Is this actually Battle Royale: the game? And if so, is it any good?

Is this actually Battle Royale: the game? And if so, is it any good?

Basically what I'm asking is, should I buy this game?

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pls go and stay go


nice linking faggot

just watch some fucking gameplay and decide for yourself pleb


Better with mates. The funnest part is communication and dumb shit.

Design and the core gameplay are solid. But it's an un-optimised mess, with massive frame drops being very common. Good thing is it's still being worked on constantly, for now that is.

It's a fun game OP, watch some gameplay if you're unsure.

if you have cash to spare it's really fun
but , so if you aren't willing to put up with random bullshit and crashes save your cash until it updates to either a more universally stable version or 1.0 comes out

lol look at this summerfag

also PUBG is shit and normalfag-bait

PUBG is not the first "battle royale" game, and it's not going to be the last.

The core gameplay and idea is very good.

The game is severely unoptimised and got massive amount of small annoying issues a bit everywhere.
You can still have fun with it, but be prepared to some frustrating stuff.

I wish it was. Someone needs to make a game similar to the book.

Mechanics-wise it's relatively solid. Well fleshed out basics with more content being added regularly by active devs. At current there is a huge playerbase so there's no risk of not finding a game for a good while. Personally my friends and I love it - each game is different enough to stay entertained and provides for banter and bullshitting with randoms.

The downside, as others have mentioned, is the poor optimisation. My friends run their game on a 1080ti and get similar frame rates and drops to me. This is being improved, but its jarring in heavily populated areas and cities. The netcode is very WIP - it's made leaps and bounds but is still prone to rubber-banding and cunts seemingly teleporting.

If you're in Oceania or Asia, the servers are really good. I hear mixed things about the US and negative things about Europe.

>Bans players for teamkilling
>tells players that it's their own fault that they got teamkilled and shouldn't play with people that they don't know.

Well, why ban tea killing then?

Cool, thanks anons!

>If you're in Oceania or Asia, the servers are really good

That's good to hear, usually Australian servers are either shit or non-existent.

I'm from Europe and havn't had a single server issue so far.

watch this, but then remember that you have no friends, no one will talk to you in game, and you aren't funny enough to socialize and create these situations.

> why the fuck are you discussing video games on this board

that's why i dont watch shit like this, if i dont know how fun it is then i dont miss it

They are going to ruin this fucking game when they dumb it down for consoles. So enjoy it while it lasts.

That's one of the most cancerous things I've seen in a while.

>3,7 mil subs

Am I supposed to cringe when watching that?

This is gamer food tier.

Aussie here can confirm and when u squad up most Aussies and Asians are ok.

No. It is shilled heavily here, but it really is boring and 1 dimensional, the novelty wears off after 3 or 4 games. Probably my most regretted purchase of 2017. I fell for the garbage streamerbait crap.

Yeah I'm sure this is fine for what it is but I'd love a a smaller scale game with a more compact map and most of the weapons you come across being melee stuff with guns and explosives being super rare, forcing players to fight in close range at much greater risk could also help provide reason to make shaky temporary alliances rather than killing on sight.

>another overpriced FOTM streamerbait game based on an Arma mod that will stay in early access for years


The only thing that would accomplish is making the RNG even greater because anyone with a rifle of any kind could potentially kill 80% of the opponents.

Yeah I guess it's a dumb idea, it only really worked in the movie because a lot of the students were hesitant to kill each other, ah well.

i wish there was a bit more combat and less focus on hiding/being sneaky

this is my first game like this though, maybe thats just the playstyle

it forces you to install Battleye malware therefore it's shit

just play Last Man Standing if you want the BR experience. it's also free.

The Culling

SOS whatever its called


Everyone hating on it because they're anti social. It's a game meant to be played with a group of friends, having fun.

>play with friends
>friends take it too seriously
>literally spend half an hour managing inventory
>muh Lv. 3 helmet
>muh Lv. 3 vest
>"has anyone got a scope?"
>ok time to have some fun interacting with other players in this multiplayer game
>"Nah let's hide in a bush"
>"Shots fired NNW..."
>"sorry guys..."
>everyone's pissed because they refuse to enjoy the game
>I'm bored because only the endgame matters, so it might as well be a five-minute match in a small arena with 5-10 players
>have to watch my remaining friends play
>they hide in bushes
>they pick up more ammo than they could possibly use
>they talk about the best places to go, when it doesn't ever matter
>it occurs to me, this game is just like life
>your friends abandon you when you fail
>you waste most of the time chasing possessions
>you live in fear of human interaction
>you have to watch others succeed where you failed
>only a handful of people ever get a chance to win anyway

PUBG isn't just a bad game. It's an allegory of the futility of human existence. It's not just dissatisfying- It destroys your will to live.

>>I'm bored because only the endgame matters
thats the exact opposite of this game

when you stop having fun stop playing. that's how we used to play video games

tfw no friends or mic

dont buy this shitty game

PU is a pussy faggot. He needs to be kicked in the chest through a glass door again. Dont give this beta faggot your money.

>I'm fucking awful at video games and need everything handed to me

I just summed up your post in one line

>20hz gameplay
>makes everything feel awful
>shitty use of unreal engine

but its by the same person who made the arma mod

Just got a kill cooking a grenade in my hand until it exploded while screaming ALLAHU AKBAR over mic

> Playing Video games is a skill!!!!!!
Kill yourself nerd

Alright lemme break it down for you real' slow-like.

Stage 1 -The Drop:
You and your friends pick a spot, then one of you inevitably misses and spend ten minutes alone or is almost instantly killed.

Stage 2 - The Dollar-Store:
If you survive the drop, you get to enjoy collecting a vast array of weapons which you will never use, and armor which you will most likely dump before the mid-game anyway.

Stage 3 - The Mid-Game:
At this stage, you will usually be killed while looking for a red-dot or you'll collect everything you need for the end-game; completely in denial about what the end-game entails.

Stage 4 - The Late-Game:
While wrestling with the embarrassingly unresponsive controls, you will make your way to the end-zone. In this stage you will actually feel your physical processes start to slow down as you mentally prepare yourself to sit in one place and free-look around the bush or bedroom you've decided to hide in. There will be frequent gunfire; but at this stage there is almost no reward for taking the risk of actually touching the controls, so this is a good time for a coffee.

Stage 5 - You ambush the two people left as they crawl past your bush. You win the game and are satisfied with the demonstration of skill, and laugh with your friends about how fun it was. Or not. It doesn't matter anyway. Your reward is the satisfaction of knowing that luck was on your side- but like all gambles, there is no satisfaction. You take a piss and sit down for another game. It's 2am.

is this game basically just positioning?

It's not a skill, it's just not being retarded.

Ipso facto you're retarded

>Stage 1 -The Drop:
>You and your friends pick a spot, then one of you inevitably misses and spend ten minutes alone or is almost instantly killed.

just go punch somebody stupid you don't understand this game clearly

youre playing with fear in your heart because you are less than other men. this game shows you shit about yourself

>actually thinking PUBG is skill based

you are actually literally retarded.


>that sneaky fucking camper that killed you as you opened the door

thats me, fuckers.

thats right. I am that guy. Thats MY playstyle and i love it. I love knowing i made you mad as hell, just imaging you reaction gets me off. I actively look to avoid people and just sneak around and it feels great.

>acting like a complete retard is funny

i dont understand kids these days

>kill like 5 people with the zone by sniping from a well covered position
>they keep having to fall back and heal, end up tangling with each other, then all get swept up

Chill out with the tough guy act, nerd. It ain't for you

If you actually decide to pick up this game don't expect the motorcycles to do anything else but get you killed by hitting the smallest incline.

what, I've yet to die a motorcyclist...

Its shit.
A meme game.

>did you die in the game
>could you have not died if you were better
mind blown