what would a trailer park boys JRPG be like
What would a trailer park boys JRPG be like
no growth in stats or intelligence
it would be raccetear but instead of going into dungeons you just go to town to get your loot
Probably shit.
I'm going to marry Trinity!
SMT game set in the trailer park yes please
Does anybody else get really really pissed off at censored swear words in text, Its not like the asterisks stop you from thinking the word that they meant the instant you see it. Its just so stupid.
i could picture this
It's like the tiny little censor bar the japanese put over naughty bits.
>TPB Picture
>Asterisks in Fuck
Fuck off Bobandy.
It wouldn't be a jRPG, it would be a Telltale game.
final boss would be bubbles leaving your party and getting sick of randy's shit and he becomes the green bastard
Who else running with a Sam Losco build?
this could be neat. Instead of playing as one of the boys play as a fake cronie of T and JRoc where we pay them at the end of each month. The boys can dictate what is popular with whatever illegal activities they're doing at the moment as well as sell us stuff like grills and mall carts at low prices
This is a thread for civilized humans.
Go brush your cave-teeth with a log.
>No matter your choices, you end up in jail at the end of the game
I'd buy it knowing this
Not really the same, I like seeing the vag
Come on, Sup Forums. Give me a bam.
I kinda like the Netflix episodes
can I get Sebastian Bach in my party?
They're alright.
I hope that if they ever decide to end it for good, they'll bring back Mike Clattenburg and all of the good cast members that left like J-Roc and Ray for one last big movie.
The last season was an improvement but they really need to make Ricky a lovable idiot again instead of a slapstick retard
Yeah, it certainly was an improvement.
Seeing Julian act like such an irredeemable cunt in S10 was too much for me. I understand that in the past he would sometimes focus too much on his plans to pay attention to his friends, but when it came down to it, he'd always be there for them. S10 Julian was just a manipulative bastard.
Terrible, just like the newer seasons.
its like when ze juden do their g-d thing
>its a "lets suck snoop dogs cokc for the entire episode" episode
so the jews follow the rules in SMT: IV:A where the holy beings name can only be uttered in record scratch noises?
and freeze frames
Conky is the secret final boss
like a combination of GTA and Stick RPG with no real purpose other than trying to make as much money as possible in one year at the park without drawing enough attention to get arrested