Simcity 4

So I want to get into playing simcity 4.
What mods are recommended and what patches are there to fix performance?

Other urls found in this thread:

The NAM is the most essential of SC4 mods, and improves the mechanics of the game the most.

Nothing really fixes performance from my experience, will eventually slow down as your city grows. Your one CPU core is only a bit more powerful than the average single core CPU at the time.

>Simcity 4 thread

Hot damn, I just started a new region.

Does anybody have that old series of Simcity 4 infographics, showing how to manage traffic as your city grows? They had a blue-ish background and walked you all the way through zoning to effective bus networks to subways to railroads.

Performance is whatever.
On a ssd and a 4.5ghz cpu it wont stall with a full map city but with much less its gonna get slower as your town gets larger.

NAM like mentioned is great, theres also this patch:
which fixes a major nam bug.

Check out this pastebin with more info:

These ones?

Can someone confirm or deny the following? I was told to never zone dense residential because that attracts poor people and apartment crowding, which wrecks traffic. Do mansions ever grow in light residential zones?

That's exactly the one I was looking for. I was able to find it by googling Oldshoes, thank you.

I'll dump the other 4 I have

i really recommend the canal set because AESTHETICS
and oh 10gb of custom buildings.... no seriously i had 10gb of custom content when i had this game


if you're just getting into simcity 4 just get NAM for the traffic fixes. No need for the other things. And yes, NAM is very essential for sc4


Do I need low wealth peasants? Could I just tax them 20% so they won't show up?

If there were any after part 5 someone post them, I'd love to have them for if I ever get back into the game

Its actually the other way around
the game has this weird unexplained mechanic where each commercial building will only allow 10% of high wealth residents.
if you just let your residential area do whatever they want, eventually you will end up with pic related
best way to do this is tax those bitches on your main region so they wont show up and put them in one region so that way you wont be scratching your head

You need them, who else is gonna clean up all the shiny $$$ offices?


pffff that shit is for faggots, real men park their cars in 3d cities

we dumping city gore?

I made these guides in 2010, makes me happy to see them still posted.

OP, here is the modpack I put together, it's lots of new buildings, all the essentials (except NAM, download that separately):

I had this hosted on Mediafire but a mod creator DMCA'd my upload :^) - some one from the BSC site, they banned my account there too.

was there a version of the guide newer than 1.2? I had lots of fun with your pack in the day, thanks bro

I did this with industry, but I never thought about doing it with poor sims. Gotta reinstall the game and try it out.

Cities: Skyline is better

i have a friend who thinks the newest sim city game is the best one so far and is much more complex than people give it credit for, he unironically spends most his free time playing the damn game and has done so for a couple of years now.

he's actuall autistic which might be a reason for it

So which one is worth buying? Skylines or Simcity 2013?

Nah 1.2 is it. I always meant to re-make them but y'know how it goes.

I play Cities Skylines now and again but it doesn't get me like SC4 did.

Do not buy SimCity 2013.

Holy shit is that you oldshoes? Just want to say thank you man, you improved my enjoyment of Sim City 4 so much, I can't tell you how many hours I put into that game after reading your shit and downloading that mod pack you made.

good bait, I raged a little

reminds me of the terraria autist that spent literally 3 years in one world and made like 2000 characters to roleplay with himself

Glad to hear it! I wanted to make it easier for people to really enjoy the game.

Had a bout of SimCity 3000 recently. Game still holds up, plays great with the widescreen mod as well.

C:S is ok but I prefer SC4 still. It's like the RCT 2 vs RCT 3 debate. Some people can get past the bad 3d graphics for more features and stuff but good old isometric pixel art is the best. SC4 is basically the gold standard art style, truly beautiful.

If you ever decide to update things, maybe make an updated modpack too, there's gotta be more assets that have come out in the last 5 years right? Either way, thanks again for everything you did bro

I agree, the art style is SC4 is unparallelled.

Maybe one day I will do an update... I've certainly made a lot of progress in the graphic design and readability department, lol.

I still don't get just how EA managed to fuck up the Simcity series

effectively all they had to do was to take SC4 and put it on an updated engine that supported multicore processing and seamlessly incorporate several of the "required" mods
and maybe spend some time to allow backwards compatibility of SC4 mods

I still don't get just how Atari managed to fuck up the Roller Coaster Tycoon series

effectively all they had to do was to take RCT3 and put it on an updated engine that supported multicore processing and seamlessly incorporate several of the "required" mods
and maybe spend some time to allow backwards compatibility of RCT3 mods

Welcome to the modern video game industry. I bet you $20 almost nobody that worked on SC4 was involved in SC2013

>install SC4
>hate the low density house art
>download tons of japanese mods to get rid of the american redneck feeling
>it works half the time only

I'm not installing again, sorry

well Atari is at this point basically a hollow shell of a name that's been passed around like a cheap blowup doll

EA is still the same ol' EA