>be me
>love many jap games, the aesthetics, gameplay, general dumb anime bullshit
>CANT STAND extensive, non voice acted text conversations
Should I pick it up Sup Forums? What can I look forward to/hate?
>be me
>love many jap games, the aesthetics, gameplay, general dumb anime bullshit
>CANT STAND extensive, non voice acted text conversations
Should I pick it up Sup Forums? What can I look forward to/hate?
If that's the case you probably won't like it. There's tons and tons of dialogue but the story isn't very good at all and the characters aren't particularly good. Even though the gameplay is really good compared to 4 the story/dialogue frequently gets in your way. I think out of the first 3 months of the game I've been able to control my character like 30 of those days.
kek, good one fellow user
persona 4 was my first in the series because I was a fool that bought a vita and heard it was amazing
I didn't like JRPG's
Wasn't a fan of turn based combat
and I hated anime
4 turned me into a fan of the series.
but 5 blows everything out of the fucking water compared to 3 and 4, except for music variety.
The combat is finally great, you can do some really interesting things with it. The down time is relaxed and nice. The characters and story are fucking incredible and probably the best out of the series.
The intro is fucking 6 hours long though. I beat it in 165 hours but that's on hard and spent a lot of time fusing. I also fell asleep twice irl but that's the worst of it after staying up all night playing.
Stick with it and you will not be disappointed.
>>CANT STAND extensive, non voice acted text conversations
You should kill yourself. Voice acting has killed good writing.
Generally the extensive scenes in the game that go on for a while tend to be voice acted. Social link scenes are not voice acted outside the first and last ones. But they tend to be maybe 5 minutes long, tops. So even if you can't stand the silence, it doesn't last long. Random NPC dialogue and shit is naturally not voiced, but I don't think any game could manage that without sacrificing something.
I say pick it up. It has a great band of characters, a decent enough story, fantastic music and art style, lots of flair, and some of the most polished gameplay in the series (outside some mainline SMT games, naturally). Look forward to fun characters and FUCKING MENUS, and get ready to hate going to bed as well as being told six times how to solve a simple puzzle.
Enjoy, you dork.
>love many jap games, the aesthetics, gameplay, general dumb anime bullshit
>CANT STAND extensive, non voice acted text conversations
Do you not play old jrpgs? If so that's a pretty shitty reason if you mean you can't stand no voice acting.
Persona 5 is kind of like a VN and rpg hybrid. If that sounds appealing then get it, if not skip it.
The school life and job gameplay has had me intrigued for a while
How much of actual gameplay elements are present in those parts, and is the job system anything similar in execution to FF?
>be me
Hello rebbit
its virtually scripted
social/job parts are turn like too, you newfag
Emulate 3/4. If you like those then chances are you'll like 5. If you hate those, it's a safe bet you'll be pissed at yourself for wasting 60 dollars
Not that guy, but the game is split between a social sim where you build your character's attributes (Charm, Guts, etc.) as well as relationships you have, and a dungeon crawling traditional turn-based JRPG where you utilize collectable demons to strike at specific weaknesses. There is no real job system in the game, outside of a literal job at the flower shop or beef bowl place. Gameplay has you spend the day with various extracurricular activities that either build your character's social stats or relationships with others. These relationships then contribute to building Personas, which are easiest to explain by saying their Pokemon/Stands. You talk to them in battle, collect them, fuse them with others, and utilize their stats/moves to fight. There is no class system really since you can equip a healing persona or a tank persona on the fly.
Persona games always start off really slow, then fucking bombard you with mechanics that make it eventually feel like it's too much. It can feel glacial, but if you're down for a long game it's good. P5 has some pacing issues with scenes dragging on a long time (which prevents you from working on stats and shit) but it's mainly an issue because they give you false breaks in between to save. It can get frustrating, but it does give you time to do shit. It just takes a while.
School is pretty straightforward. Some mornings you go to class and get exposition about your current heist or you have to solve a trivia question based on the lecture. You'll have to remember that kind of stuff for the final exam. Other days there's nothing going on at school so you start the day in the afternoon.
Jobs aren't like final fantasy, they're plain old jobs. You go to a place and sometimes you'll get the option to work harder or take it easy. They get you some pocket change and level your social skills.
All the life sim gameplay is just choosing how to spend the afternoon and night time timeslots. You go to a place and get some stats and money or raise your social link.
This. If you can get past the glacial start to P4 and still want to keep going, then you'll like the other games.
If I wanted could I do a full on comfy playthrough only staying in the real world, never touching dungeons
If so then Imma have to pick up this jam
you don't need to waste 60 dollars on this title you can get it for free on the ps3 if you have it under 4.70 firmware. since injection only works under 4.70 have to use the japanese update and change the param to match the title id
The entire game revolves around the dungeons and everything you do in real life is for the sake of becoming stronger in the dungeon world.
Have you played Bully? It sounds like you would really like it.
Nah, dungeon crawling and turn-based combat if the other half of the games. No getting around it. If you're good at the games though, there are huge bonuses for just blitzing through dungeons and getting them done in one day. After all, less days spent in the dungeon means more days with friends and shit.
Pro tip: The Death social link in Persona 5 is your number one focus if you want to get dungeons done in one day. They sell an accessory that allows you to recover your SP (MP equivalent) which makes it where you don't have to leave till the dungeon is finished. Better yet, if you get to like, rank 7 in the social link, they give you a 50% discount. Just make sure your leveled enough though. Blasting through dungeons is fine and all, until you come face to face with a boss that cleaves your asshole. Thankfully, Persona is known to be a casualized off-shoot of SMT. So it's still pretty easy.
Thats more or less what I was basing this question off