Where are all the mech games?
I want to play an open world mech looter shooter
Where are all the mech games?
I want to play an open world mech looter shooter
The whole genre is super dead senpai. Gundam Vs and Battletech are the only new titles I can think of
Mech open world would be the best
>Apocalyptic setting
>Start off with core of the mech with voiced AI
>Tells you you must find parts and rebuild him
>Start off with scavenged skeleton
>Take out other mech camps
>Can rip the limbs off defeated mechs and use them as your own
>Durability based so it encourages you to swap parts and avoid aiming at parts of a mech you want to use
Titanfall 2 is on sale on Origin atm and its Fucking Radical
Mecha Martial Arts game when
ded genre
MWO is alright for being free, but the balance issues are never ending. I just tried going back after taking a year or so hiatus, and while I win almost every single match, I'm barely getting any action because there are one or two people with such overpowered cheese builds that they easily deal over 2000 damage per match.
When's Battletech? I actually liked Shadowrun a decent amount so I will be willing to buy it.
Front Mission 3 did that not damage your salvage iirc. I fucking love that game.
Titanfall 2 is great.
it's supposed to launch this year, probably in fall hopefully
I've been playing the beta which is pretty fun so I'm completely looking forward to it. fyi everything but the centurion is modded in by using some unused files and models for the beta
Is anyone still playing this on PC?
queue the buttblasted mechfans that the creators of best mech game in a decade hate to be associated with them.
>not using 12 erppc direstar
Game had a peak population of about 2-3K about a month ago, but the game was actually COMPLETELY cracked recently so now the Player Count is in the 9-10k range. Even the devs say that the playerbase expanded so much because the cracked version made its way onto the web.
desu I'm not knowledgeable on battletech in the least, outside of just some mechs and lingo and I'm still getting used to how shit do in this
PC hit 10k concurrent last weekend so it's doing pretty well, though if you want to play any gamemode that isn't attrition you have to wait a couple minutes.
How boring. I would have wanted to see some new designs of 'mechs. PGI had some alright interpretations of them, but they're kind of stale now, and they've always fucked up the scale of it. The Cicada should not be so fucking huge, damn it.
There is Heavy Gear Assault, but it's pretty awful in every sense.
Hawken is super underrated and better than Titanfall (when it comes to mech to mech) imo
Wanna try that again in english?
well, they stated with their kikestarter that they were using the MWO versions of the mechs
>tfw the success of Souls games among the normies ensured that we will never ever get another Armored Core
fuck not having a girlfriend bros, this thread is the true suffering. I'll play any fucking genre of mechs, just give me something!
THIS. That would be so fucking cool
Seriously, I loved Hawken. Only stopped playing it because it was dead. Same thing happens with pretty much every multiplayer focused game that doesn't receive a lot of attention or support. I've got a list going of games I'd still be playing if they were alive.
>open world mech looter shooter
Wow, how many memes can you fit into one genre? Might as well throw in survival and crafting
I miss the first person executions.
It opened up the floodgates on slow boring combat though. Perfect for mech games!
Oh yeah, I want to play a mech looter game where my mech will always look awful because RNG parts.
Well, apart from the memes, some sort of mech survival instanced open world looter shooter mechbay memefest would actually work if the setting and world building was right instead of your usual "build BFG 9000 from scrap parts". But we would just end up with DayZ with mechs borefest.
He said mech game.
Just play The Surge user!
I played as the light sniper class I don't remember the name. It was super fun for awhile
Hawken was created within this decade and has way better mechanics, more complex mechanics, actual customization and unique weapons instead of cooldown abilities, multiple chassis of mechs that move around in different ways instead of a difference in base movement speed and number of boosts on what is basically all the same chassis with a different hitbox. Why would you act elitist over the CoD of mecha that is Titanfall, unless I take it you've never played another mech game in your life.
strike vector ex dropped pretty recently on pc plays how I imagine a macross game should be like, with pilots flipping between jet and gerwalk
Well, this thread actually inspired me to not be a lazy piece of shit and go play Front Mission 5 now. I couldn't pack in the day because my shitty FX cpu couldn't run it well in pcsx2.
Yeah, I almost got suckered into that too. They had some cool physical rewards that I would have liked. However, I asked them to make more themes available than the Great Houses because I don't give a shit about FedCom, Combine, Marik, or Liao nonsense. They listened and made a neutral "battletech" theme available, but fuck that I wanted some Merc companies goddamn it. Give me a Gray Death Legion or Black Widow Company jacket and poster and I'll pay whatever price you ask.
Is Living Legends still in active development?
ah damn yeah that would have been way better than just some lame neutral shit, I didnt back it when it was on kickstarter tho, I just did the backerkit thing since I had missed the chance to back it before
>you will never roam through a Morskoj whiteout hunting for cinderblock piloting gopniks with infrared ten minutes after losing contact with the rest of your squad
>literraly didn't even do anything except get perforated with bullets
>You can also date your mech
Anyone else?
But why is it so cheap? What's the catch?
that guy was fired lmbo
Really? And there are servers?
Last time I tried it after the engine migration it choked my FPS to literally 15 when I used to get solid 80+.
I downloaded the cracked version and found the campaign to be loads of fun. Now I am torn because I want to buy it and play multiplayer but I also do not want to have to use Origin and have EA's malware on my PC.
So there's actually just a mech vs mech mode now?
I played it about 2 months ago.
>TF2 robots just play like MOBA shooter characters
pls no
You can still play the old ones, you know. I bet you haven't played Ring of Red.
Just started playing the first Armored Core myself. It's actually pretty cool, but it's still pretty much just Strafe the game. And it doesn't help that the game camera can't keep up with a fast running mech, but it is fine with super boosting.
i want a mech game that i can use sticks and vr for targeting mode
>basically pic related without grill because that's too expensive of a DLC
I never beat it, but I do remember hit percentages, railing on top of mechs with people standing on it, and stepping on infantry.
I really should go do that.
>open world
Naw. I like the rest, though. And it's not hard to not make it look like garbage with random parts as long as you give them all either stainless steel or rusted texture, which you can then paint over later to customize your getup.
The closest you're going to get is Lost Planet 3.
It's actually a pretty good game.
its a rerelease of the original strike vector game, with added single player
The battles take a long time, but it does a great job at immersing you in it. Coordinating infantry with your Mech to make an effective assault is very satisfying desu
Let's pretend that I want to play AC III and Silent Line again. What modern alternatives are there?
>PUBG with mechas.
Besides emulation?
here is the exactly game for you user
tooks me time to find this piece of shit
I know this is kinda off-topic, but has anyone played Gundam Breaker 3?
I got in the mood to play a Gundam game and ended up ordering it from Japan without actually looking up any reviews.
I hope it's not shit
I paid over £50 for it
get out and take your awful opinion with you
I'm in the exact same situation as you, friend. Were it not Origin-exclusive I would have bought that shit ages ago.
That's not very nice.
It was a comfy game.
Fucking hell. Guess I just run those two again after summer.
I remember renting an rpg for the PSX where you have a kung fu mech and you fight dinosaurs. Forget the name though.
It's probably pretty obscure now.
you didn't get the break edition?
that's literally The Surge but open world
Nah see, I think the primary difference is that they were imagining an actual good game.
I just want more shit like this.
I want a game where your mech is your home. And you roam around, building onto your big mech, adding platforms and hammocks and decorations, but periodically you have to fight giant monsters.
Nah, the Break Edition for some reason was like an extra £20 at least everywhere I looked, that's if it was even in stock.
Plus I can read some moonrunes and shit and I know there are some guides if I get really stuck.
Is the Break Edition better in any other way than it having English subs?
Reactor: Online
>Giant monster punches your mech in just the wrong place
the break edition includes all the game dlc that had came out for it
Just play Exteel.
fucking GoG when
Steel Battalion had to make this game for Kinect instead of waiting one generation for VR meme that actually works.
Game is forgotten now completely because Kinect sucks shit.
i wish i could
Exactly. Picture this giant scavenged together mech, with haphazard structure for living built around it, moss growing on the feet from staying still too long,maybe theres a hammock between the comm antennas, youve got a small party that lives in it, a mechanic, a pilot, etc. you can explore and live a comfy life, or go and put the mech at risk to fight big monsters, or go EVA and fight on foot.
barely a mech
Microshit needed to prove that the kinect could be hardcores.
This. Also I don't want a "souls-like" combat. Especially not for a mech game.
Fuck, I'd be happy with Turn Based combat too.
The game is a legal nightmare, FASA, Microsoft, Harmony Gold, Piranha, and Microprose would all have to sign off on it.
HAWKEN was great, more of an arena shooter than a mech game though since it was so fast paced. too bad the company that bought it shat out the ugliest UI and a bunch of unbalanced new mechs though. there's still a few people playing evenings but that's about it.
>Skyfall II
It's the spiritual successor to MechWarrior.
>gundam head
I thought all Gundams had both two eyes and a antenna
>just recently discover Hawken
>ah man this is what i want
>"dont play it its ruined. it used to be so good but now its shit."
god damnit
Monoeye 4 lyfe
Oh shit I didn't research this enough.
Ah well, by the description it sounds like I'll get a shit ton of hours out of it anyway.
Thanks for the heads up though. Hopefully the DLC goes on sale at some point.
I actually think you are on to something here. So I don't think it is silly at all. Maybe just not all of your ideas though. Open world games are all the rage. It is probably the best way to get the masses to actually finally get into a mech game. Make it open world with some fun story that casuals would actually like.
i dont know which was worse, the meteor devs or the post meteor "we dont exist anymore devs" because both balance philosophies are dogshit.
do you like berserker/reaper/scouts or whatever cancerous shit the new devs have made now i guess comes down to it
Being able to paint your mech solves most of the clashing parts issue