What are some games with actually good first person melee combat?
>webm most definitely not related
What are some games with actually good first person melee combat?
>webm most definitely not related
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Mount & Blade
Shadow Warrior
And it's free : humblebundle.com
Wanna start this again? Ok, let's go.
>retard who cannot comprehend stats and skills in an rpg
Modded skyrim actually makes first person combat a lot better than most
>actual sword fighting techniques
I can't wait for KCD.
Why are there so few games with good first person melee combat like pic related?
>smashing a weapon onto an enemy has to be a skill
haha get out
>retard defending retarded game mechanics.
How Ironical
>thinking morrowind is supposed to be a pure action game because you played shitrim first
All of fucking these desu
Maybe I add maybe dishonored.
>actually defending Morrowind's bland shit combat
Zeno Clash, I promise - go in blind and don't read anything about the game, it's best experienced like that.
That looked shit desu. I'd rather take fantasy combat if that is what realistic looks like.
I've played neither, but if i swing a weapon that actually makes contact, i imagine it would do something.
Keep defending.
Chronicles of riddic.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
bait aside, that's some cool looking alt cover art. if i had a good printer i'd definitely do that with my physical PS4 copies.
chivalry whenever people play normally
It's not making contact though, retard.
Morrowind may be 3d, but the 3d world you're witnessing is merely an interface for the dice. The dice are the reality of the combat in Morrowind. You could say that there's dissonance between the visuals and the gameplay, which would be true, but saying that you are hitting the crab is just fucking wrong.
If you miss at low stamina, it means that your character is tired as shit and can't control the hammer with any real force, and therefore the Mudcrab can easily avoid harm, that or it simply doesn't do anything to its shell. The animation not changing to reflect your characters weakness does not mean that the weakness is not there.
Use your brain.
Zeno clash 1 and 2
Condemned 1 and 2, expecially 2 cause HOBI FIGHT
Vermintide is basically fantasy l4d, but its still satisfying as hell
Cronicles of riddick was pretty gud, better than all the movies after the first ihmo
Dark messiah of might and magic(memory's a bit fuzzy on this one)
red steel 2 was really good also
War of the Roses has the best melee-combat ever invented and will most likely never be surpassed.
The accuracy is phenomenal, you could stab a person's eye out.
>Can't hit a big stationary crab
My real world Blunt Skill and Agility Attribute must be at 100 each because I never missed hitting a trash can with a baseball bat.
Killing Floor 2
Devs are shit at their own game. Also the combat would be amazing if the AI weren't completely retarded.
Let me guess, low level character not trained in the weapon he's using expecting to smash everything?
>it should hit and do zero damage instead of missing!
No stamina again. Wonder why all these webms have this in common....
Oh look another "underage faggot complains about Morrowind's combat" episode.
Defend daggerfall next, do it faggot.
>Everything is dice rolls
>Have to do shitty attack mechanics anyway
RPG's with action elements were a mistake, Action games with RPG elements is how it should be done.
Even then those still suck because it comes down to numbers>skill
There are only two games that have good melee combat in first person, for different reasons.
>breakdown because its the best first person melee ever
>that might and magic game where the kick is literally god mode
Honorable mention to Butcher Bay. Nothing else handles melee well at all in fps.
>>actual sword fighting techniques
>I can't wait for KCD.
I've never been more hyped for a game.