Overwatch world cup has less viewers than tyler1

Overwatch world cup has less viewers than tyler1

Kill yourself jealous TF2 baby

Competitive Overwatch is a joke.

TF2 its superior in everyway except in waifus fucking fag

Isn't the world cup some joke tournament where stream monsters vote on a team who don't play with each other otherwise and no-one cares about the result until they can post their eu v na memes?


Overwatch is a shit e-sport

meme game < some bald retard

big deal


what is esports hours and share esports?

I remember going to a intel sponsored event in 2005 or something like it...It's sad that i somehow helped this

>share e-sports
% of total hours that e-sports occupies

esport hours = hours when its broadcasting a tournament/ pro game
share esports = the % of total hour that is dedicated to esports

Nobody can watch one observer switch between twelve people it's too damn much

All of Blizzard's "esports" are the result of their pumping massive amounts of money into their games in the hope of entering a world stage they refused countless times until it bit them in the ass. Take away the money the devs put in and most of these games would still have both casual and professional tournament communities, Blizzard has nothing.

who the fuck is tyler1
oh wait

>maylay got less viewers than smite
meleeautists btfo forever how will they recover???????

It's amazing how consistently ok competitive smite's been doing for like five years solid.

>WC3, StarCraft, Quake 3, CS 1.6
Will e-"""""sport""""" ever be this good again? Top players seemed to be real talents with some inhuman skills.
I can't stand watching trash like Overshit and Dotashit, or god forbid Hearthstone

>shitty map design
>uninteresting characters
>free to play children
Okay, can we kill this meme that TF2 is better now?

Why do they do teams by country?
Literally every good e-sport does it by team brand. All this does it make the level of play worse because regions with good players have to all be funneled into one team instead of being spread across several.

because they went with the "world cup" theme for this tournament

>Heroes of the Storm that high
holy shit, what happened? wasn't this a literal who game a few months ago?

>play a best of 5
>1 sided stomp where one team wins every match (90% of overwatch)
>play a 4th match anyways

Why play another match when there's already a winner?

Some big tournament, although it also beat Overwatch in May.

Blizzard is sponsoring a lot of tournaments for it.

It's far too shitty to ever be considered a real game, though.

If failed Dota 2 streamers pick up league, failed League streamers pick up Heroes of the Storm.

>it's finally dying
Thank Lucifer Christ.
You just described Overwatch, idiot.

>Binary system mechanics

It's nice to see that someone actually gets it.

Blizzard's system design has limited their mechanical design so much.