Post games with god tier dark atmosphere

Post games with god tier dark atmosphere

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Huh, just today I felt like replaying this. Also I guess maybe Medievil, if that's the type of style you're after, like dark but not super serious

I enjoyed rayman 2 a lot but how the fuck is it dark? it's a kids game that doesn't even pretend like it ain't.

It's got a certain kind of vibe, not really like Spyro or Mario or something

t. not OP

It has a darker and mysterious atmosphere, specially in comparison to the first one.
The tone, while still goofy, also had a more serious vibe, they also added a lot of lore, like the how the lums represents things, how Globoxes and teensies where created, etc...

>It's a kids game

The game had a dark atmosphere in general. Most levels had dark or straight up black skies, the water was muddy and deadly due to pollution, from which undead creatures spawned from to attack rayman. The game touches upon slavery and the destruction of Rayman's world, and how its inhabitants are kept in cages until they die of thirst/hunger. Rayman has to travel to places like the cave of hallucinations and the realm of the living dead during his quest, and put to face monsters that want to quite literally devour his flesh. Even Rayman himself can stay from the path of good for his own gain if you wish him to in an alternate ending. The entire setting was unfriendly and unwelcoming all-round.

Well apparently I'm the odd one out as even as a kid I never felt Rayman 2 was "dark" at all., I can see how games around the same time like MM were dark but I just don't see it with R2. Even that music sounds more corny than actually creepy to me; heck, I think I found Rayman 1's Cave of Skops more atmospheric and creepy than anything in Rayman 2.

Dark doesn't imply creepy in this case

You and OP have good as fuck taste. I always find myself replaying Rayman 2 because of the weird atmosphere. It's definitely mystical and dark in a weird, unexplainable way. Generally good art direction, I suppose.

>Tomb of the ancients sounds corny


All Kirby games.

holy shit, those two titles were literally the first PS1 games I've got and played.

good times


okay that one's the exceptionm although those chicken zombie things did kill the mood a bit imo.

Too bad redux ruins everything.

Anyone else find the spider levels scary as fuck in this game as a kid?

Counts for both the first games really.

Luckily it wasn't very hard, but when this started playing, things definitely got spoopy.

yeah yeah it's a walking simulator. but it's the only good one. this game made me so goddamn paranoid at some parts.

it is a shame ps4 and xboners get cucked into redux-only but previous gen and of course PC can still get original 2033

STALKER is extremely good at making me feel on edge. Never actually beat it in its entirety partly because of this.


The only god tier dark atmosphere game is dark souls, cause is the only game based on berserk

Dark cloud is pretty fucking dark dude.

Death in general.

Every dungeon has that atmosphere where I can never feel safe until I'm at the exit.

>The only god tier dark atmosphere game is dark souls, cause is the only game based on berserk




Strange Journey does so many things right when it comes to atmosphere

My man.
Shame about the actual gameplay. Just can't get into it in any fulfilling capacity, despite really liking the atmosphere.

playing the PS2 version of this, holy shit stay away from it user's
framerate is atrocious, the hub world is a huge mess and the voice acting is pretty lame
why I didn't get it on PC is beyond me

I have to replay it now. Really hope that Ancel spirit translates well into the new BGE.

This game really nails the atmosphere.

A personal favorite.

Eric Chevalier had some fantatsic ideas and themes in this soundtrack which connected remarkably well.

The main theme and the little motif throughout the score are quite great.

>tfw I thought I was the only one that felt Rayman 2 had a certain je ne sais quoi about it

That hub menu area with the lake with swirly stars in it for every level was god tier

Ah yes, great taste



i can't play 2033 without crashing immediately on start up, so i just installed redux

I wouldn't call it dark. It just has some despair in the game world. The game is still cartooney and alive.

Dark Arisen's Bitterblack Isle was 10/10

Do not follow the machine mother. Join the glory of our mass...

I think Blood Omen does a better job, for various reasons. Soul Reaver is great, though.

I'd like to give it another go at some point. I found it underwhelming when I played it years ago.

>tfw pirates will never come back. Please make rayman 4 with Sharp beard revenge

>Shame about the actual gameplay. Just can't get into it in any fulfilling capacity, despite really liking the atmosphere.

>not just hacking the game with max money so you can go around having fun rather than having to bother with slowly sailing around for scraps