
And without the Nintendo bonus to help them too. Incredible.

You don't stop them, you ignore them.

If Sony wasnt retarded those 20 years ago they'd have a system mascot on par with Sonic and Mario now. Fucking idiots.

>on shelves for two days in June
One day, it launched June 30th, last day of June

>b-b-but nintendo...
How insecure do you have to be to bring them up every time?

what are you referring to?

I doubt it

It's been a drought since Persona 5 came out, 6 months of fucking nothing until september

It's not going to break 3 million.

What cam out in June. There was ARMS and Tekken. Anything else?

>nothing until september
August alone has Uncharted, Everbody's Golf, and Yakuza Kiwami

Stormblood, and Wipeout are the only other notable releases that month

Sony always win, baby.
Tfw a remake will win the platformer of the year award.
>But muh odyssey
It will be a sunshine tier 3d Mario game aka the worst Mario game ever.
Blunder, also on wii u
The wii u version is superior, Kek what a pathetic online solution on the switch
Mario sunshine tier
>Xenoblade 2
Will get delayed

No one can stop our God Sony. Sony always win

fuck off with the shitposting

>Just happy that Crash is back and still as loved as before
>Consolewarriors, falseflagging or otherwise have to shit it up.
Fuck you OP, I'm glad Crash has done well and I hope the Switch does too.

>a huge hit
>Activision whores out the OP to the ends of the Earth, with yearly sequels
>the quality keeps dipping until the games are terrible again
>series is dead again

God damn monkey's paw!

>old school platformer remake
>sells top numbers on PS4
it is a good thing
hopefully also sends something of a message to modern devs

What does Sony have to do with it?

It isn't shitpost, Crash is the platformer of the year. Sony won, again

>no games, buy old game again

let's be real, there are no other games right now, no shit this would happen

>a game sells great and is considered a big success
>nope it doesn't count

>game of the year

Who cares about a system mascot? Sega got one and they are a third party company, Sony didn't have one and they have the most successful console in the market.

I want to undress her and give her my bqc

it's over bros........we lost

LOL PS4 has no gaem, they should have bought a Switch instead haha, I having a blast with it right now XD

And here comes the excuses
>there are no other games right now
What about Tekken?

It's an Activision IP and it's coming to Xbone so who cares?

Is this the entire Switch library?

has this been confirmed yet?

Multiplats don't count.

I made this exact same post to that exact same pic yesterday. Weird

No, but its Activision. They fear the word "exclusive" (unless its amended with "timed") like vampires fear Holy Water.

The only other major release in June was Tekken.

Idk, maybe compete with equally or better games? I just want the return of good videogames.

No and it never will be

Oh man I love Monkey Madness



It's not a different experience. It's the exact same thing. It's like how Shovel Knight and Metal Slug are all Switch exclusives because it's the only console in existence that can offer portability.

>People actually want to stop Sony's mid tier success despite offering the best currently in this console gen

Competition is good and everything but if Microshit and Nintenbros don't realise why they fucked up this gen then they don't deserve to bounce back.

>It's like how Shovel Knight and Metal Slug are all Switch exclusives because it's the only console in existence that can offer portability.
If you argue with Switch owners in this board they will say that though

What are some good Neogeo games?

What else is out right now?

Metal Slug and Samurai Shodown.

I don't like system mascots, it just promotes companies to turn into one trick ponies and keep retreading old stuff.

Nothing came out in June and summer is a historically shitty period for game sales. Why is this news?

By way of multiple European retailer listings for pre-orders? Yes.
>he actually believes this when the Crash series has already been on Xbox
Can't wait for your tears in December.

>free for the first month

Sony didn't want a non Japanese character to represent their brand.

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator did the same thing. Just buy it online for free and download it whenever.

>Nothing came out in June
Tekken and ARMS

How can Activision be so based with Crash yet so cancerous with Modern Warfare Remaster when they're just days apart?

Two fighting games that obviously didn't sell a lot.

>Two fighting games that obviously didn't sell a lot.
Tekken 7 was the top seller of June I agree about ARMS though

no it hasn't

>Injustice 2
>The Surge
>shadow warrior 2
>Guilty gear xrd rev 2
>wipeout omega collection

How scared of Odyssey's success do you have to be to list it twice?

european retailers said mario party 10 and bloodborne were multiplats as well
when do I get to play mario party on pc?

Look at all those exclusives
oh wait

>get dlc for free
>that's not good enough
>calling others out for being jews

>implying anyone cares about exclusives
Keep being a fucking retard that doesn't live in the real world.

hopefully this means the world will finally realize that crash is one of the most mediocre mascot plaftormer games.

>Injustice 2
>The Surge
>shadow warrior 2
So yeah, a drought.


MK8D did it first.

>the top selling game last month was a remaster of games from 20 years ago

I just find that incredibly sad.

Just imagine if Sony and Nintendo had teamed up all those years ago... we would have possibly had Breath Of the Wild in 4k...

>No exclusives
I'm actually glad its this way though. I dont have to buy games on PS4, I can play them on PC and enjoy them much better

we nuke them for a third time.

Yeah an real people that don't give a shit are content with buying the same on PS4 because they don't give a shit if is better on PC or available on Xbone or whatever.

Too bad that won't have any effect, the driving force of sony sales is Sony America+Europe. Pretty sure the PS4 wasn't even made in Japan this time.

>retard niggers buying another remaster
nogames station 4

I thought Nathan Drake was their mascot after Kratos

Why so mad?

Its probably whats-her-name from Last of Us.

B-but every game is better on PC!

their mascot is nissan car

mad about what, i'm not the one buying a 20yo game with a new coat of paint

But why are you so mad?

people enjoy those games plenty. no one care if you don't like them.

they don't count

fuck off retard

i guarantee i'm enjoying them more on the ps4 mate

I just want to know why are so mad

they count



prove it

Did they have actual release dates?

why stop them?

this proves people want more 3d platformers

collect-a-thons killed 3d platformers. 3d platformers are better when they fast paced and hard