What games do you play to occupy your attention while fasting?

What games do you play to occupy your attention while fasting?

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all of them really
just play anything that grabs your attention and shitpost on Sup Forums
t. mudslime

> play vidya
Your imam allows you to do this?

It's really kinda freaky how the further down this 2010s rabbit hole we go the closer islam and the femenist left keep getting.

You're supposed to eat less, not at all. If you're fasting for religion, you're just an idiot. If you're fasting for the very minor health benefits (and major deficits), you're also an idiot.


6>5>1>2>4>3 in terms of covering up.
5>=6>=1>2=3 in appearance.

Sometimes when I play Civ I accidentally wind up fasting because I just don't get around to it... so... that's an option

the fuck is this shit? running or something?


who is that qt?

Also, spooky games.


I can't tell if this is just an author not understanding how human beings work, or if this is some incredibly weird Japanese thing to be embarrassed about.

Growling stomach breaks he masquerade of japanese society

>talking about fasting on Sup Forums

Nigger these queers never put down the hot pockets they don't know what fasting is

For a moment the Japanese have to accept that they're human after all and not semi-autonomous machines?

wow a japanese mangaka doesn't understand how humans work?
to be fair, maybe japanese school girls are meek and get embarassed over growling stomachs and us western piggus can't relate to that

it's a fat joke

we know all about fast around here, user

Sup Forums hasn't been a hikikomori board for years

I love the Japanese, but he's not wrong. Actually, I'd say it's because I love the Japanese and want them to be well, that I can see he's right.



Going on my first water fast for 5 days starting tomorrow lads
Wish me luck

you can cheat your fast by putting a lot of salt in your water before you drink it.
no need to thank me :)


>fasting being a normal part of a normal diet
No you're a stupid person. Regulate input, don't stop and start. Putting your body into starvation mode just makes it store more fat from your next meal.

unless you're a muslim in which case you're stupid and wrong for different reasons.

Boy howdy.

>Christian fasting for religious reasons isn't a thing

I don't get how this strikes neither of their groups as hypocrisy.

Unless its the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" which would say a lot about how they view the western man. It just doesn't make sense to me. How do the muslim women not argue with the femenists about how awful men are? How do the femenists not argue how awful it is that the muslims have to wear condoms on their heads?

I had nothing planned for the 3 days of the For Honor beta so I spent the entire time playing Warden. Only ate once a day, managed to get to rep 5.

I would probably play something like FTL or The Sims. Try out Isle of the Midnight Sun

I promise a christian wouldn't be stupid enough to post it on Sup Forums. We ran them off 10 years ago. This has to be fuckin muslims thinking they get to enjoy the internet now.

Stop fasting and eat some food.
No other animal is stupid enough to make up sky monsters and stop eating to please them. Don't be that stupid.

In muslim countries, muslim women beg western women to not wear hijabs and shit but our dumb ass women think it's exotic to wear it.

Ramadan has been over for a month dude.

they really need a stoning

My girlfriend is a number 4. Its really cute.

For what purpose? You ain't gonna make it son. Just IF like a real man.

None of this post is surprising to me. If you asked me to speculate this is the answer I'd have given.

>everyone assuming OP is a mudslime and not just diet fasting

any conservative religious person would agree with his argument though


Feminists have this weird roundabout logic where its oppressive to tell women not to wear hijabs and burkas, but its not oppressive to force them to.

Aren't jap girls super conscientious about their weight though

W-what's in the deluxe punishment bag?

It doesn't really matter. I play games because I like them so I play games whether or not I'm fasting.
>mfw I water fast for two weeks every other month

The Japanese are fucking idiots jesus christ

4 and 5 are obviously the best, any other choices are for faggots
Also Skullgirls and CivIV are pretty distracting

Yeah I did that.

Didn't drink for 5 or eat for 7.

No food is "easy" compared to the need for water. Walking past a vase of flowers with old water my instinct was to just grab and drink it.

"starvation mode" isnt a real thing


>there are people who genuine hurting damaged people who need to be nursed back to health with love
Truly we live in the worst timeline.

Why doesn't anyone like 3? Everytime I've seen this image posted, Gyaru-chan has been the least liked overall.


Do you have the IRAN one?


That's the thing though, liberals don't believe that Islam is inherently misogynistic. You can be a Muslim and ALSO oppress women, but you can be any religion you want and also oppress women too. It's not the religion that's hurting people, it's people hurting people. So a liberal doesn't treat people any differently unless they SHOW that they deserve to be treated differently. Any stranger on the Earth is my equal unless otherwise noted.

It's oppressive to tell women what to wear OR not to wear. If woman wants to wear a hijab, she should be able to wear that hijab. If she doesn't, then she doesn't. Whether the regime tries to ban hijab or force it, they're still trying police the free choice of women.

I think a fast is a good idea, particularly for the large amount of Americans that really need to detox, but the mudslime concept is retarded

>visit Morocco this year during Ramadan
>they can't even drink water, living in the desert not drinking water
>moment the sun goes down they gorge themselves on the most horrible greasy food possible

It's supposed to be a minimum consumption to ensure your body is running at maximum efficiency, not HURT DURR THE LAWS SAYS DO IT

It's not a thing you idiot. It's a metabolic tool your body uses to prepare for periods of low caloric intake, like the one you're so keen on right now. It does that by taking a larger amount of fat and placing it right in front of your stomach and around the top of your hips so it can use it next time you fast yourself like a retard.

You wanna be healthy? Eat just more (or less since based on this convo I can safely assume you're either obese, or overweight) than you use until you hit the weight you want. Then as long as you stay active you should be able to eat normally. (note that normally doesn't mean hot pockets, it means paying attention.)

But Islam forces a hijab

Have you ever been outside your bubble?
This is me
Morocco is arguably the nicest and most tolerant Muslim country. It's still an absolute dumpheap full of completely unhappy people. It literally made a Manhattan subway look like paradise on earth. Everyone is miserable, I didn't see a single smile or hear a single laugh.

Hearty kek.

So how would you treat the difference in violence between atheism and islam?

It's just happenstance that muslims kill 99% more folks than atheists?

>new symbol of resistance
>the people on the pic probably were using them before showing any need for "resistance" anyways


>If woman wants to wear a hijab, she should be able to wear that hijab.

She can, but she'd be a fucking moron for supporting a system that basically says "Wear this or get beaten". Why western women are trying to make this shit fashionable I will never understand. You can stand in solidarity without supporting shit practices.


Dragon dildos

I could see them complaining about starving Africans while they burn healthy food that was hurting their body image.

Not him but to be fair I would wanna fuck a girl wearing a hijab

But that's because I'm a degenerate

Honestly really tight hijabs that still accentuate the body of the female underneath get me hard as fuck.

Hurtful words that are also constructive criticism

I really enjoy how you ascribe a bunch of facts to this that simply don't exist. They're not saying them but you assume that going from your absurd diet to eating nothing then back to your stupid diet is good for you.

Atheists tend to come from more educated families in wealthier, happier countries. When a person is not living in desperation, belief in god becomes a luxury or a hobby, not a daily necessity. If you live in a poor, war torn region or a decrepit ghetto, faith in god and a higher purpose becomes one of the few driving forces you have. Either way, it's not the belief which causes a person to act violent or not violent. The belief is a justification for the person to act out the desires which they already have.

It's not the hijab's fault for the woman getting beaten, or the woman who refuses to wear it. The person at fault for the beating is the beater. Find the men who beat women, punish them, and impress upon society that beating women will not be accepted. Then, women can wear whatever they want.

Stylistically its not bad. Art of the tease and all that.

>I never understood genetics, but I absolutely trust this fag on youtube to explain it to me
>t. no degree
This video is a fucking joke. It's like he took an advanced placement class in highschool on anatomy and genetics then made a video as a project.

Did it ever occur to you to watch a video with a different view point? There are literally hundreds of videos out there that could explain (accurately for a change) how the metabolism changes during caloric drought vs caloric reduction.

hint: It's not like you this retard says it is

Bitchy attitude. She's cuter than 4 and 1 though.

>im upset someone drew how people react to their own stomach growling!

I think the idiot here is you kiddo.

So a man is angry about people shunning the rebel flag in the southern US, he shoots up a church. He is on the exact same ground as an muslim who is angry about homosexuality and shoots up a church?

So is water fasting a meme or not

4 > 5 > 2 = 3 > 6 > 1

Right. If you shoot up a church, you are a motherfucker. I do not give a shit what your reasoning is, you are determined by your actions not your beliefs.

>4 first

And it doesn't ever cross your mind that people of certain beliefs are statistically more culpable of certain crimes?

>That's the thing though, liberals don't believe that Islam is inherently misogynistic.
>Religion that restricts women's rights as a requirement to be followed
>Not inherently misogynistic
How do you reconcile these views?

Not him but i got ya user.

Embarrassment is the most moe reaction and you'll never convince me otherwise.

In Nipland, letting people hear your stomach growl is basically telling them you're poor as fuck and can't afford food to feed yourself.

I find that to be correlational, not causational.

You can certainly be a Muslim and not oppress women. People do shit their religion tells them not to do all the time, most of the time without even noticing or caring. What the religion says means nothing. What is written in the holy book means nothing. It's all made up bullshit to begin with, ergo people just pick and choose the parts that they like the most and ignore the rest. So simply condition the public to not oppress women, and then they won't do it anymore, and they won't care that their own religion tells them otherwise.

Wait, is it the same artist?

I see nothing wrong with this. In fact, as a part of their continued cultural education, I propose we ship all these Western not-all-Muslims females over to Syria where they'll surely be welcomed and treated with much equality and feminism.

i sleep through fasting.

except for that 4-5 day run in the hospital on IV only....

mario kart DS

>IV only
What did you do that the hospital had to give you worst GTA?

It supposedly has some pretty great benefits. It obviously burns fat really well, and soms say it even heals scars in certain places. Most claim it doesn't really affect muscle fiber count, just reduces your overall physical strength/endurance because of low energy.
Personally I feel more awake and better when I do it, but it's true that you don't sleep as well.

Anything but 2

4 is the best, don't let that other guy tell you otherwise.

Are you still in school? You should take a class in logic. Please please do. You seem intelligent, but you're like my cousin. You've spent time in the web and it's fucked up the way you think.

Even if you can't afford, or get into a logic class , you could still be a real human by teaching yourself. You don't need a whole class with a teacher (though in my experience every person who teaches logic has been the realest mother fucker I ever met)but at least acquaint yourself with the themes.


I feel like i should finish translating his works.

Already have. Bachelor's Degree in Middle Eastern History, with a Minor in Philosophy, Northwestern University Class of 2015. And yes, that included a class on logic.

Doing God's work user.

I'm 52 hours into my water fast. I'm aiming for about 5-6 days.

Anime and vidya keep me distracted.