Will Ruby's game be coming to Switch?
Will Ruby's game be coming to Switch?
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It was confirmed A BlazBlue is coming to the Switch, it COULD be.
Not video games.
Not even anime.
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I don't like the show but I wanna fuck ruby.
Thanks for bumping the thread friend.
>I wanna fuck ruby.
And I need water to live.
Aren't their threads only allowed on /trash/ now?
It's too bad Sup Forums doesn't have mods like that.
Only in the offseasons, they can post in Sup Forums if a volume is airing.
>tfw ruby's thread is about to die for a third time
Yes it is though? The game's coming out next year.
Yang is my wife
How could such a bad show pump out so many top quality waifus?
Monty gave his life so we could have Ruby.
Deviant art OC btfo
>Not even anime.
Pretty sure this game is actually shilled on Sup Forums.
The only good thing rwby has produced is jlullaby's doujin about her
It's pretty clearly an excuse to post cute Rubes.
>American anime
Literally no such thing, that's called a fucking cartoon
You're just mad because Tifa lost the death battle.
>Blaz Tag Blue Battle
This. I'm just here to fap to em.
You do realize that anime is cartoon, right?
Who's the Janetty?
Anime is a Japanese cartoon.
>short for ANIMAtion
Try researching first fag
It's an American cartoon like Avatar.
RWBY is NOT anime
What is this and how do I kill it ?
You RWBY fans are fucking cancer.
Every thread is the fucking same bullshit, you never discuss the game, you use that just as a fucking excuse to make Sup Forums your second /trash/ general and discuss about your stupid waifus.
Discussions about this game should be fucking banned because of you fuckers who can't stop shitting up this board with your shitty show nobody cares about.
Avatar is an anime though.
And yet you joined a thread that was 100% transparent on the subject matter.
>B-but we need to shit up every board with our cancerous show ,i-i-it's animu i swear....
The japanese edit isn't that bad if you pretend you're watching a JRPG cutscene.
Nora and Penny's first fights were pretty cool too.
Here we go again with a satellite RWBY general hidden poorly under the stupid excuse of """"""discussing""""""" the crossover game.
>Comes to a thread with Ruby herself in the OP.
>Doesn't expect it to be hazily disguised bait and shitposting central.
Look, user. We get it, you don't like the show. But you could try to foster discussion instead of being autistic about it.
>a style
So let's say for example, an American animation company made a show in this style. Would that not make it an American anime?
No need to answer that. You obviously think anime is exclusive to Japan and are exempt from being called a cartoon.
Why is a fatlus hating anime?
It would just be wrong to call it that instead of a cartoon, we have the two words for a reason, to easily differentiate where the show was made.
Since this is an issue that for some reason matters to some people, if you think RWBY is anime, you must also acknowledge the Castlevania Netflix series as being anime, and vice versa. If you take issue with this because you perceive one show as being better than the other, then you are completely and utterly missing the point.
Why? Why does it matter where it was made?
ruby needs a mating press
A little late, friend.
It doesnt, but weebs put everything Japan does on a pedestal so they categorize everything as japanese (good) vs not japanese (bad)
Because thats just how we differentiate the two, calling it a Japanese cartoon isn't necessarily wrong since cartoon is the word that we use for animation, but we have the word anime to use as well, so it just makes things simpler to call a Japanese show an anime, since anime is the Japanese word for animation.
You shouldn't be calling things American anime or western anime unless you are Japanese, since in Japan all animation is referred to as anime.
yfw jlullaby keeps being butthurt his art is being uploaded for free
what a fucking cuck
>yfw jlullaby keeps being butthurt his art is being uploaded for free
Not all Japanese shows are anime though.
RWBY fans are weeaboos in denial
Mori was being coy about the BlazBlue game the Switch is supposed to get, so it's really likely it's this one.
All animated Japanese shows are anime, even Panty & Stocking, which may be drawn like an American cartoon, is still a Japanese anime, just like how Avatar may be drawn like a Japanese anime, but it is still an American cartoon.
We can't even discuss this game in BlazBlue threads because all the RWBY haters spam the thread regardless
Looking forward to taking Ruby with me for a long walk on the beach.
Pint me out where are you guys "discussing about the game" here:
So by that logic, Takeshi's Castle is an anime.
I'm just saying that both sides are making it difficult to discuss the game, chill bro
>All animated Japanese shows are anime
>All animated Japanese shows
>All animated
You could use some reading comprehension.
What dya expect ? The game isn't out for another year so the only thing to do is waifuposting.
>tfw most of those posts are mine
Cute girls are beneficial to discussion too, they help lower your stress levels.
And you as well. I'm not the one who said all Japanese shows are anime.
Why are only the first 3 episodes of the Japanese dub available? Is that really all Japan has seen so far?
nah Japan has up to volume 3
Yes, I'm the one who said it, if you had any semblance of a brain you would be able to put two and two together and realize I was trying to point out where you read my post wrong in a way that you could manage to understand.
Nora > Yang > Pyrrha > Ruby > Blake > everyone else
i do, though. what's your point?
Will Ragna get along with Ruby, or find her insuferrable?
What I understand is that you contradict yourself and only ended up proving yourself wrong.
Then there's no problem.
But I didn't.
He'll be perplexed at how someone who doesn't know what a fucking brussel sprout is can go toe to toe with him
Yes you did. If not all Japanese shows are anime, then it's fair to say not all American shows are cartoons.
More important question. Will she ever become real so that she could become my wife??
RWBY is honorary anime
And I had not contradicted myself anywhere with that, I said all Japanese ANIMATED shows are anime, and said nothing on all American shows all being cartoons, obviously all American animated shows are cartoons.
Will we get best incestbot?
you are so fucking wrong hahahah you fucking faggot hahahah why so serious! epik xD le reddit meme
She's going to be a fighting game girl. Learn to play her, git gud with her, continue to main her for all the foreseeable future through buffs as well as nerfs, and make it your personal mission to protect her smile, and your relationship with her will be as real as any 3DPD marriage.
Is Ruby lewd?
I guess it was too much to expect you to actually handle being wrong about something huh?
>mfw a RWBY fan posts near me
We snekfags need to cleanse these threads and sever their threads of evil.
You know, except for Avatar, and RWBY, and literally anything because anime is just the term the Japs use. It's synonymous with Cartoon.
It's honestly pathetic how you want to protect the name of "ANime" from the evil american empire
I want to remove Ruby's boots and smell her feet.
Bop the snek
If there's anyone who's going to be abusing the RWBYs in the crossover, then it's going to be Hazama or Terumi.
nothing is coming to switch because its a shitty outdated console and even if it did, nintendiapers only buy nintendo roms and nintendo ports anyway
fuck off with your beggatry
>it's ok when Persona does it
The lewdest
basically this