Destiny 2

1 hour for beta everyone

When's PC beta?

10am Pacific, numbnuts.

How much longer

4 hours

Please don't be retards and actually buy the same game again.

Play the shit out of the beta but don't give Bungie any money until they actually make a good game.

>payed beta
no wonder they got away with it. Little kids on v go crazy for space shoot game



Bottom pic should be Star citizen.

>noticed the grammar mistake
you're in the wrong thread

August probably

Just accept the help and move on user, no need to get fussy.

bottom pic looks more like loot crate tbqh fampai

>paid beta
Fuckin what?
Is this how Sup Forums shitposters thrive? Literal lies?

Where is the beta on the PS Store?

2 minutes

Where the fuck is it?

Fucking PC release being late

Not available on PS4 yet REEEEEEEEE

Do I need PS+ or XBL Gold?

Most likely

The beta has been up for days for people who pre-ordered so he's half right.

>you need to preorder the game for the beta
What's the point of making a beta for people who have already given you money?

For the strike and pvp yes. For the story mission no.

The beta has been up for days, for free, on the Jap PSN store.

Checking for bugs.

I'll spend my NEETbucks however the fuck I want, faggot.

It sucks.

>playing a shooter on console

i was hyped, but now i've seen it, its the exact same game. also a big worry they aren't prioritizing the PC beta when thats the actual new ground they are pushing. you already know this shit works on console, its the exact same fucking game.

i'll just get the complete package on humble bundle in a couple of years.

Wat, the beta is already out? What are you guys, Australians?

woo fucking hoo for everyone in jpn i guess?

PC version is months after consoles, why would they prioritize its beta?

You can make an account and download it. It was free to play since it's release, the beta is not a paid beta.

its a new platform that its being published on, maybe they would test it more on there you'd think, like user said before, they know the game will work fine on xbone/ps4 so

>paying for xbox live/psn on 2 accounts for a beta

There's a free beta for Xbox. Xbox Japan has it and it's not region locked
. I don't have the link but just Google it.

PS+, at least, is shared system wide if your PSN with PS+ is set as a main account.
If you're gonna shitpost at least have facts behind it.

If you have the Xbox you don't need a second account. Worked fine for me to just add to my current tag. Just clicked the link, signed in to Microsoft, then clicked a squiggly nonsense line, and I had the beta

>30 frames per second in a first person shooter where you are supposed to be able to shoot other people

This game is a joke.

They hinted that with Scorpio it might jump to 60.

Bungie already debunked that. Don't know if it's for his stupid ass contract with Sony or actual impotence

They aren't doing anything with the pro version so i doubt it.

They wont do that because it gives an unfair advantage