I want to get Zelda BOTW

I want to get Zelda BOTW.

Should I get it for Wii U or for Switch?

I don't have either console and honestly either would make me happy to get other games for it.

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Cemuposting aside, the Wii U is all but dead at this point, but the modding scene will no doubt start up once Nintendo finally drops it once and for all. The Switch on the other hand is a long term investment, but with a bright future ahead of it, if Nintendo can keep their promise on delivering the long line of first party exclusives they have planned.

Switch if you want new games
Wii U will have no notable new gaes, but can play any wii and gc game and has many virtual console games

I kind of want to say Wii U. Those game prices are going to rise in price soon, I'm betting.

Wii U by far.

>BOTW on average loads faster, thats why many speedrunners prefer wii u over switch

Wii U version as an investment.
Switch version is objectively better.

The Wii U can be had for around £90-£110.
The Switch is still £279.

If you have neither console, get the switch. Better future prospect and better performances.

They count loading times for speedruns? That's dumb

wiiu imo.
unless you already have a wii you can get a boot loader for the virtual wii easy and get access to both wiiu and wii libraries

>The Wii U can be had for around £90-£110.
>mfw I bought the wiiu mario maker bundle that was even more expensive than a switch

lock me up m8s

Depend on the category and the games. Since consoles are identical, this mean that loading time should be identical. This is also why people speedrun on PC if they can.

Many Speedrunners also are students with almost no money who cant afford the Switch.

>bought wii u version because i didnt have a switch
>feel left out because the switch guys have a better framerate

OP here. seems still pretty split down the middle. Doesn't Wii U have slightly better loading times?

I don't know, I just don't know what the heck is coming out for switch and I hate the controller.

The Switch has a ton of games coming for it, and the Wii U games will mostly be ported too.

The controller is fine really, But I would recommend getting the Pro Controller.

Switch it runs better but also

>no games other than Zelda

It's a double edged sword which I have been cut by. You must choose whether you want cut.

>a ton of games coming for it
Meanwhile wiiU has a ton of games period


This is a good point and has made me think twice about trading in my WiiU now. You know if the scene has been gaining any traction as of late?

Here are the Wii U exclusives.

Here the switch games exclusives

Get it for the Switch. There's no point investing in a dead console. Especially since the Switch is getting ports of Wii U games and new games of its own.

Homebrew your Wii U and you can get access to the entirety of Nintendo's library, sans 3DS/Switch, for free.
So far all the Switch has is a handful of Wii U ports and games that might as well be Wii U ports like Splatoon 2, now with paid online

>for free
Stealing is not getting stuff for free.

Nigga I can play Monopoly RIGHT NOW without even turning on any game console

>Getting stuff for free illegally is not getting stuff for free
What did he mean by this?

Stealing is very much free, by definition.
You should have pointed out that stealing is not an argument because you could steal ANYTHING and claim that it's free.

You didnt obtain it for free. You stole it. Big legal difference. Getting a free balloon and stealing one is not the same thing

No other consoles will have that version of monopoly.

> being this much of a shill
just kys

>being against theft is shilling.
No it's not. Support your hobby or let it die.

I'd say since you don't already own a Wii U, to just get a switch.

I'm a psycho who has both versions on wii u and switch and played them both.
They both play pretty much the same so if you already had a wii u I'd be telling you to just get that.

>shilling for monopoly switch is now no longer shilling of the lowest possible order

And it's not a problem to steal software. The internet has brought us free replication of software code, you should cast off the old economic model and embrace the gift of immense knowledge is now freely available to all across mankind. But you keep shilling for your toy factory because of branding you've unwittingly suffered as an ignorant child, hilarious.

Nothing is free, kiddo. Electricity, hard drives, software etc. etc. that is, stuff needed for your pirate communist utopia isn’t free

I'd hang onto your Wii U. My theory is that it'll end up like the Saturn and Dreamcast where the games become hard to get or at least retain their pricey value.

wiiu games -> splatton, mario kart8, mash, pokken, mario 3d, zelda
switch new games -> splatton, mario kart8, mash, pokken mario 3d, zelda

How am I shilling. Shilling is promoting a company. I'm not. I'm saying that you are stealing and stealing is not getting something for free.

If you have a problem getting called a theft, then it's your problem.

> being this much of a retard
You still dont understand what the information age means. Your words are meaningless because you can't really stop free replication of information. Your cries against my pirating amuse me at best, like someone claiming analogue records produce superior sound, when that's objectively untrue:)

Information needs to be created first before it can be replicated, kid.

>Sequals are "basically ports" now

Is that the hip new way retards say they hate a game now?

I dont mind it being called a theft, becuase in a way it is a theft. I just dont think it's a theft that's problematic. Information should be shared freely for the furtherment of mankind. Holding back progress is cancerous.

But yeah you are shilling for nintendo, trying to pretend monopoly switch is something fresh is just rancid.

I honestly dont care if nintendo goes bankrupt, other things will take its place. Nintendo are a bunch of lowballing thugs anyway, milking their retarded fanbase with last gen hardware for premium pricing, literally worse than apple as they don't innovate at all.

No I'm fine with them going bankrupt and I will not pay a single cent to them.

Having said that, you are thinking in old economic terms, the information age has just begun, and there are different economic models in the works for when you can't really sell your software anymore in the traditional sense (take a look at kickstarter, patreon etc)

Get a Switch OP. It's inevitable the system will be supporting many gems in the foreseeable future. Releasing within six months you've got Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, and a mainline Fire Emblem game. Three excellent games that will no doubt be discussed on Sup Forums for years to come.

I say get the Switch. It already has better versions of the good Wii U games plus portability and even more games are still coming out.

>And it's not a problem to steal software.

Spotted the nigger, kys you dirty shitskin.

Why was the Wii U so good for Zelda? It had

>Wind Waker HD
>Twilight Princess HD
>Hyrule Warriors
>Breath of the Wild
>Nearly every other Zelda game ever made on eshop

Those simply supplement normal economy, kid.

Get a Switch. 720p on WiiU, 900p on Switch. The WiiU version looks like shit on my 60 inch TV. Insane amount of aliasing.

BOTW also dips down to 20 FPS on the WiiU ....often.

BOTW looks amazing on the Switch-screen. Running at a native 720p and a stable framerate.

Last I checked, you could pirate all sort of stuff on it, even DLC and eShop titles.

> hurr muh racisms durrr
spotted the edgy hillbilly

Normal economy is becoming a moot point soon with the further automatisation and robotisation. There is literally no reason to buy games when you can just replicate them for free. Game developers will have to rethink their economic models as you can't really stop progress.

Bought any cd's lately? Or are you one of those saps that like to purchase music through the istore, hahahaha!

>they don't innovate at all

Nintendo's pricing and hardware are both shit but this right here is ultra-false. Microsoft and Sony have spent the past 3 generations refining what is essentially the same formula for consoles and controllers, while Nintendo has thrown out something radically different each time. They pushed motion controls with the Wii, and MS and Sony shortly followed. They put dual screens on a handheld, and then a home console, which was unfortunately under-utilized given how much it could improve the QoL in so many games. Now they've got gyro controls in every controller, one-handed controllers, and a console that you can play as a mobile device.

Nintendo's entire fucking selling point is that they shake up the conventional formula just because they fucking can. How do you not recognize this?

>anti capitalist anarchist
Bro. People need to eat.

The Switch will have Skyward Sword HD though.

Wii-U is hacked.
Wii-U = entire Wii-U/Wii/Gamecube library. Just need a decent sized hard drive, and an SD card.

Wii U obviously.
Switch version runs at a way lower resolution and has way lower fps.
Don't believe anyone that tells you that the switch version runs and/or looks better. They're just trying to justify their shitty purchase by telling lies on the internet.

CEMU -> Wii U -> Not playing it at all -> Switch

Wii u, you can get a used wii u for almost nothing

>Switch version is objectively better
>Runs objectively worse
How retarded are you?

This hillbilly has a four-year degree in Finance making more now than you ever will you degenerate. Take your shit face and your shit taste off my board.

>Switch version runs at a way lower resolution and has way lower fps.
I find that hard to believe

I pirated a shit ton of games and can still play them online legit. It's fucking amazing.

>720p aliases, 900p doesnt
>Talking about Wii U frame drops when the Switch has more severe ones more often barely making it past 20 at any given time
Also its not your TV its your parents.

I see you've been listening to marketers telling you lies.
Switch isn't even half as powerful as a Wii U which is obvious since it's a handheld.

>Games where the previous releases were dogshit will be "Gems" because ...
Considder suicide

Why would you buy a dead console?

Buy a Switch. There are several great games coming out for it just in the next few months, on top of everything that's already been released.

Switch has legit been my best purchase in years.

>Jamming 360 hardware into a tablet wouldnt cause worse performance
Its not hard to believe

>Several great games coming out in the next months
Name one good game
>Everything thats already been released
Name one good game

>Switch is blah blah blah
Nah you're just retarded honestly.

I like when people talk about the switch frame they always think of that digital foundry image comparison but never acknowledges the new performance videos and even the patches. The only area dips below 30 consistently is lost woods.

>Wanting SSHD

>Name on good game
Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade 2

>Name one good game
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2

inb4 autistic
>herpa durr durr Mario suxx, Splatoon 1.5 port, lawl kiddy games Ninentdrone BTFO

this hillbilly will probably be permanently unemployed if he doesn't keep his retarded opinions inside of his hugbox.

Oh wait this isn't Sup Forums fuck off, nigger.

> mario 245
> mario kart 14
> another zelda
> ARMS good
Nice games.

>Know nothing about the game outside of its a Mario game from Nintendo past Galaxy

>Know literally nothing about the game

>Better on CEMU and Wii U
>Shit Game for 10 year olds
>Shit Game for 10 year olds
>Shit Game for 10 year olds

Yeah, you're retarded.

>I don't have either console
Then get a Switch.
Unless you want a Wii U for its backwards compatibility like being able to play Wii discs.

Wew lads. Glad I got in before the exact type of moronic shitposting I described above.

Skyward sword was good user. Disappointing, but good. A solid 7/10

I can't wait until you liberal pieces of shit go the way of the dinosaur. Thankfully, I feel we're getting closer to that point everyday. Your precious Democuck party is in ruins, your democucks have been losing power in the house and senate, people in the middle are beginning to understand the bs that is (((multiculturalism))). The day of the rope is coming you dindu, I'd advise you to relocate to your home country in Africa before it comes, you piece of shit nigger.

wtf is mash
Splatoon 2 is basically Splatoon 1 + 50% more DLC stuff, the new Mario 3D is completely different too
But I'll admit Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokken are rehashes. BotW isn't though, since it came out on both systems at the same time

> ajuck if yii can't accipt mah niggerisms yii mist bee a librulll. also trump is helping me git richer

Ah yes, that makes perfect sense;)

You know all those ''innovations'' you mentioned where implemented earlier, right?

I'll grant you that the switch brought waggle to the casual market but I'm not entirely sure if that should be considered a feat in gaming.

I'd purchase a Switch over the Wii U for several reasons:

1. Nintendo seems more than willing in porting over Wii U titles in between their Switch titles. There's also been hints of other exclusives like Wonderful 101 making its way to the console.

2. The Switch is just a far better platform. I briefly owned a Wii U but hated how cheap it felt. It's probably the first time a console got in the way of my enjoyment of its games. The UI felt like it was designed for children, too, though it isn't as if the Switch is perfect either. There's also the fact that the Switch is a portable console. I expected it to be a gimmick but I love being able to take it with me wherever I go and even just around the house outside of my office.

3. Switch games. I feel like I'm stating the obvious here, but there's actually a fairly compelling lineup this year. Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2; there's a wide variety of titles that I personally wouldn't want to miss. But if all you're looking for is BotW, I don't think the Switch is the superior version to the degree in which you have to play it there rather than the Wii U.

The prospect of modding a Wii U sound pretty good, too. You're also going to be spending half the money it'd cost for a Switch. If none of these factors matter and it's strictly a matter of BotW, get a Wii U or emulate.

Never go full Sup Forums. You know they are ironic, right?

You're one autistic fuck, I believe you'd be doing the gene pool a favor if you went first.

If you count all the remakes and both versions of Hyrule Warriors, that brings us to a total of 9 Zelda games released last generation.
