memes and arguments aside, what do you like about this game? and what would you improve/change?
first person servers are coming in two weeks + new maps are on the way somewhere down the line as well.
memes and arguments aside, what do you like about this game? and what would you improve/change?
first person servers are coming in two weeks + new maps are on the way somewhere down the line as well.
If I could change one thing, it'd be the dumb assholes who keep shilling these threads on Sup Forums!
Who knew that a popular videogame would be discussed on Sup Forums's videogame board
>memes and arguments aside, what do you like about this game?
Nothing, fuck off with your Overwatch tier shit game, nigger.
i think the key to this game is that the rounds are so fast. like 30 minutes max. it really makes it less frustrating to die, whereas like H1Z1 or DayZ nothing would fucking happened for 45 minutes and then boom headshotted and then it takes you another 10 minutes to start another game.
Smaller map for quicker games.
Make the circles less shit, mostly
The first one is annoying because it renders the edges of the map nigh-worthless, the last one have too high variance and can rng someone to win or lose
I'd display the first circle right off the bat, and make the last circles close continuously, but slower
No respawns and the uncertainty of being able acquiring weapons before you encounter other players is the biggest appeal to me.
Other than the obvious lack of optimization, the biggest thing I'd change is to disable non-party chat in the prep area and plane so you are constantly hearing chinks and sub10 year olds shouting faggot at the top of their lungs.
ctrl+t, tho I don't know if it doesn't also mute party
>it's a battle royale game
>with teams
Why does anyone play this piece of shit?
You are aware that there is a solo mode right
i dont like the last few circles as its just who can camp better, but i guess thats kinda how its meant to be played?
so i doubt it will ever change
+ a team chat/typing feature would be neat, if i squad up with randoms who cant talk at least let them type
People actually play the team version? I've done nothing but solo since I got it.
That doesn't make a team mode in a battle royale make more sense.
>overwatch teir
What happened to the days when baiters weren't so lazy?
It is fun
That is all the sense it has to make
>hasnt watched battle royale
in solo queue full aggro is much more effective then camping.
>I don't like it therefore it's bait
this game is shit
I want to see modes that force different interactions so a brawl/melee weapon only match, "death race", shotguns only, just let us play around with our options a bit more and take advantage of servers that support up to 100 people.
Pretty ugly, but good.