So a couple of days ago there was a Black & White thread and some people had problems installing the game on newer rigs. Sadly, I couldn't participate in that discussion because I was banned at the time.
So for any Sup Forumsirgins here still wondering how to get this once in a lifetime game to work, just download it from abandonware (if you don't have the disk ready) >
(use the ISO so you can actually run the installer)
and then follow the step-by-step instructions presented here
deeeeeaaaath >anything new and interesting on the horizon? Never ever. Molyneux fucked it all up.
David Ramirez
God fucking damn. That was the last lie for me.
Liam Gomez
Yeah..I'm also at a point in the game where it randomly calls/whispers my name (the profile name I set up). Real fucking creepy. What were they thinking?
Really thirsting for any kind of god game but i really like the way black and white did it.
Christopher Edwards
Peter isn't a liar. He is simply overambitious. An ideas guy.
Michael Collins
The game legit creeped me the fuck out from time to time. Especially the cursed tutorial island with the skeleton village All I want to do is throw quad fireballs across the map to burn heretics and build my town in between :
Nicholas Price
that doesnt change the fact that he kept promising shit that didnt make it into games. Just phrasing things as "we want to..." instead of "X is going to have..." would make a world of difference for him.
also Godus and his shitty app were a scam
Connor Jackson
i grew up loving peter for black & white, fable, the movies but i remember him talking about his weird kinect game in way that he must have known he would have no chance to live up to.
Jayden Murphy
There was also something about getting weather effects based on weather in your area irl.
Jeremiah Peterson
BW 1 in comparison to BW2 will always have a special place in my heart. While BW2 looked gorgeous and all, BW1 just had more depth to it. More mystery. Heck, years later I find out new stuff about the creature AI or the villagers AI.
Fucking lazy villages.
Hudson Morales
> >The game legit creeped me the fuck out from time to time. Especially the cursed tutorial island with the skeleton village
When I replayed the game, I had a huge number of indian villagers with me which I took from the previous land. Maybe around 60-70 (quite easy if you put something to for your villagers to pick up right next to the vortex - they'll just be sucked in). Unfortunately, I routinely fucked up the riddle to stop the fireball storms and almost all of them died, with a few of them getting eaten by invading ogres.
Quite intense to rebuild that shit with ~6 villagers. God-approved incest.
Blake Evans
>it's another Peter Molyneux make shit games
Andrew Mitchell
browsing the god game tag on steam i found a new so called god game. It was originally a vr game so yeah..... anyone tried it?
Being a good god with an evil creature is the best way to play.
Caleb Rivera
Nah. Being a somewhat neutral god with a good creature is best.
Good creature takes care of >your villagers >summons resources >waters forests >impresses other villages without wrecking their shit
whereas you, as the neutral god, still get to do fun stuff like bombaring non-believers with fireballs and super-heated rocks every now and then.
Ayden Peterson
Every time I made my creature good he'd get bullied by other god's evil creatures.
Hudson Perry
Don't pet him when he's afraid. Drag him out to fights whenever there's a chance. And, I repeat, never, EVER give him positive reinforcement for whimpy behaviour.
Creatures only listen to the 'tough love'-school of thought.
Jose Rogers
Man, I always wanted to have aztec villagers for those beefed up fireballs but you can only get them in skirmish.
>RPS: Do you think that you’re a pathological liar?
>Peter Molyneux: That’s a very…
>RPS: I know it’s a harsh question, but it seems an important question to ask because there do seem to be lots and lots of lies piling up.
>Peter Molyneux: I’m not aware of a single lie, actually. I’m aware of me saying things and because of circumstances often outside of our control those things don’t come to pass, but I don’t think that’s called lying, is it? I don’t think I’ve ever knowingly lied, at all. And if you want to call me on one I’ll talk about it for sure.
>Peter Molyneux: Absolutely. And at that time I wish we had raised enough money to not need a publisher.
>RPS: But you got more than you asked–
Now that was some nice vidya journalism back then.
Parker Flores
Missed this part in between
>RPS: During the Kickstarter for Godus you stated, regarding that you don’t want to use a publisher stating, “It’ll just be you and our unbridled dedication (no publishers).” And five months later you signed with a publisher.
David Long
how do you get skeleton villagers?
Levi Hill
>banned from Sup Forums what a shitposting child. Why didnt you just kill yourself you sack of shit?
oh man i remember that. it's on one of the later levels and there's some sort of stone altar you can take their corpses to if i remember correctly. they get resurrected as skeletons and go back to their daily routine. you could turn your entire village into immortal skeletons
Isaiah Gomez
put skeleton into the warp at the end of the level
Levi Cooper
lots of devs lie by omission peter lies by delusion
Brayden Young
I've always tought of myself as a sort of demon. I would feed and house you, your life would be long and safe. Of course the ocassional kid would have to be sacrificed to my endless lust for power and I better see you shaking that ass when the totem is up. And you better hope I don't find you praying to that fucker Lethis
Jaxson Thomas
originally peter had planned for there to be an optional system where the game could send out emails to other people you know as you did minor actions in the game, spamming them with minor notifications seemed like a good idea i guess. it didn't make it into the game, but part of it survived as a hidden feature where your creature will take screenshots and upload them to a "website" dedicated to you that's located in the game's folders. essentially though, peter had wanted to create twitter years before it actually existed
John Wilson
heh.. and then there's also this useless, but somewhat captivating room.
Hunter Miller
I remember actually managing to play one game of multiplayer with this, it was on an island that looked like there was a big mountainous tree stump in the middle and between the "roots" were the bases, and there were islands further off the coast. On top of the mountain was another village, and all I remember doing is tossing fireballs up and over the mountain and nailing people on the other side with these Hail Mary's of burning destruction. Shit was a good time.
Gavin Moore
There was also an idea for the game to use your ip to try and find what the weather was like in your area and place that into the game. All kinds of worthless stuff like that
Eli Parker
B&w2 worth a vist??
I played the shit out of the first. Absolutely loved it. But by the time bw2 came out my p.c couldn't handle it and I skipped it.
My buddy says don't bother it will only ruin my memories of the game.
Adrian Ortiz
Well.. it is different. The menu-less interface from the first game is gone, it has a lot more RTS elements to it, but much less wonders. For example, wonders such as food and wood are completly gone, I guess for balancing reasons.
In the end, I was kinda underwhelmed. The game looks absolutely gorgeous, but there simply wasn't enough beef to it.
If I'm not mistaken, there are also no other gods aside from you.
Oliver Jones
it's alright if you want more black and white. the only problem is that it's more like a city builder with some miracles than an actual god game. like there's only 6 miracles in the game, though 5 of them can be used in 2 different ways. the creature is still there but rather than teach it organically you can just set it to do what you want from a menu, and rather than having to impress neighbouring villages with godly acts, you build a big city and it eventually causes them to start believing in you.
Henry Garcia
>you build a big city and it eventually causes them to start believing in you.
or you send an army over to bumfuck them.
Kind of interesting. Whereas B&W 1 was much harder for a good god, I found B&W2 to be harder for an evil god.
Joseph Jones
it was hard for someone like me who likes building up a decent amount. i'd try raising an army to take some cities, but by the time i got one going i'd already have taken half the map because they were impressed with my city anyway. it seems like if you really wanted to play evil, you had to intentionally unlock and build the shittiest buildings.
>If I'm not mistaken, there are also no other gods aside from you. right, but there was an expansion pack that added a few story missions against an undead god or something like that. i've never heard anyone talk about the expac, i have no idea how good it is or if it fixed any problems with the game
Ryder Jones
The first Black and White is my favorite game. ask me anything
Adrian Sanchez
how do I git gud? I always take forever to beat any islands so I tend to get bored before I reach the end. Im not very good at managing villagers
Carter Long
yea but did any of you fuckers play Creature Island?
It was frustrating as shit trying to beat with with my poorly trained, heavily abused creature but it had a nice feel to it
Kevin Sanders
build a thousand houses until your influence ring covers the whole island, then sacrifice the enemy god's worshipers in his own alter
Josiah Parker
The xpac is...alright. Like you said it adds an evil god that you fight against across island. But all he ever does unfortunately is throw wonders at you or make it rain in his village. It makes things a little more lively but it's nowhere near the level of B&W1.
Robert Morgan
>BW1 >Harder for a good god
Send your creature to the enemy.
If it knows heal, it literally cannot die. So it will just parade around, healing, watering plants, giving food and shit impressing the fuck out of the enemy and they'll all love you instead while the enemy creature tries to beat you up, fails, your creature heals itself back to full while ignoring it and continuing.
Isaiah Stewart
so what's Sup Forums's opinion on black and white 2? I haven't played b&e 1 yet but I have finished B&E 2. Which one is the better game.
Caleb Reed
B&W1 is far better. B&W2 is a decent city builder and damn it looked amazing back in the day.
Colton Powell
Do you need the patches?
Should I get creature isle?
Oliver Gonzalez
is this good advice?
Brayden Rodriguez
No. Pro strat is throwing a poison mushroom into the enemy food supply, waiting until everybody died and sending one missionary over, claiming the town for yourself.