Healsluts, regardless of game...

>Healsluts, regardless of game, are generally portrayed as super promiscuous individuals who flirt or have sex with anyone
>I'm actually super loyal and monogamous and want nothing more than an owner who I can devote myself to

Videogame related stereotypes you do or do not fit into thread I guess. What are some of your experiences with stereotypes?

In my experience OPs are usually fags and eat bags of dicks, this has been confirmed true.

what if it's a cute grill?


Played healbro because it was missing role with my friends. Never really used chat and just did stuff. I've wiped groups with stupid mistakes and ask for help. You notice mistakes more because early shit is boring and you have the least to do. Endgame play rewards healers prepositioning while DPS are rewarded for riskier play. I've met the stereotype it does exist. It's more about autism and trying to be unique through chat and make some kind of metapersonality for their character. It's a bit annoying but if it's slowing down runs every one of them stopped when asked without being a dick.

Post more healsluts

No go somewhere else to fap fucker,

>Paladins are generally portrayed as these uncompromising goody-goodies who will disrupt the game by throwing their party members in jail if they steal something, even if it's for the greater good of the story and quest.

That's me. I'm that guy.

Sure thing, Arthas.

>being a Lawful Neutral PLD
>not being a Neutral Good PLD
Your loss homo-friend.


There is no grills on internet.

>being a sissy hippy paladin
>not being a Judge Dredd paladin
Your loss cuckadin.


>TFW oldfag healer who was around before all this healslut nonsense

What caused this? Dungeon finder?

Also people are tired of the "self important" healer bullshit. Their either a heal slut or an arrogant prick. I would know I was both at one point.

Or decent human beings. Those exist as well

New "mmos", so yeah
and you know, the Sup Forumsirgins took it one step further with their memes bullshit

it was around since AT LEAST 2008, however it was much more lowkey because I only witnessed it on RP servers in WoW. as far as how popular this meme has gotten in recent times, no clue what caused this.

Now that I think about it. I noticed it took off after a website/YouTube made an article about Overwatch called something like. "How support in Overwatch became a Fetish. Interview with healslut community". I think it linked to a Reddit community about it as well and mentioned the community having codes through character actions to find others to healslut with.



Bitches don't have a thing on Minwu.

I just want to make other players happy. no lewd



>thieves and assassins in most games are edgy retards
>i just want to have gameplay that rewards informed decision making and good timing instead of optimizing my dps like a fucking spaz

except that type of gameplay wont get made because optimizing dps is the only thing that literal retards respond to
>rewards informed decision making and good timing
sounds like having to change up your rotation and timing during a movement/mechanic heavy fight
which coincicentally the past 15 years of gaming have shown us is "too hard" and "artificial difficulty" and "waaa 1% of players", which devs then undertune into a snorefest tank and spank
the tank-heal-dps trinity is inherently flawed and in >2017 will always lead to shit games
unfortunately healers in anything co-op or multiplayer will always be apart of some rpg trinity shitfest
>tfw gone are the days when fighter/clerics could keep their party healthy whilst simultaneously bashing in skulls
>now it's just whack a mole with a threat bar, whack a mole with a friendly health bar, or whack a mole with an unfriendly health bar


What if making me happy involves riding my dick?

please come to the thread i wanna cum