> yfw you hear the enemy whistles.
yfw you hear the enemy whistles
Other urls found in this thread:
>nigger hands
Silly white boi. Only black men wuz brave enough to take the fight to the enemy and win the battle for America. Sheeeit, white boys went and sat in a trench. Do dun do shit. Da black man did all dat fightan
Silly Black man. That's Pajeet. Everyone knows it was the Indians that won WW1
This game would be perfect if had no niggers and a tutorial to teach noobs how to play medic and support
Doesnt mqtter how triggered pol retards are and how much they whine BF1 is a fun game
>xXDemon01Xx playing a sniper
Like clockwork
Jesus Christ can we have one thread that doesn't focus on the race bullshit? I just wanted to have an Operations thread.
What's odd is the dude named Crazysniper is playing support
And you can bet that he's lying prone on the edge of the map for the whole game
I played medic one night when I meant the people I play with now. They now just expect me to always play medic. I just want to shoot landships with At guns.
>yfw you uninstalled the game 1 month after launch and regretted every dollar you wasted
A shitty gamemode combined with atrocious map design. Assault and vehicles whores only play this gamemode to they could easily grind more kills. Just like Rush in BF4.
noob lol
Not true user. I play it because it makes teamwork essential. Also playing defense is actually fun.
>not playing BF4 in 2017 AD
I'm not going back to BF1 until the devs start fixing the game.
What's wrong with the game user? They have had several updates but never noticed anything bad like I did for the first year and a half of BF4
t.Nigger T. Coon
game is ded anyway
He's just one of those
"This game is new so its shit and the game before it is way better"
Same thing happens with every cod game tbqh
I love the battlefield franchise, hell, I play this shit since I was 9 years old and battlefield 3 is the game I played the most in my life.
When I saw that Battlefield 1 was coming out I got a huge boner, a fucking WW1 game!
But JFC Idk why but I can't enjoy this game, got 50+ and can count on my fingers the matches I enjoyed playing, the last 3 times I played I rage quited, wat do?
yet nobody gives a fuck about bf:hardline, is it that bad?
+50 hours
>game makes itself about the race bullshit
>expects people to ignore it
>mfw there's two BFH revival projects currently underway
What do you fellows think of the Huot Automatic Optical?
I'm grinding towards it, and am not the biggest fan of the Huot Automatic Low-Weight. That, and the fact that the Optical lacks a bipod is kinda odd, and fucks the idea of support sniping pretty hard.
Scrub boi, ey?
I find severs all the time with 64 players (long ass list, too) for just Conquest. I'd hardly say it's dead.
i just wanted ww1 not some cod shit where everyone spawns all over the place with automatics. it's not fair.
I'm still playing BC2 lel, I'll probably stick with it until the playerbase dies off
>projecting this hard
Don't get me wrong. BF1 has a potential to be a good game. for instance the gunplay in BF1 is actually quite balanced compared to BF4/3 where the meta was using ARs + attachments that can make the gun insanely accurate. Plus the classes are even more diverse.
However BF1 has so many flaws from vehicle balance, skill gap, sweet spot mechanic, and the spawn system.
>he plays support
What modes are you playing?
Is true. We rode war elephants into battle, with a man call Hannabal
*black man
It currently has about a quarter of the content of BF4 with none of the polish. Until all the DLC and patches are out, it's not gonna be as a good as BF4
Contrary, I've played everything BUT Support; in fact, it's the one class I haven't unlocked everything on.