Video Game Tattoos

If you've got em. Flaunt em. Be sure to credit your artist.

Got this done in September of 2016. Artist is Carolyn Westmeyer

>over the age of 16
>getting a video game tattoo
Actually consider suicide

looks like shit

>being this jelly

Better than getting a generic skull, rose, butterfly, dragon etc

>tfw my brother does tattoos as his work

I would never, under any circumstances, get a gaming tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "gamers" actually have tattoos like this.

You don't see movie buffs getting Star Wars tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

>text tattooed on your body


>Oot boss
>not OoT's sheild

Fucking shit

So what does it actually say


Holy fuck, you autist worry about other people entirely too much. Grow up

Who can tell, I'm pretty sure it's upside down even

>is either really small or that shield is really big
>how does the sword float?
>why Volvagia? Because it's a dragon?
You should've just gotten some chinese dragon instead of that shit.

If you HAD to get a vidya tattoo, what would it be?

why the fuck did you get it in chinese though, whats the meaning there fucko

Whenever I think about getting a video game tattoo I remember I hate video games.

Because I'm a fag and want people to ask me what it says so I can explain my life story to them

>video game tattoo
What is it about sex that you hate so much?

If I ever get a tattoo, it has to be a yakuza styled tattoo. Most aesthetic tats ever.

at least choose a more original language, fucking everyone gets chinses or japanese, so nobody gives a fuck what it says, they just think "oh there goes another white boy with ching chongs on his wrists what a tool"

I wasn't him

lulz, I can read Mandarin and that doesn't mean what you think it means unless you're trolling

i have the brand from berserk on my inner forearm, idc fight me

my point stands

>people still fall for this pasta

uh not really

Love this summerfag filter pasta

what does it mean then faggot

>God tier
Getting a tattoo because it looks good
>Ok tier
Getting a dumb tattoo when you were a teenager
Not getting a tattoo because you don't care about them
>Shit tier
Getting a 'deep' tattoo(muh granma died hurr)
Getting video game, music or movie tattoos
>Contrarian child tier
Wanting a tattoo but not getting one because you want to fit in on Sup Forums and feel superior

i'd seriously recommend against that. you're not fit enough for them, and you're not fucking yakuza.

Found the weeb.

Post it.

No vidya tattoos, I do have a brand of sacrifice on my neck after drinking and watching Berserk with my cousin
He had his tattoo kit with him and had been bugging me about getting one and managed to convince me to let him give me one after a fair amount of alcohol

>ascended tier
Getting a bad tattoo just to start threads on Sup Forums with

How do you know how fit I am fuckboi? And I'm not going to nipland so who cares.

>can't appreciate aesthetics

You know they kill guys for doing that right

Hello Mister tattoo artist sir, I would like a poorly drawn and proportionately inaccurate boss animal from a video game holding a shield that doesn't belong to him while a sword floats behind it.

Tattoos are really fucking dumb and look stupid and faded within 1 year, hope you all realize that. They look "good" (read: stupid as fuck embarrassing shit that classes you with drug addicts and convicts) for 1 year and then all the colors fade and it gets that patina of gray-green skin color covering the top and the colors will never be sharp again

You did not just make me visibly cringe. Holy shit. That dude.

Probably this

Here is mine :) I am quite happy with it

Tattoos on calves make me really sad. Same with tattoos in the bicep area that aren't of the "sleeve" variety, it just looks wrong.

Awakening baby here and it looks subtle enough



>face tattoo

>most forgettable boss
>not even correct size relative to sword and shield

How's HRT going?

Earthbound gift box sprite on the tip of my dick.

Who's got that video with the kid talking about having saved Skyrim and shit?

Basic bitch tattoo fag detected.

I bet you have a monster symbol or Stars and straps tattoo huh bud.

I have a tat, it's not vidya though. I can't do vidya tats.

Old picture. Ignore tablet

And how the photo autorotated its stupid fucking self

the texture reminds me of a lemon

Close to be good bait. Try throwing in some spelling errors and reddit spacing

Most recent Fox symbol on my chest.
Meryls special forces fox symbol on my arm.

I actually want to dedicate my arm to MGS1 bosses in Yoji Shinkawa's art style but I've yet to find anyone close to what he could do style wise.

>visible follicle graves

Would I get killed if all I got was a dragon on my back?

>Meryls special forces fox symbol on my arm.
Have you been screeched at for stolen valor by welfare queens yet

Would I get laughed at for this?

>Delusional tier
Thinking God tier exist.
Anything you get is just going to fall into one of the lower ones when you get old and inevitably bored of it.

Skyward sword was shit why put that on your back forever?