What exactly makes a good metroidvania to you?
What exactly makes a good metroidvania to you?
The feeling of slowly getting to know a world and then conquering it.
exploration and memes
Nothing, they're uninteresting as shit imo.
>a huge area to explore
>tons of secrets
>the self-proclaimed Metroidvania game doesn't end after two fucking hours despite you not even speed-running
Minimal guidance.
Steady growth.
Sequence breaks, and multiple routes.
Something interesting in every room.
Team Fortress 2 is the best metroidvania.
Can that really be considered a "Metroidvania" though? That looks to be from a Metroid game, and the term "Metroidvania" kinda implies it's not a Metroid game.
The best metroid-like games are mostly linear games that allow for non-linearity via optional techniques. If backtracking must be included then it should be minimal. Most games fail to get this and end up being tedious.
The term metroidvania changed meaning and now includes Metroid games.
Its fucking stupid
What games do this?
please explain further, I don't understand what you mean
Originally Metroidvania was a term used to only describe the castlevania games that were similar to Metroid as opposed to the other Castlevania games
But with more games coming out which were similar to metroid the term suddenly was used for them too. Which meant it changed its meaning and now also includes Metroid games.
Super Metroid.
Sorry, I thought you said that the definition of Metroid had been expanded to include Metroid games (as opposed to all Castlevania games) and I was confused. N-no homo
Are the Wonder Boy series considered metroidvania?
which metroid is this?
That shit looks like a mock up because in the starting zone theres
>Space jump
>Gravity suit
>Plasma beam
>Wave beam
>Speed Booster
Looks like a romhack to be honest. I barely recognize most of it.
I guess
>Large map
>Progression and collection barred by knowledge and ability
>Generally more than one way to get from A to B
>A traversal network opens up just as navigating back and forth might become tedious
>Wonder of discovery
>Upgrades extend mobility and combat abilities in a fun or useful way, and negate hazards
>When significant backtracking is required, powerups should open up faster ways to traverse the map
>Lock the final area behind items or similar prerequisites that have you explore the game world to get what's required
>Ability to break the sequence or skip items altogether if you have the knowledge and skill
super metroid had too many cryptic shit that you cannot figure out on your own to sell guides and magazines
>inb4 I did
symphony of the night had horrible gameplay but the soundtrack was truly godly
they even copy pasted the castle inverted to prolong game time with minimal effort
hollow knight was good and fair, with none of the above problems and made the world more interesting to explore with more background
"fair" except the white palace but thankfully that wasn't mandatory
terraria is very good to note and with new concepts like mixing it up with digging and crafting, although playing it on my own made me depressed after a while
axiom verge is merely a generic rip off that I dropped a couple hours in
ori and the blind forest is "small" in all aspects, both the metroidvania elements and the game itself but enjoyable
>super metroid had too many cryptic shit that you cannot figure out on your own to sell guides and magazines
Only if you are retarded
Decent gameplay - the more traditionally beat em up with ability to play aggressively against aggressive enemies and all.
Level intricacy.
Asset variety.
Consistent theme and commitment to aesthetic - the more dumb bullshit you put it to have the player interact with the world, the better.
Character progression. The less pure stat bullshit, the better.
Exploration based secrets that are hidden in plain sight.
Can always go for a half-decent Metroidvania.
sorry I don't play with the browser open
You clearly had to. That is your argument.
Bosses with them big 'ol tits
Which Metroid was this?
Also, a good interlocking world, where one area might connect to another, but you want to get some other area and you're sick of backtracking, but then you find a shortcut that takes you to that other area quickly. A good Metroidvania slowly opens up its world for you. It should also have a memorable environments thanks to stellar art design and some clever level design in individual rooms. It should also be compact and well-designed enough that you should be able to speed through the game and beat it in only a few hours if you know what you're doing.
I didn't, got bored of constantly having to contemplate where am I supposed to go next after encountering roadblocks everywhere
everyone agrees that the game was not fun
also t. 137 IQ
I hope you are a parody. If you are genuine you should consider suicide.
Maybe after you've beaten it a dozen times. Otherwise, Metroid Fusion.
Salt and Sanctuary
what ?
besides the secret moves and some missiles expansions which aren't necessary at all to beat the game, what would you need a guide for in that game? Most of it is very straight forward.
The only part i got stuck on was on the way to Kraid. I didn't realise you could shoot the girder you stand on and found that out by accident.
oh and probably the tube, though I think the demo mode shows that
garbage game, regretted wasting time on it by the end
I hate games that do this to me
does order of ecclesia count? because that's the best
i think the correct term is ironic, saying he is a parody implies that he is a work of fiction (video, book, movie) the correct usage is parodying wich implies he is using parody to mock someone or something, also if you are being honest would fit better in this scenario the lack of a verb (being) in ''if you are geniune'' makes it sound bad not trying to be a dick i just want you to improve
Thanks man. It didn't sound right when I wrote it.
But I meant to dehumanize him by calling him a parody.
Ones that are non-derivative and not only have creative/unique presentation/gameplay, but tremendously polished presentation/gameplay.. Examples of this include Super Metroid, Symphony of the Night, La-mulana, Kirby Amazing Mirror, Rabi-Ribi, etc.
Metroidvanias that don't apply to this, and are by extension boring and bad, include Castle in the Darkness, Hollow Knight, Anubis and the Buried Bone, etc.
Symphony of the Night nailed this shit.
Ah it wasn't that bad. Plenty of playstyle options and you constantly had tools to stay in the action with rolls and parries.
The level simplicity and lack of map was pretty dogshit, though, fuck was up with that.
and thank you for not getting upset over me correcting you
I actually appreciate it a lot.
Although it has now made me more insecure about posting at all.
A well designed map is by far the most important thing.
It's the reason Metroid Prime 1 is a much better metroidvania than Metroid Prime 2.
Also this
Amazing art and score
Well designed levels and world
Variety of fun gameplay approaches
Tight pacing
pro tip: if you have a doubt about how a word is spelled google it to see the meaning and how to spell it correctly
don't let some jerk grammar nazis ruin this board for you
But people did. You muh tube is 2cryptic fags are the worst.