What are some games where the protagonist makes a miraculous comeback against all odds?

What are some games where the protagonist makes a miraculous comeback against all odds?

>sales numbers determine if a game is good
I fucking hate the Horizon game and the PS4 had far better games released this year such as Persona and Nier but using sales to show if a game is good is just shitposting tier

define "miraculous comeback"

>weeb waifu dating simulator and generic hack and slash
Amazing how sales suddenly don't count when they work against sonybros

Ughh never Ubisoft again thanks for honor

I never understood the appeal of the "my game sold better!" argument. I mean, I understand it from a certain perspective: popular games sell consoles and if you're investing a lot of money into a game console you don't want to be throwing that money down a pit like the Wii-U or something. But by the same token, we're discussing two highly successful consoles. One has been out for years and can only become more successful, and the other is selling out everywhere. The fact that BOTW sold more doesn't hurt my feelings because I still bought and enjoyed both it and Horizon.

I just really don't understand the logic of these threads. It's like, these are supposed to be gloating... gloating about what? That your company which demands money for you to sit on your ass and do nothing with your life is getting more money than the other companies dedicated to the same? How about instead of being a bully for no reason, you do something to enrich yourself? Read a book or something.


So it really is eternal summer in here.

I just fucking hate that Horizon shills call you a Nintenbro if you didn't like their game.
So many much better Ps4 games came out around Horizon that I couldn't give a fuck about it when I played it.

Why don't you enrich yourself and fuck off.

Not sure what you're getting at friend. Threads like these are a diamond dozen regardless of what time of year.

That's the problem. The people making these argument are the ones who think a console is a big investment.

Holy shit
>being this new

apparently any Tom Clancy game, but I guess U didn't see botw was 2nd becuz your a Turbo Bingbingwahooer.

it wasn't funny the first time sonybro

>Turbo Bingbingwahooer.
Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!

like clockwork


Reminder: that's wiiu + switch sales

>Wii u

Yeah those 10 guys that bought Breasts of the wild on Wii U sure helped boost those sales.

Also Horizon Zero Men was discounted to below €30 for ages to help boost sales and it still couldn't beat a game for a console with one twentieth the user base. No wonder people are getting so upset.

Persona 5

How did Wildlands get that many sales.
It's complete shit.
Like it is the most generic open world game imaginable.

The only game on that list that's actually exclusive is Horizon. Take away Wii U sales, and Horizon easily outsells Zelda.

Like that's what really confuses me. Your gloating about one of the most iconic video game characters in the world outselling a brand new franchise on two systems.

>B-but 60M Piss4's

Skyward Sword sold only 4M being on a 100M install base. Horizon is slate to beat out Skyward Sword by the end of the year.