Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator

We're literally discussing a game, why are mods cunts
Also tell which route you're taking first.

Other urls found in this thread:


visual novels are not video games
you wouldn't call an audio book a videogame would you?

I'll be taking the backer-only mommy route.

Can I fuck the twins?

Where is the torrent.

Really want to fuck Amanda

I'll take the little girl

First for drunk fucking with Robert!

torrent or MEGA else idgaf

What if they're actually both crossdressing as each other?

Even better

Brian first and then Robert.

>Sup Forums doesn't like Brian
>him and Robert are the only dads people choose

fat guy

Sup Forums is norious for having shit taste in men and videogames

This is Alfred and Alexa.

Be nice to them before they have sex over some ants.

they're jewish

>not choosing Craig
Shit tastes. All of you.

I'm gay and this game offends me.

Oh look.
The gay hivemind.

Make a general on /vg/ faggot. KS has one on there, then again this would be an e-celeb general, since the crew behind this shit project did it for the diversity points.

But do we take the perspective of a cake or not?

Can't wait until the mods delete this vn thread and let other vn threads stay open

Have you considered not being a faggot?

>visual novels are not video games

Then why is KS allowed literally 4000 threads on /vg/.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Craig is low tier. Deal with it user.
Great minds think alike.

Chad Dad's kids look like children of the corn shitters.

do you get to fight off their ex wives?

can I fuck the little girl

>choosing to date a black

Fuck I thought it was a sequel for that loli german game.

Can you date the daughter? Can you date both at the same time? Ending in a loving relationship with them both?

post your husbando

why tho

Chad dad's wife tries to pick you up at the bar behind his back.

But fools seldom differ.

Good taste, but wrong thread.

for the memes of course :^)

holy shit

ITT: homos

A lot of people talked about it, it has "big names" behind it, and there's a lot of hype surrounding it.

People will completely forgot this game even existed in like a month and a half.

for da meems

>only 21 buyers


just played robert's route, absolute shit. just 3 one night stands, a few lines of dialog, thats it.

>dislikes lost salt shakers
I know why now.


Which fairy do you want to fuck?

You are correct


>black guy is raising a kid alone
deconstrutcion of the single parent genre

trurly the evangelion of videogames

what if they get separated and the boy becomes an almost supernatural sociopath that hunts for his sister for years trying to figure out why dad chose her

Because /vg/ is much more lenient when it comes to "video game" discussion. Half of the generals there are /soc/ tier circlejerks. It's containment in the end and the last thing we need is KS autists for daddy shit.

was it made by game grumps ?

Why are you trying to get this thread deleted?

What will the secret dad option be? Place your bets, I'm thinking a farmer type

i only chose him first because i thought this was funny


I'll probably go for the Dracula cosplayer first as soon as there's a torrent out.

>Look guys, GAY GAME

Terrible, makes actual fags look worse than they are


>that faggot game is currently #2 of steam charts

the state of pc gaming


I'm actually trying to made it better

I didn't see one? does this game even have CGs?

There are no cgs in this game, just sprites.

>Cant marry the broken alcoholic and turn his life around

Why even live

quick, post video games

Probably because of this

That's not his kid you fucking tool.


Meme VN with ecelebs behind it. Plus daddy shit is popular.

this. what a disappointing game.

because I can ;)
the only hazubando thread should be the furry onen don't you forget

Is this game gay sex only or you can fuck the little girl?

>literally a game made by fucking queers for fucking queers

if i had a gun i would gladly kill everyone that purchased this game

If we listened to self-loathing gays like dingdong we'd never get any VNs. We'd never get ANYTHING. There would be no gay bar to go to, just sad lonely cryfaps while hating ourselves.
If he hates the gay community so much he shouldn't pretend to stand up for it when dumping on shit for other gay people who aren't so fucking miserable.

Speaking of, does your kid change coloring depending on your dad's coloring? Or are you supposed to assume your dead wife was non-white?

>inb4 they jew you out with a 5$ Dream Daddy a Dad Dating Simulator : Afterstory DLC


if we're gonna talk about gay vn's that's cool with me

why is this gaining traction? like what even sets it apart from other meme novels

>if i had a gun
fucking noguns

You don't know what generals are or when they're required
if "I don't like it therefore it needs to go on the other board" was the only criteria, we wouldn't fucking need 2 boards because then everything would be on /vg/ anyway. stop whining and just close your fat fucking eyelids

Homo only.

Its got men in it instead of anime girls

Dads are meme tier at the moment
Game Grumps involvement

Aren't you a big boy

Gruff is the best husbando.
He is literally Husband material.

so Game Grumps, got it

Serious question:
What makes self-hating gays like dingdong any different from fat ugly feminists who get mad as fuck when sexy women enjoy life, have fun and have opinions different from theirs? They sound exactly like those bitter bitches.


Seriously, where have you heard all this shit before? Self loathing women. Self loathing fags. All the same shit. Nobody cares about your personal problems. Go write a blog about it.

Again, see Game Grumps literally put their name on it so now their army of fans are swamping to it.

kill yourself faggot, or I will murder another of your kind

>always see normies make fun of VNs
>same normies are all clamoring for this

you expect a crew like GG to build up a complex story? DingDong was right when he said this game was a joke and only purpose is to make money from it. Because no visual novel should leave you empty handed like that

Monster is overrated as fuck

Even if this game is shit and meme tier levels of fuckery, I hope fanartists fall into this shit and make great porn of it

For (You)

It basically writes itself though. Come up with a bad dad character and redeem him through the game. Lazy as fuck.

If you ironically like something it's ok