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Video Games #3848
Video Games
What games would convince you to buy a switch?
Gta san andreas was achieved on Playstation motherfucking 2
FIXED for you, Capcom
Rank them in terms of PvE
Hello, we are the worst video game consoles ever made
Start dumping reaction images. Keep it fucking vidya
We all agree steam is cancer and Gaben is a filthy degenerate but who will break steam monopoly...
ITT: most kino moments in gaming
Are you still playing Skyrim? What can make it better?
Is Mario a good person?
So we all agree that DS2 are the greatest Souls game?
What MMO has the best combat?
What's the point of permadeath in Fire Emblem when you only get so few units and lost only a few can fuck you over...
It's over
Has there ever been a question that has divided the gaming community more?
ITT: TF2 loadouts
Will he ever make another video?
ITT: games Sup Forums hates because its popular
Hollow knight thread
Will Rosalina make it into Super Mario Odyssey?
Is it the best Castlevania?
Friendly reminder
Selling 1k raw lobbies 199 gp ea
Risk of Rain
What did you guys think of Until Dawn?
Outside of 60fps for online game, is there a single reason to build a decent PC?
Jesus christ the voice acting in this game is terrible
Would you sm4sh?
Game is shit but the sniff factor isn't
ESA 2017
BotW multiplayer mod on cemu
File name thread
Stop using Windows
Why didn't Sup Forums like this game?
It's up sorta
Prove that you're an oldfag by posting a meme that only oldfags will understand
What do you think about Infinites theme from Sonic Forces?
Sup Forums said dark souls 3 is great
Is this the best final boss in history?
Why are there so few games that allow elves to wear modern clothing?
Did they ever explain the Moby Dick references in MGSV or was it pure western dick riding by Kojima's westaboo ass?
Lol so tru xD
If swoocing right in meant that the Switch has games
Hiro approved meta thread
"PS2 doesn't have good graphics" umm like try again sweetie
Is he an iconic video game character?
Why can they not make a good aot game!? How hard can it be? the machanics are already in the show
How many video games do you buy a year?
Let's see some of that hate mail
Am I the only female girl around here who plays Japanese games with Japanese audio...
Who was in the wrong here?
Is this MMO any good? Also MMO thread
Dad walks in
Tfw no xcom style WW2 game
Let's have a worst girl thread. Post worst girl from their respective games
Good morning Sup Forums
Will Sony make another Handheld?
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
What are some games where I can destroy the environment?
Was Gamecube really more powerful than PS2?
Tfw carrying team as best class (firebug) AGAIN
Will it flop?
Do you sometimes find yourself playing video games and just watch the CPU doing their thing...
ESA 2017
Selling 1k raw lobbies 200gp ea
Nothing about this guy makes any sense
What game should he and the boys plays next?
Is ANYONE liking this shit so far?
Tomb Raider
All the characters team up to defeat the final boss
Has there ever been a real life vidya event that was as much of a fuck-up as this was?
PC wins again
How the FUCK am I supposed to beat Mavis "Artificial Difficulty" Beacon? And no "git gud xD" bullshit either
What's your opinion on Lara Croft? Is she a good character or just an eye-candy?
Man Cemu has ruined playing Zelda on official hardware for me
Video Game Appreciation
What is your favourite knock off console?
Vermin thread
What game cancellation are you most upset about?
ITT consoles that aren't peasant tier
Why do birds fly?
Post videogame characters dressed as other video game characters
Nihon Falcom wants all it's games on PC
COMFY THREAD: Hungover Edition
Why did Playstation have so many creepy ads?
Ellie will never be your daughterfu
Recommend me some good sports games Sup Forums I like NBA Jam for SNES and NFL Blitz 64
We must dissent
Ctr f
ITT: only games with 10/10 graphics
Game has a late 90s early 2000s alt rock soundtrack
Which Souls Game?
Huge redpill for you animefags
Is he,dare i say it,right?
So are porn games allowed on steam now or what?
What are your opinions about the "Loli" figure, whether their depicted of legal age or otherwise...
Are you still playing Overwatch? What can make it better?
Why is it OK to hurt and kill children in cartoons but not in video games?
Monster Hunter World
What is literally Grinding: The Game?
*blocks your path*
Are all the mods for this game just flavortext?
I want to play something set in a renaissance setting. Fantasy or not. What would you recommend...
EA killed it's best franchise and we probably won't get a 5th becuase the 4th wasn't well received enough
FUCK YOU Sup Forums
Anyone know what the Kanji on the bloodsport skin means?
What is the videogame equivalent of shred?
Picking mayo
You were right, this game is amazing.The time travel level,especially, blew me away
Keep a PS4 for Death Stranding + RDR2?
ITT: Sup Forums approved YouTubers
Weird, surreal, creepy, or just plain fucked game and console ads?
What did Andrzej mean by this?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Beat snake boss, feel like a good boy
What about games makes you really angry?
Now that the honeymoon phase is over, what are your major complains about this game?
Which mousepad do you use, Sup Forums?
ESA 2017
Will Ruby's game be coming to Switch?
Why did nobody tell me how good this game is?
Lets settle this - which one is better?
Post your Roblox game
Is the franchise dead forever?
Normal is almost pathetically easy
Sonic Mania
Can we talk about Nintendo d-pads lately? They've been pretty shit unless you count the Pokken controller
Fuck this shit. WoW is so much better
Is this the most epic moment ever?
It's November 2005
Total "traps are offensive" Biscuit
Start playing Guilty Gear
Resident Evil rankings
All brand new games
Is AMD really that much better than Nvidia for gaming?
Berseria thread
Why is this garbage so popular?
What do you expect from the next Zelda game?
Gaming Redpills
I don't want this. Take it
Has this country ever made a good game besides tetris?
Game has achievements that reward you with in-game bonuses
2nd game in the franchise is the worst
What is the best deer in video games?
Destiny 2
If Apple is stealing all the components...
It says here you will only play Sonic Mania if Amy is a playable character. Care to explain?
Do you miss small filesizes Sup Forums?
40 bucks
Shadow Warrior VS Dark Messiah
This was good. Any hope for the PS4 sequel?
Why so much hate from the community?
Congratulations user! You've won our "PortAGame" Grand Prize in which you can port any one game to any console of your...
Hey Sup Forums, let's have a Pathologic thread
Can you listen to this sentence without feeling sick to your stomach?
I already miss it, lads
Game is highly praised
Better combat than any souls game
So what vidya did you play today?
If there is a fan-base worse than these five, what would it be? Out of them all...
Tfw didn't slow down and went reasonably fast through the level
Turn based combat
What's good about this game? You guys told me this is good
ITT: Oh, That was a thing
Should I do this, Sup Forums?
What series is the first to come to mind when you see this environment?
Itt eroge kino only
Realizing we have another three...
Do you still collect video games?
Good evening neighbor! Would you like to enjoy some freshly baked cookies?
So I just beat this game's main story. I thought it was pretty fun
What do you want to see in gaming journalism?
Moving around
Post your favorite game
Is Pokemon Go the best example of wasted potential in gaming?
Threw my PS4 controller at the wall and now it no longer works
(System Shock Thread!)
Should I play SMT IV if I hate anime but love old JRPGs and dungeon crawlers?
Sims 4 expansions
ITT - Actors born to play a vidya character
Enemy appears more damaged and wounded and lose pieces of themselves like armor parts...
Tfw nobody is playing wow anymore
Jump button
FGC: This game is an unbalanced and shitty mess that feels more like a zoning game than a fighting one
Anyone else playing this? I'm quite enjoying it
The last video game character you played as is now going against Kira and his Killer Queen
Better dead than Al Bhed, ya?
Dead rising 4 was made in 1 year
Ys Origin
Why is marina such a bitch to pearl? Who thought this was an ok thing to do? It feels so one sided and out of nowhere...
Tfw you let ruby's thread die
Final Fantasy XV
Being this assblasted over an irl shitpost
Fighting game is great
How come Poland makes so many good games?
Try to name one (1) good game made with the Unity engine
Darkest Dungeon
You're going to die soon. You can play one last video game to completion before you die...
Diablo 3 Necro
About to play this for the first time. What should I expect?
Why was FFXIV 1.0 so bad? I never got to play it since it's not a thing anymore
How do I beat Omega from the video game Final Fantasy 5?
Let's put a spin on these kind of threads. Post a video game character who shares their name with your mom
Hi, I'm objectively the worst rhythm game
Happy birthday user, here's that pokemon game you've been asking for. enjoy :)
Super Mario made out of pop cans
Multiplayer mod in the works for BotW on Cemu
Master, there! A Dragon's Dogma thread!
Sonic Forces
Post games with god tier dark atmosphere
I don't understand this game
My dad knows I play a lot of vidya and shit
Burnt Out on Video Games
The MMO About Nothing
Has there ever been a case of a fucked up romance/love story in a video game?
Sonybros will defend this
What would your velvet room manifest as?
What's the appeal of this game?
I got a DC emulator what are some good dreamcast games worth playing?
Why did they make Gray a black dude in Fire Emblem Echoes, he used to be a white in the original...
What do you guys think about Gigantic™? This game is amazing!
Just got a new game
Duke Nukem was always shit
Why are the classic Fallout games so fucking great?
POST YOUR FAVORITE Lincensed game I'm waiting
Ed Edd n' Eddy Online
The Wolf Among Us Season 2 is coming out in 2018. Are you hyped?
Holy fucking shit is 4k the most cancer?
Wtf is this shit?
ITT: worst villains in their respective franchises/serieses
What's ur opinion of this game
Paige is easily the best girl 'streamer' to ever do it
Does Japan do speedruns?
What works better
How does anyone actually argue that the PS3 has a better library than the 360?
Are you buying MVC: Infinite?
Mario Lore Thread
Hey user, are you doing you're best to support the voice actor strike...
FFXIV Heavensward
Tell me WHY Crash Team Racing ISN'T the best kart racer there is
ESA 2017
Why is it so good?
Do more open world 2D games like this exist?
Filename thread
What would a trailer park boys JRPG be like
How do I get my older mommy gf to play video games with me?
Whats ya favorite game Sup Forums
They haven't updated this shit in months, Sup Forums. Is the game dying?
Does anyone else just love the shit out of this game...
ITT: buyer's remorse
Choose your Fighter
Find a flaw
What was his end game?
Video games thread
Which one is better
It's time to discuss the best Team Fortress 2 Thread ever
What games feature the aesthetic of mariachis on their characters/bosses/ etc?
Game asks you to shout into the microphone
Sonic Mania Thread: "Leaker user was Right" Edition
Characters who can be considered the "Jar Jar Binks" of their respective series:
Post the greatest game ever made
Is this the first truly useless video game system...
Does this get any better...
Imagine being Totalbiscuit and writing this entire post on SomethingAwful to see it end up in the Comedy Gaschamber
Receive your starting weapon
Why is it in 2017 we still don't have perfectly spherical objects in games...
Why does Sup Forums hate sports games?
*temporal loops you*
Will this be the first major post ironic videogame?
By word count:
Has there ever been another guro game as good as Demonophobia?
Name literally a single (1) good game made in America in the past 10 years
Rainy japanese neon city at night level
What anime IP should they make a fighting game of after DBZ?
Comfy breath of the Wild thread
It's a thread for Sup Forumsermin
How's the Hunter x Hunter game?
Whats the most fun MELEE weapon to use on a VideoGame?
Bayonetta 1 vs 2
Splatoon 2 Late night Edition
E3 2018
I bought one of these
Underage are asleep, post neps
Puyo is op
See girl playing in tournament
Sup Forums in one image
How does playing video games make you feel?
What went right for this MMO while others have failed and died within a year?
Is there a reason to use steam anymore?
Inti-creates fired from Bloodstained:
ITT subtle vidya apparel
What games let me have a son I get to raise as a trap?
Is there a longer version of this? Wanted to see TB's tantrum
Is there a more cancerous fanbase?
Playing this gem right now
Use all of your strongest attacks and items against the boss
Discuss the 3ds
Vidya reaction image dump?
What was the final Capcom game you bought?
Redpill me on this game. How does it compare to Dark Souls?
Is this an improvement to Abigail, Sup Forums?
Post an image and other anons recommend you a game based on it
What are some knockoff games that are actually pretty decent?
What five letter sentence uttered by Nintendo on stage at E3 2017 as its announced would make Switch Bros™ an instant...
Remove level design
ITT: Famous people you would like to play vidya with
Final Fantasy
Have mods fixed it yet?
ITT: Bad game design
Playing Japanese video games in English is like watching dubbed anime
Are the complaints justified or just nintenautists being too nitpicky?
Where do you go to pirate your games?
Name a worse Dad
Leave survival horror to me
Sonic Mania Thread: Coming in on 21 days
Sup Forumsermin thread
Will there be another NieR game ?
11 years and a remaster later, can we finally agree that he did nothing wrong?
Why is the PS4's library so much better than the Wii U's?
3x3 Thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
You can't name a worse level in entire videogame history
List of Sup Forums's must play games
Stormy Ascent
Prove me wrong
How many twitch streamers are you subscribed to?
I fucking called it
We can all agree that 3 is the worst Assassin's Creed game, right?
I'm going to gut you like a cornish game hen
What are some Wick-core games?
This game is wonderful, yet I've never seen Sup Forums talk about it
What are some games where the creators deliberately tried to piss off the fanbase?
And this is our son's room
What began the dark age of Sonic?
Gigantic thread. Didn't have a HK image so have Mozu for the OP instead
Let's be real here
My brother is a huge Batman fan. Made this Joker themed controller for his bday
Game has romance options
ITT: reasons to live
Why was it so good, and why was MKX worse in every way?
ESA 2017
Is this game our last chance (relatively at this point because there have been dozens of last chances) for a decent...
Interesting Trivia/Facts
Name a game with better character customisation than Roblox before the removal of TIX
Are there STILL people here looking for a Switch and can't get one?
You were banned from the server
Tomorrow it's Max Payne's 16th birthday
Do I just not like video games anymore?
ITT: video game scenes that actually made you feel something
Nintendo and Sony will trade one of their exclusives with each other. Which games?
Mega Man X
Let's say that next year Capcom rolls out Super Street Fighter V and it fixes all of the games problems...
Marvel Vs Capcom
ITT: music you stay in the menu for
"First-person view is more immersive"
Am I a pleb if I only got this game because of Dunkey?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
It was a different time
ITT garbage that Sup Forums tricked you into buying
Sup Forums meta thread
Is TotalBiscuit still dying? Sure looks like it :(
Which game devs do you think lurk/post on Sup Forums ?
Why is this Panda currently the best written character by Blizzard?
Reminder that if you haven't played at least five of these you should not be posting on Sup Forums
Why are MOBAs dying? Dota 2 is like 80% third worlders at this point and LoL...
XBCX General
When will video game companies stop sexualizing men?
Simcity 4
Healsluts, regardless of game...
Can we have a Lost Planet thread?
NTR Video Games
And though I know
Spinoff games made by a different company are the best in the franchise
Sup Forumsermin THREAD
God games
Best game ever made
He fell for the pc meme
Did the Steam port and Smash Bros character slot help her get attention in the public eye...
Are you going to buy my game, user?
Had this titan for soon 2 years now, and im thinking about doing some stupid with it, game too boring now
Jedi or sith?
Is "soulless" a meaningless buzzword or a valid complaint against a game?
How to be part of the in-crowd on Sup Forums:
Is Resident Evil 5 racist?
One day I will own this board
Just bought this and a circle pad pro, never played a Monster Hunter before
Why was her hair yellow?
What does the "N" on his forehead stand for?
What's the best magic/sorcerer build in Dark Souls 3 for a complete beginner?
Recommend me some of the worst video games ever created
3ds screen goes dark
Pirate a game
Die in a video game
Recommend me must play games on PC
That's it. It's over. The Switch won
Why do we hate Yukari again?
Can you draw a Yoshi?
Post your shameful vidya faps
Games that have aged well
How would you make a GOOD Game of Thrones game, Sup Forums?
Splatoon 2 will be a commercial fai-
Did Tekken 7 fail?
What went wrong?
Will /ourguy/ be alright, bros?
Why do their fans give them so much shit for missing and making mistakes in paper mario TTYD?
I just realized something Sup Forums
Just beat Gwyn for the first time, no parry. Cheesed him around this rock near the fog gate
Play 3DS for longer than an hour
Pic related is on sale right now at the PSN
Which games allow me to be a cop?
Hey Sup Forums me and my gf just split up mutually and I'm trying to find games to kill the time instead of myself...
Games to calm me down
Its B
If you had to make a game based on the SCP Foundation, how would you do it? What type of game would it be...
ESA 2017
Strongest being in the persona universe is some random japanese gay dude with some gay katana ("sword" in japanese)
Would you rather have futureproof pc/consol or cute gf?
Who else can we put on the list of shoehorned characters developers won't stop shoving in our faces?
Is it too late to play FFXI?
It's time to discuss the best JRPG ever
He prefers his game vanilla
Comfiest video games
Why is Overwatch losing it's popularity?
Sup Forumsermin hype thread
The neverwinter nights community is strong
Super Mario Odyssey Deep Woods Live Gameplay
Bravely third when?
ITT: gay characters done right
Do you have proper posture when playing computer games?
Pokemon GO
You just walked into Gamestop to pre-order some games...
Is this game worth buying into?
Anyone want to discuss racing vidya?
He's the hero the sapes deserve
Hi Mr Spielberg, it's Randy. Wouldn't it be funny if Duke Nukem was in your movie haha
Does Sup Forums like Dragon's Dogma?
Sup Forums WILL defend this
Do you thank your healers?
Buy Nier:Automata for Steam
Find out about cool new franchise
Bosses aside Dark Souls 3 DLCs were fucking great...
Which scar is the sexiest?
This kills the jrpg
Game threatens to delete your save data
Why do people like Rayman Origins/Legends so much? They are mediocre linear boring platformers...
What the FUCk is wrong iwth Alex in sunshine? with Eeveryone?
Is AVGN good again or not?
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts 3
Does anyone else think there's something insincere looking about the new Crash model and animations?
Get granted various gadgets and spells to kill people
ESA 2017
ITT: Post an image an others will recommend you a video game based on it
God bless Compile Heart and their unwavering commitment to providing as much perverted video games as humanly possible
We will get another The Crew before we get a new Splinter Cell
Can Sup Forums recommend any let's players that don't mug and meme like Markiplier...
Daily reminder that you can expand mayonnaise:
I just beat Danganronpa 1&2 for the first time. Enjoyed every second of it. Can we have a Dangan thread?
Admit it
What mobile games do you play?
Have you heard of the high elves?
Opponent is cheating
Implying traps aren't gay
Splatoon thread
There are people on this board that like this piece of shit
Open steam
1/1000 enemies drop loot
Holy shit this is actually pretty good
TFW I ran out of video games to play
What's the best software for recording video games...
The protagonist of the last game you played is replaced with Big Smoke
The depressive state of western developers
Darksouls 1 and DeS magic were balanced
Three 10/10 games with a fourth on the way in October
Can Sup Forums recommend me some fun co-op games?
How do you respond when someone says your favorite game is shit?
Breath of the Wild
Uh..... sorry, I got lost in thought
"I am Sora, Keyblade Master! We have to defeat the heartless together and stop Organization XIII!"
Videogames shit you love
What did this game do to be renowned as one of the best PvP online games? Did you bought the game because of cover?
ESA 2017
What are your opinions about the "Loli" figure, whether their depicted of legal age or otherwise...
They finally did it. Those mad men
Play old as shit game
What keeps him going?
Duke Nukem confirmed in Player One Movie
Any thoughts on the controversy that recently transpired during this vidya-related conference?
Doom is the Greatest Game ever Made
Are traps gay, Sup Forums?
ITT references to video games
What do you think of Borderlands 2? Will there ever be a third after the disaster of Battleborn?
Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you hate Genji mains
Why is human male on non-human female romance so rare?
Don't mind me, just posting the best thing id software ever made
What game has the best tomboys?
Why was it the best game in the series?
Well that was a fucking great boss battle
Literally a multi plat machine
Just finished this it was amazing
Are they our guys now?
Hmm, I wonder why people like The Witcher 3
Alright Sup Forums, what am I in for?
Why is speedrunning legal?
"I'm working on a game guise!"
Cool vidya songs ruined by memeshit
Can Fantasy Strike save fighting games?
1/10 videos are good
This is your average teammate
You will never ever play Half-Life 3
ITT: Canon sluts in video games
Why didn't you save Callie in last years Splatfest?
Why are most vidya developers white / east asian?
Say something nice to the best danganronpa girl!
Reminder that if you play mobile gacha, you are no better than the normalfags that spend on Candycrush. Hell...
How does one get into 2hu games? Is that PS4 game a good start?
Until Dawn
ESA 2017
I want to get Zelda BOTW
If you're over 25 and own a computer, you MUST post in this thread
Virtual reality will never catch on, and the games are on par with an atari 2600...
Grove Street, home
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
How the fuck are grenades deadly?
What's the most depressing thing you've seen in a video game?
I have some questions about the map symbols. Making sure I understand the symbols:
Get email from steam
Hmm... This character... Looks very familiar
Find a flaw
The Great Debate
What are some dead games you wish still had an active player-base, or working servers?
It's gonna be shit isn't it?
Why are men allowed to be sexualized in video games but not women?
What is your favorite videogame rifle Sup Forums?
Sup Forums
So uh
Be an obscure game dev that's difficult to work with
How can a musou made by Chinese and Vietnamese programmers/designers have more gameplay/story and better graphics than...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...