*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>the old cyberdemon is harder and way more dangerous than the 2016 cyberdemon thats specifically made to be a boss
How did this happen

The old Cyberdemon was a joke too.

>shot at it until it dies


I will agree that not making it a regular enemy was retarded though. Hopefully the sequel fixes this.


>quakefags get butthurt their enemy design wasn't even 1/10 as good as dooms

best level design: Doom, Doom 2, or Doom 64


Got this.

Starport > Knee Deep
City < Shores of Hell
D2 Hell = Inferno


*blocks your path*
reminder that 8>4

*rips and tears*

only if you have mouselook

I really hope for this.

how is he not a bullet sponge?

I got this

this faggot would get hit in the face with the first rocket and instantly gibbed as he moves too slowly to actually dodge anything

He's a joke until you encounter him anywhere but a big open space. See E4M6 for example.

quick Sup Forums
post your favorite .wad
i've just beated too so i really need to dig for some new .wads to play

Spartan 2's can sprint upwards between 55 to 65 kph. Learn before you speak, faggot

for you


>Spartan 2's can sprint upwards between 55 to 65 kph.
too bad your shit games don't reflect that

Which one is you, Sup Forums?

I like doomguy but its an objective FACT that master chief would win in a 1v1 or a cyberdemon for that matter. Don't even try to argue, dick breath

>when you open a big room full of them

Circle strafing wasn't an option for most players when the game came out since mouse and keyboard controls didn't become popular until 1998.

You just alternate between circling and strafing. Shit's easy, loser.

Pirate dooms one of my favorites too.
BTSX is fantastic, Brigandine is a recent gem and Ancient Aliens. All mainstream stuff but it's popular for good reason.

i love that feel

>Muh books
Look friend, I love the Halo books, but they do not reflect actual gameplay. We're comparing game characters, because this is Sup Forums not /lit/. Bungie said that games beat books in terms of canon, and in the games Master Chief is slow as shit.

>nu-Doom free weekend
>70 GB download

What the fuck?

The new cool thing is to make your game bloated as fuck to steer pirates away. Unfortunately pirates can cut all the unnecessary shit out and reduce the filesize by almost half, which accidentally makes pirating the better option

Says someone born after 9/11

for you



>its a fact because a youtube video said so!
Fuck off

His shields should let him survive the 1st shot if it isn't a direct hit.

He can just peek in and out of cover while chipping away at the demon because he regens and it doesn't

Also he can sprint in the games just not in the good ones