Why does Sup Forums like shitty games with terrible poorly aged combat, garbage pen & paper based stats...

why does Sup Forums like shitty games with terrible poorly aged combat, garbage pen & paper based stats, and requires mods to be actually playable?

Sup Forums's tastes in games are so awful

Because they're "gems" normies aren't interested in. If those games were still popular those days Sup Forums wouldn't like them.

imagine the depths of shit this board has sunk into that threads are being made calling gems like morrowind or vtmb garbage.

0/10 low quality bait.

i dont need to imagine it its been going on for a while.
its ironic becuase oblivion and skyrim are the only elder scrolls games i consider to be unplayable without mods.

>garbage pen & paper based stats
if I had friends with similar interests I'd play a tabletop RPG, but I don't

They grew up having to eat through a log of shit to get a sweet piece of corn.
Now they play games looking for the shit because they have acquired a taste for it.
Both has crap aplenty to eat through.
Sad really.

How is this even bait? Some fucking 1/10 gameplay. Could add New Vegas to the list.

>Some fucking 1/10 gameplay
reminds of The Witcher 3.

Cause they have depth while games today are made for retards

Now you reminded me how bad Witcher 1 was. Didnt play 2 or 3.

Can you please list me what games you consider having 10/10 gameplay and a decent pen & paper based RPG elements?

>tfw want to play witcher 2 and 3 but can't because witcher 1 is so fucking awful

I know this is a shitpost but morrowind is still an easily playable game once you level up your combat skills over a few hours.

I sparsely see Morrowind and Bloodlines threads, and the Bloodlines threads are waifu shit. Did you not see the 20+ waifu threads on Sup Forums at this very moment? If Sup Forums has a popular preference for anything, it's for shitty games that pander to horny teenagers, not pen-and-paper simulators.

real numale game coming though

I'll admit that the last 3 or 4 quests in VTMB are fucking awful and I used the console to use god mode for the last fight. But VTMB is fucking amazing for 90% of the game.

While Morrowind isn't perfect, the complaints against it are usually fucking retarded.

It sounds like you play RPG's solely for combat.

agreed, i'm off to play uncharted like a sir

>Play VTM for the forst time since Sup Forums prises it
>Everything's going well, i kill the first guy and then he wants me to follow him inside a building
>Can't interact with the door, i rebind keys, try to start over and even re-install the game
>None of the solutions online help so i just have to erase all

That's the last time i listen to Sup Forums again (New Vegas was awesome tho)

>Bloodlines threads
>waifu shit
Posting two pictures of VV while the other 95% of the posts is about the game and WoD universe is hardly "waifu shit".

>Sup Forums calls Skyrim a blunder and that nobody should play it
>Do what everyone should, which is the opposite Sup Forums says
>Play Skyrim
>The game is actually good, even better with mods

sorry for your loss, they are a lot of fun.

>garbage pen & paper based stats

You realize that this is what defines RPG as a genre, right? Morrowind's backend accuracy rolls are garbage, but I'm just saying. Tabletop rules strictly define role-playing video games. They're not RPGs because you "role-play" a character, the classification is based entirely on mechanical components.

Don't you have to lockpick that door?
>None of the solutions online help so i just have to erase all
Why didn't you use noclip?

What kind of insult is nu-male anyways? in Sup Forums of all places.

Sup Forums prefers quality games like Uncharted 4, Overwatch and Horizon Zero Dawn. Literally no one really likes any game released before 2012, they're just trying to look cool on the internet

how does it feel to be a pea brained retard

Should probably put Dark Souls and Ocarina of Time on there as well.

note the word garbage

>nu-male meme

try harder

>Play Skyrim
>The game is actually good

I mod the game to my liking. That requires some knowledge and being inventive, specially on coding. What can you do fagget? besides sitting your fat ass and conforming with the shit you get of course.

>why does Sup Forums like shitty games with terrible poorly aged combat, garbage pen & paper based stats, and requires mods to be actually playable?

combat doesnt really matter in an RPG. jrpgs literally substitute menu navigation for combat and nobody cares.

RPG fans instead value things like
>character progression
>world building
and both morrowind and vtmb excel in those.

Baldur's gate series blows both of these out of the fucking water.

>le skyrim is bad xD

>play a RPG
>what the h*ck?! this game uses RPG mechanics?! it's shit!

Don't care much for Morrowind but fuck you vtmb is GOAT.

It is though. Everything it does it does poorly. The only thing it does remotely competently is serve as a mod platform.

here you go bro

vtmb's combat isn't great, but it's not all that bad either. it's pretty serviceable, I'd say. in the end though, combat isn't why anyone plays either of those games.

but this is also a bait thread

Dude, no animosity here.
garbage rpg elements
and not garbage rpg elements

not gonna go more indepth than that

Why is this board so contrarian? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad

dude, no animosity. you have shit taste in games if you can't appreciate a good RPG.

>Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad
they're bad games, why are we not allowed to have an opinion on that?

replace all of those with dark souls, jrpgs, and kojima games and you are correct


nah, I think the list is pretty sound.

>numale game
>it's older than you are

you're allowed to have the opinion just like everyone else is allowed to tell you how terrible it is. welcome to life, faggot.

Damn did they censor cuck again

what games do you like?


If you don't love these games then you probably had a really shitty childhood. That, or you're new. Either way I pity such creatures.

>Morrowind isn't older


Persona 5 and Nier Automata are recent ones you delusional westcuck