>post your top 10
>get judged
Top 10 thread
>Deus Ex AND System Shock 2
>Morrowind AND New Vegas AND Gothic
>God Hand AND Devil May Cry
Play more games. Also this template is shit, just make a 9x9 instead.
>Far Cry Primal
just... lol.
I did yesterday
Please be gentle
Pretentious 21 year old American who just discovered the classics and thinks he's cultured starterpack
>Deus Ex
>Super Metroid
>Resident Evil 4
>Silent Hill 2
at least you like some good shit too, helps bring your score up from a 0
Holy kusoge, Batman.
I don't think you know what pretentious means, dumb weeb.
It changes a lot, but these are my current top 10.
you're a weeb if you enjoyed chrono trigger, weeb
Since no one posted a template
Yakuza series
Viewtiful joe 1/2
Castlevania CoM
No more heroes 1/2
Metal Gear Series
Super Mario Galaxy 1
Super mario 3d world
Ape Escape series
Dragon quest heroes 2
I struggle making these kinds of things
Why is captcha so criminally slow and retarded now?
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
>DaS when BB, DeS and DaS3 exist.
>SA when VC and IV exist.
>having fucking zelda as a favorite game.
Yeah, sure is summer now.
>call people summer from game taste alone
my dude you need to be 18+ to post here
>Sly 2
Really now
Is this a joke
stock Sup Forumscore
If you consider most played the same as the best then you seriously need to go to a different webzone
Stop posting joke top 10s you guys
here you go
Jesus Christ fuck off you fucking child.
>Dead Space
>ResEvil 1
Great taste
My top 10, to lazy to make a picture
>Super Mario World
>Simcity 4
>Resident Evil Remake
>Deus Ex
>Katamari Damaci
>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
>Animal Crossing
>CS 1.6 back in the day
>I like meme games
I know, I have shit taste...
I never knew stalker was a Japanese game
I could never enjoy Star Fox 64 with its horrible frame rate
Very solid list, but I hated 3D world.
Just finished Persona 5 yesterday, felt like a cheap rehash of 4. Not a bad game but 3 will always be the best.
Imagine how good MGS5 would have been if it was just a larger version of Ground Zeroes.
Why did you hate 3d world?
10/10 list btw probably should've replaced one of mine for max payne
Here, laugh you god damn nerds.
>Ace Combat 4
>Ace Combat 5
>Ace Combat 0
>Ace Combat X
>Hatsune Miku Future Tone
>Dark Souls
>Nier Automata
>Star Wars: Jedi Academy
>Deus Ex: HR
These are the only games that I would ever need, I have hundreds of games on by backlog, but I just keep going back to these.
i respect your love for ace combat everything else on there is a hot pile of shit imo
>The Sacred Cards
Absolutely based tier. Mfw when I discovered the secret Bandit Keith rematch.
Considering galaxy was a 10/10 in my book, 3D world felt like a huge downgrade. Maybe hated isn't the right word, its a meh game, but it was disappointing as hell.
Galaxy 1>2>Sunshine>64>>D
Since you don't like 64 or 3D that much i guess you aren't excited for odyssey?
That is the most bland Sup Forums core list of games ever. I know you're full of shit because you place probably one of your actual favourites fucking Far Cry Primal with the rest of those games. OP is a massive faggot.
Do you have no original thought or opinions of your own? This shit is so fucking basic, it's like you like these games only to fit in on Sup Forums
That's just your wrong opinion then.
Hey man you like mgs V and nier automata you can't exactly speak on what is and isn't wrong
with repeat franchises
this list would have been godly but then
>any far cry but maybe 1
Fuck that shitty format just make a 3x3 thread
I really liked 64, I just put it on the bottom because I think the sequels were better. I am very excited for odyssey but it sucks it's on the switch. No more heroes 3 and a port of Donkey kong tropical freeze might persuade me to pick one up though.
I beat the N Sane Trilogy recently and thought 3>1>2. I didn't like the gimmicky shit in 2, and even though 3 had gimmicks they felt way better.
3 had too many gimmicks for me but I still love it.
I don't know if I like 3 or 1 more
Shit taste incoming
>Red Dead Redemption
>Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
>Fire Emblem 7
>Pokemon HG/SS
>Fallout 3
>Mass Effect 2
>Dragon Age Origins
>Modern Warfare 2
>Halo 3
>Kingdom Hearts
They're praised for a reason.
Crazy Taxi and Sly 2. Great choices.Very solid, and a few similarities to mine
KH1 over 2? I mean, I know the story was better...
lol very safe picks
Jet set radio future is way better than the original, sad sega wont port it to any other systems