise. Coming fresh off the Mouse, he needs close supervision now.

Dude, chris roberts did wing commander, and I don't see you or anyone else here cutting him slack.

At some point you have to get off the "remember that one thing he did that one time?" train and ask what he's up to doing right now.

This is such a stupid opinion. System Shock 1 was great for its time but lacked tension and depth because you didn't have to specialize. While SS2 had issues with balance, it was actually a tighter experience because all of the mechanics worked in concert with your character progression. RPG systems are a perfect fit for Immersive Sim games.

i hope they ditch that skill-leveling system from SS2 and return to the purer, smoother, less artificial experience of the first game.
I also hope they don't set the game in Citadel Station like Spector said in one of the interviews, i think a planet-facility setting like the Big Empty from FNV's Old World Blues expansion would work quite well.
they'll fuck it up.

I already played it.

>He's never played Epic Mickey

Spector worked on SS1, Thief: TDP, Ultima Underworld: Stygian Abyss and Deus Ex. Also Epic Mickey is a solid 7/10.

When he wasn't involved in the next Deus Ex we got Invisible War and nu-Ex from Eidos.

Mein neger.

I liked Prey, but not as much as System Shock 2 and I'm not sure why. I think the whole 'hoover everything not bolted down and turn into scrap' system got repetitive

Game's difficulty curve is worse, audio design is an enormous step down (SS2 is stiff competition in this regard), hardcore systems like weapon degradation/limited O2/single-use fabrication plans were scrapped at the last minute, etc. SS2 was rushed and also got balls easy at the end, but was a tighter experience overall.

>RPG systems are a perfect fit for Immersive Sim games.
completely disagree! traditional abstract rpg systems should stay away from immersive sims, there's no logical reason why i couldn't fire a gun because i didn't put some magical point into some abstract stats.
Thief and SS1 are imo the finest examples of immersive sims, pure, smooth, and rely completely on player skill and intelligence.

>System Shock 1 was great for its time but lacked tension and depth because you didn't have to specialize

What does this even mean? I can think of dozens of games with tension and depth without the need for RPG elements. The first game is way more tense than the second, especially on the hardest difficulty.

Spector wasn't involved in Thief:TDP.

Looking Glass Studios created the genre to simulate tabletop RPGs in a computer environment. While simulation of some abstract elements (e.g. significant dice rolls in combat) should be eliminated in favor of simulated gameplay, the degree of abstraction need not be zero. Deus Ex and SS2 prove that RPG systems enhance the depth of the experience.

Why haven't games topped the Dark Engine's sound design when it's over twenty years old?

Thief and Thief 2 are better than both of them though.

Because players hate having to worry about things like the floors and the level layout and the wall materials when trying to be quiet.

t. Ken Levine

The Dark Project is the worst of the four, stuff like the Bonehoard, Escape!, Lost City and Return to the Haunted Cathedral completely ruin the pacing.
Still a good game though.

>The Dark Project is the worst of the four
I have never seen so few words be so fucking wrong in my life.

>Deus Ex and SS2 prove that RPG systems enhance the depth of the experience.

this is debatable. the only thing these systems did was enhance replayability, on the other hand the completely ruin the flow and tension of the game especially in SS2's case, instead of focusing on surviving you'd me more worried about which stat to dump some points into to make yourself artificially better at the game
>be extremely focused on surviving in this fucked up space ship
>watch every corner and every corridor
>stumble on some cyber modules
>Ooh time to drop what i'm doing and just head back to nearest upgrade station and spend ten minutes thing where should put these magical points
>completely ruin all built-up tension

I honestly can't think of anything, this announcement was way too sudden, Otherside should have finished Underworld Ascendant before beginning to work on SS3. I'm worried they may not be able to handle working on both games and they end up being unfinished or mediocre.

Now, if both games turn out well, I hope Otherside considers making some sort of Thief successor afterwards.

If by worst you mean best. All 4 suffer from pacing issues and "those levels" like the entire last third of SS2. Also DitB and RttHC are great.

he himself said that he was very hands-off with Thief he wasn't as involved with it as he was with UU, SS, DX, and Epic Mickey.

Yes, and those games are designed around that from the ground up. Thief doesn't need RPG systems because it's a tightly designed challenge. System Shock has a kitchen sink design that, without any touch choices to pin down the complexity, ultimately diminishes any challenge (and with it, player agency and engagement). Who cares about the many grenade, ammo, and weapon types when you can just laser rapier everything on roller skates and where ammunition is extremely easy to come by.

That's not how game development works.

You have people that work on the art the setting and preparing/making the Engine for the game. Once 1 game is already in the second half of development these people won't be needed and can be used for another project.

The other game will have no impact on the quality of SS3.

Yeah I sure love wandering around a convoluted cave system with dinosaurs and zombies then helping a deceased Hammerite over actual stealthing and thievery in a game called THIEF.

Also Deus Ex genuinely has no bad levels, the whole thing is great especially Hong Kong.

Soma in space

that's just a matter of balancing. i view SS as a survival horror game and survival horror games don't no rpg system slapped on them.

I first want to see if EA tries to strongarm Nightdrive over the trademark. Theoretically, EA still has possession of the trademark even thought Nightdrive managed to obtain everything else.


Man Prey was fucking awesome. My only complaint was the lack of weapon variety. I mean it doesn't bug me much because I love switching up all the powers, but it fucking cripples the game when you're playing a human only run...

>SHODAN as anything other than a horny MILF
Fuck off.

Human only is meant to be a challenge man, not easy street. I'd have liked more weapons too.

I want a game where you play as a rogue A.I. for a change.

That convoluted cave system is one of the best displays of audio design in the medium. The fact that you have such limited visual awareness and have to navigate by following sounds that realistically bounce and echo through the caverns makes it one of the best levels in the series. Garrett is an all-purpose thief. He goes wherever the money is.

>l-l-look at you, b-baka

No thanks, pal. I don't want my cute robot to turn into a stinky oldbag.

How the hell do you see SS as a horror game? I can understand SS2 but not 1.

The audio design is just as good in levels like Assassins and The Sword which are both far more fun to play since they actually simulate thieving.
There's a good reason Metal Age focused more on levels like that than they did Lost City and Bonehoard.

Maintenance Level is quite horror, i can see what you mean by the rest of SS1 though

>new system shock
>no Ken Levine

thank god

>He never got to Maintenance

>The audio design is just as good in levels like Assassins and The Sword

The audio design is just as great is nearly every level, but DitB is a unique display of it.

>more fun to play since they actually simulate thieving

So does DitB. Like I said, Garrett is an all-purpose thief. Robbing a tomb or robbing a mansion, makes no difference to him.

>There's a good reason Metal Age focused more on levels like that than they did Lost City and Bonehoard

Sure there is, appealing to plebs like you who can't handle levels that aren't easy to navigate houses with detailed maps.

>He doesn't like The Sword

The ending kind of bothered me, but I did all the sidequests hoping I wouldn't have to finish it. It's a shame there is no new game +, but maybe they'll add it in a patch.

What about Maintenance level? Its really short on every run through of the level and the invisible mutants always get stuck on the levels geometry they're also incredibly easy to avoid even with the darkness. It's also meant to be cheesed with the laser rapier which you get within 5 seconds of your first visit there.
The autobomb maze on the bridge is more horror.

The Sword is one of my favorite levels.

In what way is SS2 more of a horror game than 1?

Then what's wrong with Thief 2's levels, they're almost all the same concept maybe not as memorable but Life of the Party beats The Sword to be quite honest.

Spector was involved in Invisible War from beginning to end.

They lack variety. Almost every level is just checking every room until you've blued the whole map.

If Levine was the one making it I feel the "no SHODAN" part will be complete shit. Remember how Bioshock Infinite is suppose to be "no Rapture" but almost everything is derived from Rapture like the vigors and Rapture keeps getting referenced everytime. And then the ending part shoehorns Rapture and BS1.

shodan isn't cute.

Levine isn't touching it and they've confirmed Shodan will play a role in the plot anyway.

>people still crediting ken levine for anything good about SS or Bioshock
fucking retards

Spector was lead on Thief 3, he wasn't involved in Thief 1 development, and he was lead on Invisible War as well.

Infinite had 5 games worth of stuff scrapped, according to them. Considering what a fucking patchwork the final product was along with all the unused art and shit, i find it believable

Ken Levine literally wrote and was the lead director of BioShock, you fucking retard.

If for nothing else he deserves credit for the very good BioShock 1 plot.

also, apparently the BioShock art director is working on Underworld Ascendant, the not-Ultima game that OtherSide are doing.

despite what Infinite might suggest, Levine himself does value emergent gameplay and systems-driven design.

Levine was also the lead designer for SS2, funny how assravaged Infinite made people where they just pretend he never did anything good.

Why does Sup Forums hate Ken Levine?

*blocks your path*

Ken thought it was a good idea to put concepts of shit he really doesn't understand into a videogame and base it all off that while the gameplay suffered immensely banking on that concept. Someone post the reddit screenie of him getting roasted for being so fucking stupid.

Not sure if good but
>shodan lands on a colony on some planet and runs experiments on people.
>play as a colonist security officer.
>hub world's would be a bit bigger and there could even be a cyberpunky city section.

Part of it has to do with the devolution of Bioshock from a pseudo-philosophical RPG shooter to a waifu strolling simulator that rips its writing straight from middle school social studies textbooks.

Then he disbands all the actual talent in his studio to go mess around with indie shit.

He pretty much stated up front when Bioshock 1 was released that he didn't want anything to with SS anymore, and we can only hope he keeps his word.

>make 8/10 game
>Sup Forums hates you
I wish every other place to discuss games wasn't shit as well.